Finally go to a real party

>finally go to a real party
>help yourself to a beer in the fridge, user
>go in kitchen
>see this

what do?

Attached: one-leg-chug.webm (480x600, 1.96M)

mumble s'cuse me,
take the beer from the fridge and leave

Move the bitch out of the way, I need a fucking beer.

i hear that if women dont receive attention for longer than 5 minutes they explode. is this true?

I bet you could tip her over with one finger and no one would ever know you did it.

what's the deal with people and attention? Why is attention so fucking addictive?

atleast thats what i would be doing

a lot of people in modern society did not get it enough as a child

i don't go to parties, i don't drink alcohol due to gym, i wouldn't go to the kitchen because there would be a lot of people in there and i prefer somewhere quiet.
and if i saw that i would do a 360 and walk away.

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i bet half the people in that room caught a nice whiff of fish. roasties at parties can get so disgusting


also i need more content

All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

>360 and walk away
You'd just be walking the same way you fucking cretin

you summerfags never fails to disappoint. one day you'll learn

>wonder why I'm at the party when I generally dislike being around people
>walk around the girl and the her observing crew
>get 3 beers
>go home
>drink them all at home

Calling out the 360poster is part of the meme

And you'd immediately get the absolute shit beat out of you by multiple whiteknights. Not a good idea.
Exactly. How the fuck do people not realize this by now?

and calling out the guy who calls the 360poster is also part of the meme

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Calling them out for calling out the person who calls the 360poster out is additionally part of the meme.

Blaise Pascal, yes? I know I've heard that quote before.

>lot of people in modern society did not get it enough as a child
I only got a little attention and hated it.

It's usually people that feel they have something to prove. In her case, her probably depreciating looks since it looks like make up can't hide her 30+ year old face.

Calling them out the poster for calling them out for calling out the person who calls the 360poster out is another part of the meme.

Beer? Do I look poor to you.
Where's the vodka?

>get down on one knee next to her crotch
>do pic related
>shout "SMELLS LIKE LOWWW TIDE" at the top of my lungs
>grab some juice out of the fridge

Attached: asshole.jpg (275x183, 5K)

That kind of stuff grosses me out so probably walk away

It's supposed to be in the water bottle you brought with you

This meme is the ultimate meta. I never know who's being serious or playing along.

Say let me hold that leg for you

Think to myself "Haha what a fatty".
Then get the drink.

Attached: NipponDab.jpg (469x450, 20K)

I'e had beer more expensive than your shitty vodka.

Think what the fuck is the point and then 360 degrees and walk away

Undress her milk those titties

Attached: tumblr_nvn5olDwaN1udwanoo1_1280.jpg (654x639, 57K)

then you would go into her direction dumbfuck

>be at a party
>see chads and normies being happy
>rage at their happiness and start pushing them off the balcony
>get in my car and drive around shooting roasties with my super soaker full of orange juice
>go home to plan my next fun prank

Attached: the roastie terminator.jpg (306x423, 35K)

I think posting 3D women should be a offense that could lead to a 30 day ban.

I think you should try living life as an adult human for just one fucking day.

>A big smile appears on her face
>she runs past you
>she jumps and wraps her legs around chad
>shes hugging chad everyone is hanging out and talking
>somehow your standing in the middle of the floor ignoring your own existence
>there's no more beer

Beer is still shit. You must be white.

Ask "Can I fuck you like that?"

Attached: 1524447556135.jpg (400x400, 26K)

>I don't know anything about beer or spirits.

Attached: Russian-River-Brewing-Company-Beers-Small-1.jpg (1600x867, 1.04M)

digits confirm that geometry isn't real and neither are sincere posters

do women have nice pussies?

at this point I'd probably say nice kimono and grab her boob
that's with 1 beer or even sober
I used to be a turbopartynigger
REALLY regret not going into a bedroom with a passed out known teen nympho but her friends bullied me to stay out and I was too high, never get too high

they're cool but penises are nice too

Tell her I can do that with both legs and use my feet to drink the beer

One final part of the meme involves calling out the person who decided it was a good idea to call out the person who called out the person before him who called out the person who called out the 360poster.

will gay men really just fuck you if you indicate interest without all the rituals and games
not fat or ugly, am autistic, not sure if gay

go on grindr, guys hit me up all the time
im somewhat cute (to guys) and 18 so its pretty easy for me though

I'm sure if you try enough times on there you'll get someone

AIDs magnet.

I wouldn't want to show my face on grindr and am practically too autistic to communicate
Will I have any success with non cave trolls?
I'm not ripped but I am skinny and you can almost see the outline of muscles

Also, yeah will I get AIDS?
Its been so long since I've had a (non-stripper/hooker) human willingly touch me.

yeah some people dont care, lots of guys are down to fuck if you're skinny
you might have to settle with older guys though, i dont know who is gonna end up asking you so it may be your call

if you fuck a lot of guys who fuck lots of guys then yeah you probably will if you wanna have anal sex
otherwise i dont know, there's inherent risk to everything, yknow?

Thanks, user. Those were helpful answers.
I have stuff to think about.