> why are you still a virgin, kid?
why are you still a virgin, kid?
the tyranny of normies
Im not, stacy. Have a good day
Social Darwinism
>has been mentioned before
Leave my board normie. Have a good day
she is so beautiful, but im scared she might just be a vapid hoe as most of modern day females. still she is really cute looking. damn im starting to like her..
I dodged every penis inspection so far.
i always ignore this shit threads but she looks cute here
You're a woman, you could never understand.
she always does
>Because,unlike you,i have restraint and chastity,and will have a healthy relationship,now go get fucked by dudes who don't give a fuck about you and just want to bust a nut
u gay or smth?
My penis isnt big.
just wanna know who got the get
>If you aren't being dictated to by your dick your a faggot
Lmaoing@u weak willed fags
becus pepor no go in vaginger
>you are a vocel
LOL shutup incel bitchboi
>Mfw I am so righteously pure incels pop a artery
Feels superior,man
It would be so easy for them to
Virginity should be a virtiue
Imagine having sex with someone who you won't spend the rest of your life with
Virginity is a virtue
But today's satanist society says that everything that's virtuous is bad and all that is degenerate is virtuous (typical devilish inversion)
>There are anons all over this board that hate themselves because social told them to
i refuse. have a wonderful evening
if that's a girl (XX) i would love for her to bully and make fun of me for being a virgin. would literally cum in my pants
uhhh now you just brought my wrath upon ye
Because Im genetically inferior to every other male.
>"Haven't had sex with anyone."
Where tf can i find a cute, strong and dominant gf to grow as a person with
Im not old enough and i dont want to get caught doing the pied piper in high school, user
MODS ban this man, he is underage
because I'm fat, poor and spergy
Do us all a favor and never come back here
i hate women and im not gay so it's a bit of a problem
Well if you have to ask maybe you shoul dchange that and then we won't have that question anymore
>You gonna put out or what? No? Then stop fucking asking?
Thats what i would say if I was a virgin and a girl asked that
>"I was saving myself for you, m'lady. Eons have already passed and I am now rank KHHV at the young age of 32. Let us begin the cleansing ritual while the time is ripe."
But I'm not a virgin