>hs dropout
>might be homeless soon
Hs dropout
On the same boat OP.
I've got my 12 gauge ready when my parents finally decide to kick me out.
Why is she in the box?
i'll be following this thread for the rest of the night
just sell drugs you fucking morons.
I've never even smoked a cigarette m8. I have a shit min wage job but can't afford to live on my own with it.
hs dropout, 26, smart ass(but stupid), obsolete, poor, sm0l
>not a virgin tho
do this and you're going to end up finessed out of everything including your life.
at best >enjoy being a patsy and in jail
>just sell drugs you fucking morons.
How do you do that? and what if you get caught?
you dont have to smoke cigarettes to sell drugs. here let me help you
>go to any club
>deal with your autism
>find person selling MDMA (they will not be shy about it)
>work on buying as much MDMA as you can afford
>sell it for a profit on the darkweb
check infinitychan for info on the last point
Well according to you/OP you are about to be homeless and die horribly being stabbed by a shit covered shiv while sucking a homeless niggers death. so considering your options the minor risk of le being caught seems ok. stop beign such a fucking pussy.
Same here OP except not autistic. Weird how many of us there are.
>recommending drug dealing to autists with no social skills
based retard
I am sorry that there are so many fellow losers here who live in a part of the world without decent social security.
The technological advancement hasn't done shit in this regard.
Would probably work better the other way around. Depending on the area, that's probably where the mang sources from.
I'm working on getting my GED, you should to.
>underage faggot
fuck off moron. you dont need social skills to sell drugs anymore. welcome to the internet lurk for a few years.
nice trips, I must admit that there is an incredible upside to being even semi successful at selling drugs
Shit man I'll be homeless but I don't live in fucking Harlem. I'd go live in a garage or some shit, my city has 1 or 2 murders a year.
i dont suggest the other way because it requires social skills an op is an autist. on the other hand if you buy from some local dealer you can get cheap shit buying in bulk and darkweb prices are normalized so you can buy at low local prices and sell for a good bit more to people you never have to meet
sounds god awful but if youre ok with living in your own shit and piss then whatever. selling drugs worked well for me. did it for 5 years and retired to eastern europe
You do. People won't buy from a nervous looking kid who they can barely hear in club that's blasting edm. And you could use your own supply to get confidence, but that won't end well.
>People won't buy from a nervous looking kid
How can one man be this retarded. You don't go to a club as an autist to sell MDMA dipshit you just sell it on the web to other autists that are afraid of face-to-face contact. please just read or lurk more this is annoying to explain to you multiple times
Well I assume you must be eurofag in order to find cheap mdma prices on the street?
So what are you going to do OP? Beg your parents to let you stay? Get a job? Kill yourself?
why do subhumans use this term. but yes, i am white my brown skinned friend. advantage of having lived in southern netherlands is that i was in the biggest MDMA production district in the world but USA has mexico so opiates and cocaine flow like water its really quite easy to make a tidy profit. opiates are way more profitable than MDMA because addicts
Too many risks involded when dealing with the paisas . Too savage. Dutchs have it too easy.
nothing without risk is profitable unless you were born a jew or an attractive girl
Don't know if you're Dutch op but the risk here is too much. Either army of feds bust you, and throw you in the klink with tyrone. Or paisas fill you with lead.
Dutchs get at most like what, 5 years? Even if their caught with kilos.
this OP, if you don't have your GED you will need that to get a job and who knows what else. I have a GED and my mother got one as well. If you think about joining the military then college credits can stand in place of a high school diploma. I've seen people with autism who are slayers.
but I guess if you actually have autism then that might get you disqualified from military so idk it's worth a thought
you could try trade school, community college, get autism bux, take up hobbies, idk
you could get your ged and take out a bunch of loans and whatever grants you can get and go to a 4year and hope you make it
really op you're going to have to work and endure so much shit in life just to have a shitty little life. Your birth was probably a mistake like mine was and you have to live with that.