Is the world headed towards dark times? It feels like it...

Is the world headed towards dark times? It feels like it. I don't know anyone who is actually optimistic about the future

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magic has been fading from the world, ever since globalisation started, and soon there will be none left, there are dark times ahead, and those who want to go against the new world order will suffer great consecuences

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Yes, it's 100% inevitable at this point due to lack of living space. Overpopulation will make things more crowded, and even if we manage to make super efficient food production methods that can keep the world fed, we'll still end up with all the problems of pollution, environment destruction, overcrowding, etc.
That's best case scenario. I think it's more likely that wars will become rampant as everyone will start fighting over scarcer resources, and nuclear weapons will probably end up being used.

Overpopulation, resource depletion, arable labs loss, sea level rise, ocean acidity changes, massive deforestation, plastic everywhere, empty aquifers, more droughts, more floods, worse hurricanes, more heat waves, worse snowstorms, increasing economic inequality /disparity, declining innovation, failing education systems, corrupt governments, mass migrations, etc.

A dystopia where jews rule over negro mongrel hordes forever is where this world is heading.

I don't give a shit. I can't control it, jews run everything. At least I still have the agency to kill myself if shit ever seems like it's about to hit the fan.

Anyone who is optimistic about the future has been mislead or is intentionally ignoring what's happening.

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Even if the overpopulation/resource/climate change problems are fake, I feel like we're heading towards a world where we just consume constantly with no meaning. A world where people watch VR netflix, play Skyrim 12 and eat flavored onions paste through a tube.

It's only the beginning. Think about how fucked up Generation Z is. When they become adults (which is already happening), shit will hit the fan.

Do they honestly believe they can separate themselves far enough from the rest of the world that they won't ever face the chance of being gunned down by some random thieving nigs?

No we are heading for a jew dystopia ruling over negro mongrel hordes forever. Jews will strip the goyim of everything they dont need like anything that isnt food or water.

Blacks are too stupid to beat jews, Palestine shows that jews will use constant violence and intimidation to keep their gentile slaves in check. Niggers are much dumber than Palestinians so they are completely fucked.

Don't jews need whites to create things for them? Why would they rule over a bunch of people who don't generate wealth or innovation?

I've been getting this feeling too, everything just seems really bad at the moment compared to a few weeks ago.

The mars expedition?

Jews are creators too. Most of silicone valley is kikes.

Aren't they just top level execs and the actual creative work is done by whites? Anyway name one Jewish invention that changed the world

I think we're going to hit some dark times, but we will recover. We are the first generation of people that are directly connected to the internet no matter where we are, we are connected to the entire world from the phones in our pockets and it has to get worse before it gets better.

Just take a second to think about what was popular two years ago, then two years before that, all the way back to 2007, the introduction of the iPhone. We've gone through multiple generations of trends in a matter of like 8 fucking years thanks to the internet. The internet was the beginning of the end and now humans are starting to burn out and they're just trying to get by while enjoying their selves the most.

What about it? Why would going to Mars change anything?

I'm optimistic. I've read the fourth turning. It means we'll get out of this mess by 2028. 10 more years baby.

Jews dont care if they remain in the modern era forever as long they can enslave all nonjews permanently.

Less crowded/ overpopulated on earth

Mars isn't habitable user, we would have better luck living in Antarctica or under the Ocean than on Mars.

Times are getting better and better, technology is advancing at crazy speeds, in 100 years we will literally be immortal.

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Not all blacks are stupid, mind you.

been seeing that phrase "fourth turning" a lot on here recently
where can I read more about this 'turning' stuff, unless you want to explain it?

christ, do you even want to be immortal knowing where society is going?

I am a member of gen z and am not a moron. Already understand a good bit of math, science, and engineering and am not too closed minded

Eventually society will improve, so yeah, why wouldn't I want to be?
Even if I have to wait hundreds of years, I'll wait, things can't be shitty forever.

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They have found trace amounts of oxygen and there are ice caps but I do see the point aside from that

We just want to fight for something. Do you have something you believe in that makes the world good and should spread, anons? Something to contribute to at the least?

if we had something to live for/motivated us, we wouldnt be posting on this site

>Anyway name one Jewish invention that changed the world
the holocaust

* Buy guns
* Buy land in maine
* get into I2P and ham radio
* get to know your neighbors
* dig a bunker while calling it a panrty

inventions are things that actually exist

With that everyone, young and old gets a little dumber though. It is true we have access to all of the knowledge in the world. But we also have access to social media, will we make the right decision? Or will we stay on the media and keep blowing our chances of learning

it doesn't even exist and still managed to brainwash generations

Not OP, but my family owns acres upon acres of land in Maine.
I'm set for the collapse. You guys are welcome to join me on my acres.

The environmental issue is in part due to what kind of fuel we use and the other part is the material we use for making certain things like paper, overpopulation may play a role in this

The largest cause of environment destruction is destruction of ecosystems for farmland. This of course is a result of overpopulation as all of these problems tend to be.

>Is the world headed towards dark times? It feels like it.

Literally every human generation thinks this you idiots. You know the "grumpy old man who hates kids these days" stereotype? Thats you and you're only in your 20s. Why are you such whiny cunts? Stop being babies.

>we've hit the point where people unironically use reddit post formatting on Jow Forums

t. boomer orig

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That doesn't even make sense, boomers are the ones who complain about younger generations. You are the boomer.

The thing is I see my own generation as just as foreign vad older generations.

>Is the world headed towards dark times?

The solution is to stop the next generation from existing. Be smart, be anti-natalist.

I'm gen z and i hope only for war

Look up Strauss-Howe generational theory. Pretty interesting stuff.