Why do normalfags love fat nigger asses so much?
Why do normalfags love fat nigger asses so much?
Cause when you pound it doggy style and watch it jiggle it makes you jizz, you fucking faggot
Why does water evaporate when heated?
because the devil is stealing it you idiot
That sounds disgusting to me, the jiggles would just remind me of what a fat fucking sow she is. This is why don't women take care of their bodies anymore, on the hopes some scum sucking rap nigger will pump and dump them. Women should never been given autonomy.
why do low-test faggots like you have so much envy for superior Chads like us?
your little dicklet isn't enough to satisfy a BRAAPHog, user?
Neck yourself you vile fart fetishist.
Chaaad here. Because hitting it from the back takes the least amount of work when your fucking so it's my preferred position. So you want a huge ass to make it more comfy and something to grab into and grip!
thats not really a nigger-tier ass desu. she has a plump rump
>chad here
whats your n-count """chad"""
why are you so bent out of shape about someone being attracted to what you aren't attracted to
N count? Fuck is that Robo?
really? its your number count aka how many girls have you fucked.
what a fucking loser (you)
that is such a disgusting and comically fat ass I actually think it's shopped
no clue what you're on a bout
cuz that bounce my nig, that shits like the whole universe when you going at it
it only appears that way because she also seems to have cankles based on the thickness of her thighs. its not an IDEAL body shape but she doesnt have ass implants
Why can't faggots and guzzlers of penis not enjoy the thicc aesthetic of a nice fat ass?
>Women should never been given autonomy.
Go back to incels.me you retarded autist
About 30 before i got out of high school. After high school it slowed down a little. I'm 30 now and lost count after about 80 but id say well over 100 total. I can tell you one thing I've been with all different races sizes and shapes it's all about the same but a fat ass is must for me. Hitting it from behind is the only way i can cum while fucking anymore these days
either way I deem it gross
can women just stop being so fat already?
you now you can click the post number and reply directly to my posts right?
anyways, good numbers. i guess you are a chad. im at 47 at 27. can't complain
Do you agree that it's all about the same?
no fatties are smelly and lazy
Based on the fattys but I've only fucked one fatty other than that just got blown by em. I can tell you one thing don't waste your time thinking oh this one is one I've never been with i bet she can do this or that or i bet her pussy is better because she's this race nope all pretty much the same with small differences that doesn't even make it worth it
Punctuation, m8.