Why are you guys such attention seekers?

Why are you guys such attention seekers?

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Dont you realise youre making people around you uncomfortable

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I grunt, unfortunately. Especially when doing compound lifts such as squats.My whole body feels like it's about to collapse, my forearms feel fatigued, my traps / shoulders feel fatigued, i feel dizzy.

Grunting loudly i feel like it helps me from failing over, especially when squatting 155kg.

When i hit new PR'S i am very loud.

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Same. I grunt almost every compound lift because I basically have to. It's my body's natural reaction to lifting heavy ass weight.

>Tfw making qt cardio bunnys uncomfortable because of natural bodily functions

her boyfriend looks pretty Jow Forums someone pm him and ask him what he thinks about grunting in the gym

post yfw you realize 95% of all gymgoers never lift heavy

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i love going to the gym late at night with my friends and roar our lungs out when doing deadlifts.

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I mean even when I was a beginner I would groan to some degree if I was doing a 50kg bench or 80kg squat. Weight is relative to your strength and if that's the max you can do then you're definitely going to make some noise doing it, level and kind of noise depends on the person but most people will groan when they do compounds. Except females because they do fuck all weight that they can do 40 reps of their squat weight then get sad because they aren't burning their fat on their butt away.

why do women use makup in gym an dress up like whores?

>its always a working class manlet

"workout" is a noun, jaedyn_, you dumb bitch

>Katy Perry while lifting
>nobody to hear me roar

>Implying it's not the same as guys that wear low cut strapless singlets

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Mate she is fucking ugly, like her opinion matters

>Having this high standards


Why do people sweat in the gym? Is it for attention? Don't they realize it makes me uncomfortable?

This bitch really out here trying to steal gains. If you compromise your workout for people like that you're never going to make it.

>Weight is relative to your strength and if that's the max you can do then you're definitely going to make some noise doing it
even though both are working at their max, a newbie squatting 1pl8 and a big guy squatting 6pl8 are two completely different types of effort. the new guy will reach muscular failure much earlier than the point where you need to grunt or scream to help yourself finish the rep.

Typical thot mindset that if a person does something that happens to be noticeable, it must have been done for the sake of making people notice them. The concept of people of being noticeable as a byproduct from doing something is so foreign to them because they never do anything that won’t catch people’s attention.

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Because unlike the average thot I like to push my limits. It's the only way you can improve.

sums it up

Well said

I can think of worse sounds at the gym. Like the guy who breathes through his teeth really loudly after each rep.

>be in high school weights class because dyel
>About to set a new PR for squat (2pl8)
>having a tough time, have always stuggle with squats
>waiting for our instructor to tell me when (when I'm deep enough to be considered a full squat)
>HNNNNG loud as fuck on my way up when he says it
>barely make it, but did it
>girls in rack next to me start giggling and saying to eachother I moan supper loud when I lift
Meanwhile they're having trouble repping the bar. Women should be banned from gyms honestly.

I /homegym/ but I hum the fart music from Conkers Bad Fur Day and make the fart noises as I lift.

This song

How about some scat you little twat
Lmao I was like 8 years old playing that game

>My bodies natural reaction
Edgy with hint of cringy

It was truly a gem. Nothing like it since

Try bench something over 40kg for once in your life and you'd understand you vaginal discharge

>you vaginal discharge
I want to lick you up

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Pls be in london

as a sidenote watch this video:

Why are you women so vapid and pathetic?

Can someone tell me wtf is going on with her face

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I don't grunt, but I make that exertion noise Link makes sometimes on my last rep. Works well with my twink bod

>ugh men are so hungry for attention

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W-what’s wrong with it?

you cant win with foids, all they do is seek attention (ideally from chad) and will even accuse others of seeking attention to get attention for themselves and if you call them out for it guess what? they still get attention

you simply cant win, women spend there whole lives planning out how to get as much attention as possible

Sorry when I'm on rep 6+ with 405+ on my back I might make some noise.



t. recommends bro splits for beginners

dont brag about lifting heavy on a beginner program

Nothing. Hes just angry about wasting time on a split as a beginner.

Are you actually retarded lol. Neither do i brag nor does lifting in the 5RM area always feel easy until you hit a certain amount of weight. I bet you do 3x12 on everything if you even go to the gym you faggot.

I do 5x10 on all isolations, 3x8 on all compounds. I lift for hypertrophy not strength

Makeup contouring. Makes them look alien. Completely unrecognizable without the makeup and setting spray to make sure it doesn't come off.

Make-up because they're very self-conscious about the way they look once they start sweating. And the clothing is comfortable to wear, same reason we wear shorts and tight shirts.

i do that when squatting lmao

And how's that working out for you bud? Care to share your pics?

Haha then dont talk about 5RM lifting not being hard. You can lift for hypertrophy, no problem, but don't act like that lifting close to your 1RM is not demanding. A dyel will struggle just as much with his 5RM as a advanced lifter does.

>Robot groans
"Ughh what an attention whore"
>Chad groans
"Wow, Chad you're so manly, please notice me"

look at this slut whore and her profile picture

what a thot


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Because unlike seawerwowen we men exercise until we feel a FUCKINGton of pain and we keep going despite of the cruel pain.

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It is only acceptable to grut on the last rep

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Because if you arent working hard enough to feel like youre dying, you're wasting everyones time.

If I wanted attention I'd just whip my dick out and start jerking off instead.

I had this girl I used to date who I was also training and one day she saw this guy in the power racks fail a rep of ~295. She starts making fun of him to me and I didn’t say anything but that was actually more than 3 times what she could squat. That was one of the first warning signs I should break up with her.

Because I'm not squatting and RDLing 25lbs for 5 reps in a Smith machine

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You should have defended your bro's honor

Says the girl wearing skin tight clothing and no underwear

Who is this creatura?

that forced meme again...

u smart

Is there a way to stop these fucking phone screenshots from blowing up on my monitor? They take up like 2x my fucking screen space.

I control F'd bikini. Everyone sees the girl complaining about attention seeking is posting pictures of herself in a bikini, right?

Sound in logic. A situation is interpreted by the person according to their personal beliefs. Checks out.

Why aren't male only gyms a thing yet?

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muh soggy knee

Though female exclusive gyms are okay because all men are rapists.

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which bro? my gf (male btw) or the guy who failed his rep

drag to new tab

Because I'm lifting you cunt.
The weights are heavy and I'm putting a lot of energy into lifting them.
That's why I groan.
Now go do your cardio.

Everyone on Jow Forums is a striver faggot with boomer mentality (want to be "cool" and have a "meaningful life" with "experiences")

Bad makeup contour.

Honestly you shouldn't be groaning unless it's actually fucking heavy
If you groan with less than 1/2/3/4 then you need to calm yourself

underrated comment

I'm scared to go heavy without a spot buddy, and all my buddies moved away.
>tfw haven't lifted heavy in almost a year

>la creatura de los Americanas

top laff

There is 0 risk with OHP, Diddys and Squat if setup properly in a squat rack. Same can be said for bench, but sometimes the gaps between the squat rack don't allow it to be used efficiently without being dangerous.
OR you can try asking people to spot you,

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yeah, no shit. Water is wet and fire is hot.

why do women have to dress like whores to post on social media
the universe is a mystery

>talking to strangers
are you mad, man?

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Exactly, I'm showing him there is no reason not to lift heavy.

I don’t know honestly. I have a couple gym buddies I go with. One doesn’t make any noise when he lifts like me. The other only grunts and yells before he starts the lift and is silent during his sets.

I understand that a woman cannot grasp the lifting induced test high and the noises that come with it. How come you don't?

Amping yourself up, like your other pal, before a lift helps a lot

I was thinking about this the other day. Was looking for one in Toronto and... imagine my shock. Not one.

Find a gym that's in a grungy basement, there will be a very low chance of chicks in the man cave

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3x8 done heavy is hard as fuck
do 3x8 deads with more than 400lbs and tell me it's not tiring

What gym do you workout at where dudes wear singlets?