>I will never be white
most nonwhites know this feeling too well
>I will never be white
most nonwhites know this feeling too well
tell me your struggles user
>i will never be nonwhite
best I can do to compete in the oppression olympics is become a tranny
It's not that great OP
Idgaf, being a latino I know I have a better chance of being more attractive than a white person (not that I'm attractive tho, I'm just talking about potential)
>being attractive to people just by virtue of existing
even a greasy neck beard white guy is attractive to some lower tier girls.
>cumskins make these race bait threads to make themselves feel better about their shit race
you, my friend, are what we call, delusional.
Sure wish I was white
more attractive to flies maybe
Whites have accomplished most of everything. Whites have a beautiful colored skin, whites on average are proportional, nicer. Being shitskin on the other hand, your children look like goblins, skin so shit cameras have hard time picking up features, shit Hispanic loud culture, violence.
being white is literally life on easy mode. there's nothing better
And yet they come here and claim to be robots.
why are you on r9k then? literally like 80% of posters here are cumskins. Your race is also responsible for more school shooting of any race in america.
Good example, they should check their privileges more often.
>I'll never be born in a first world country
>I'll never have a cool school trip like you see in the movies
>I'll never visit a cool relevant college with actual knowledge and research
>I'll never have a gap year or travels sponsored by state
>I'll never get even close to CS salaries in US
tfw when you're actually doing alright, climbed out of your shithole somewhat, but you look back - you're almost 30 and you just reached the level at which 20 year olds start in proper countries. You're born with a 10 year handicap. It's a devastating feel. Why does god hates Slavs so much?
>competes in the opression olympics
>doesn't take the least opressed spot as a straight, cis, able-bodies, white man and fucking own it.
>nigger compensating that he created literally nothing throughout all of history so now eternally rees at people superior to him
oh I am laffing
light skinned hispanic here
im in some middle road shit... also who cares? just be who you are, sounds cliche and normalfaggish but literally what else are you gonna do?
What race are you if I may ask?
>its not that great
then you are a failure. you aren't using yourself to the best of your advantage. Life is 100x easier being white.
>tfw no non-white bf to hold me at night
If you're not a normie then it makes no difference. There are more important factors than race.
I wish I was born white, or half Asian at the very least.
Instead I was born as an ugly asian with ugly features.
If you live in southern california, this half white, half hispanic bigdiccboi can make you feel pretty... at least for a night
I'm italian so I don't know if I'm white or not
face structure is what really matters in life.
I feel you...but make it 10 times worse...
>Tfw half white.
>White skin with some features non-white features.
>Tfw half white half spicc.
It's not so bad tbqh, I can insult both whites and spiccs without being called out, so it's pretty funny.
can you imagine actually being anything other than a White American?
Nice oxymoron
>born from black/white parents
>just look like your regular nigger
i was so close lads, this is the worst shit ever.
at least i know i will never procreate
that feel when le 100% face
>what is statistics averages, rate of admixture etc.
nice try muhammad smith, how does that muzzie refugee cock taste eurotrash
>nice try muhammad smith, how does that muzzie refugee cock taste eurotrash
Im the guy who is hispanic so Im not even le 56%
Im a different fucking race and Im telling you, yorue retarded socialist trash and a cuck
If you coem to the US talking that bullshit Ill kill you like the spic boy I am niggerlover
>If you coem to the US talking that bullshit Ill kill you
typical spic. Back to the oven you go, untermensch.
cry moar faggot nordcuck
Trve Evropa is Mediterrannean
100% Basque Aragonese ACTUALLY but I moved to America at 3 and your coward ass WOULD be afraid of some empty internet threats, hence
>back to the oven you go untermensch
You probably dont even understand whats constitutes a superman inside you pathetic snow nigger
quit trying to bite everything the roman empire did you norcuck mudhut aryan faggot
>cry moar faggot nordcuck
lol I'm italian
oh... okay then perfect!
I'm Greek. I feel absolutely horrible for the Snow Nigger Nordics. They'll never know what it feels like to have superior, culture-creating Greek genetics.
Most whites arent pure Nords. Pure Nords have life on easy mode.
>high IQ
>naturally robust and physically imposing
>striking lovely to look upon
>highly motivated
Unless pure Sweed. Life is not worth life.
as a proud brown MAN. *not a cuckold* i can pretty much say BOOMER in public say "fuck jews im not dying for israel they can die for me" and nobody will dare say a fucking thing back.
i can even say "fucking boomers sold out my country" around boomers and they cant say shhit. I do this a lot, every time i see some old boomer fuck.
can also say i hate roastie used up whore women.
Meanwile whites will go die for their whore mothers and sisters and whore girlfriends who fucked 10 guys before them and are fucing other men while they are gone.
And they wont do jack shit but continue to die for their whores, just like geramns.
nordic "men" are literally no better than niggers
I'm 50% NW European -- Germanic and English. The other half of me is Slavic and Greek.
The NW Europe part is so weak and helpless while the Greek portion is my saving grace. Thank God for my Greek genetics. They saved me.
I'm half italian/quarter german/10% polish/6% nordic and rest dutch
I look like a spic.
No*dic """"""""""men"""""""""""
The absolute state or northern Europe.
I'm fairly tan. In fact, I look Spanish according to my Portuguese friend. Thankfully, though, I possess no non-European features. But Ancestry and 23andMe both confirm 100% European.
What about Michael Jackson, he was born black but died white?
I dont remember the total portions, I say 100% basque spaniard (aragon) buts its actually closer to 75 or 80% the rest is Irish and Italian, apparently from some places called Killkenny and Lazio respectively
My eyes have turned more and more vibrant green over the years as opposed to a light brown, but my skin has gotten darker with age... not to the spic darkbrown level of mexicans, but definitely darker than my other northern spanish kinsmen... I only LOOK spic-ish though when I grow out my mustache... I was trying to go for a gunslinger/nietzche look but it takes months for it to grow to that level
my dna test says 2% of me is kike and another 2% sandnigger
Only the Nordic parts of Italy ever mattered.
>north italy is germanic
Kill yourself you pathetic snownigger. You're embarrassing.
If you were non white you would realize the oppression Olympics doesn't exist and you live in a white man's world
I love when they unironically believe that
what a bunch of pathetic snowniggers
>be nordcuck snownigger
>claim you're better than everybody else because you have thin, shitty feminine golden hair which nobody wants
>create literally nothing important
>call italians/greeks non white when 80% of european culture comes from these people
>claim ancient greeks/italians were snowniggers too to mask your inferiority complex
>dna tests and frescoes disprove this retarded claim entirely
>snowniggers backed into a corner and forced to admit they were civilized by non whites
>least oppressed
>higher university and employment standards
>always the loser in divorce court
>5x more likely to be homeless as opposed to women
~least oppressed
Goddammit I would kill for this
this so fucking originally and unironically much
Fuck I could blow my load to this post.... but thats something some nordicist retarded ice monkey would do, nothing a civilized Olive Tinged, Green Eyed Indominitable willed Medi-Superior Race person would do
Would any of you no white robots be willing to give your sister to me for as a gf/fucktoy?
In exchange I'll provide her with love and affection and higher social status
trust me if I had a sister, Id already be fucking her
Know this feeling too well too user. Almost everyday I envy white man outside