All these subhuman ethnics on Jow Forums

>all these subhuman ethnics on Jow Forums
can you stop overcompensating for a moment?

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Yeah we really need to make Jow Forums a whites only board

Go fk a weasel bitch Asian with tit hairs
Or better yet suck a monkey dick fkn aids phaggot

go back to Jow Forums where you belong.

sage grows in all fields

self hating ethnics mad they can't looxmax, lmao.

E celeb shit, not fitness related.

>fuckin ethnics will never make it hah_

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Back to your containment board

>being THIS fucking mad

cope harder, that's not you.

He's a 5/10 and does not represent the -4/10 average.

>Jow Forumsacks actually believe this

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it's spelled deathnikk buddy boyo

how do we save mike stoklasa lads? he's getting fat and old.

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We have to kill him, gotta put him out of his misery.

The last row is already a few years old

someone please 420blazeit shop mike

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Irish is ethnic confirmed
>typical portrayal of Irishman is unattractive, majority of people find gingers to be incredibly unattractive
>historically oppressed and discriminated against
>good athletes

>ethnicopes keep trying to change the subject

pajeet triggers and short circuit hate nerves on my brain, like literally hate pajeet for no reason nowadays
like if i have the power no hesitation will genocide all the pajeets in the world

>average nerdic poster

Not that other user, but as another pajeet:

Keep shitposting about it. I'm 100% serious. The bile you spit out is weirdly good workout motivation and overall life fuel.

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pajeets are always weird like this
pretty sure he typed this while bobbing his head

Post your body OP

>this much butthurt
Post face.

post face first, ethnic subhuman.

>asked for body to be posted
>p-p-post face first
>implying this is /soc/
>Jow Forumsposter is dyel and/or fatt
Each and every time.

>being this defensive

Thanks for confirming what he, and everyone else already knew. You're a dyel/fatass who can't even mog a subhuman ethnic.

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>ethnic subhuman has to call his friend to shitpost with him so he doesn't shit himself
GTFO shitskins

Post face

>Doesn't post body

>doesn't post face

Jow Forums is made for the BEC (big ethnic cock)

>multiple people call you retarded
>'it must be a pre-mediated shitskin conspiracy!'

So on top of having such a shit body that you think a Poo can mog it, you're also a brainlet. Kek.

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Thread was started by OP and people like you. Which means you have to first provide face to back up your posts subhuman.

>self hating ethnic subhuman defense forces at full attack today
LMAOing @ ur lives

not sure if ethnics or false flagging nerdics

>Delusional white subhumans still too afraid to post body or face
>inb4 no u first
You started the thread. You start.

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This thread again?

>Jow Forums shows up screeching about minorities and how ugly/dyel they are
>refuses to post body
>demands other post first
>desperately tries to act smug and superior, convincing nobody

Every single time. Even in the cases where people oblige the autist and post first, he'll still refuse to post body. And everyone knows why.

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