wat does the perfect brapper look like guys?
Wat does the perfect brapper look like guys?
wew lad in smells in here
Wats a brapper ?
Look at this whale
A brapper is a girl who farts a lot
reminder that brap posters are pioneers in sexual fetishes. 10-15 years from now farts will be a common fetish and we are fueling its growth
rejoice my brothers
part of the girl that braps
aka the ass
Is that the Samson tripfag?
Unironically this. I would absolutely kill to have a milf with an ass like this.
I have that same image in my fap folder.
thats disgustingg.
and anyone into fart porn needs to seriosuly get a good punch in the face by yours truly. I mean, like maybe a few good hits, i mean like, maybe i should get a rock and hit your face two times max, i mean like, let me grab my shotgun, put into your mouth and say night nighht,, i mean like let me put your body in a barrel lime dump into the side of the freeway where you wont be found for 20 years withh a note that say "he deserved it"
Who gives a FUCKK about ass? i dont care about ass, Tits are better, and mor eimportant thhan both is if she is not a degenerate single mom / typical thot bitch.
She's perfection as far as I'm concerned
In the immortal words of Sir Mix-a-Lot...
I've seen pics of this beauty before. What's her name?
that feel when braphog gf and her farts are unreal (not pleasant, but impressive)
Bing image search Big But Brigette
bost more mayne
>giantess braps
very nice
>Calvin Klein thongs
God I fucking love those
A nice, big female butt.
Something like this, only originally.
get outta here wit dat braplet
small, slightly thicc, and round
>born too late to explore the world
>born too early to explore space
>born just in time to witness the brappening
the future looks bright folks
depends on your dopamine configuration
something along these lines
Same chick
One of the hottest camwhores to grace this site.
Big, thick, and sloppy
what is her name, gimme sauce
Just try it. I'll cave your skull in with my right hand and jerk off to my brap collection with my left. They'll write greentexts about how beautifully you were beaten. Your viewpoints will be rendered invalid with your death and my perspective will be validated, heralding a new era of brap fetishism
nookums aka horseface, perfect ass and pussy
She used to post here, I talked to her for a bit but she didn't want an LDR
I remember her, she posted on /soc/ when Jow Forums was deleted
surely one that looks like this one here
I think this brap shit is disgusting but the pictures are so funny
>post BRRAAAAAAPP to ruin retards' porn threads/faggot threads over years
>works for a time
>slowly though it morphs the mongos into fart fetishists
>now it's even worse, they embrace the BRAP and make BRAP threads, unironically desiring to smell shit gas
What have I done...
shut up fag, it's 2018 we like farts now
At least it makes funny memes, this coming from someone who hates fart shit
strong agree.