Here comes Eugenia

what a sweet, little girl

Attached: pikagenia.jpg (483x598, 65K)

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id marry her if i could

she is maximum sweet

It's funny how her nips have slipped multiple times

I guess it doesn't matter

if she's gonna be pure and anime she has to have a few innocent accidental fan-service moments

does she stream on twitch now? i used to watch her on younow , but i think she left there. and she doesnt upload to youtube much at all

why does she look so fuckin gross tho

Does she stills fossilized?

yes she left younow for twitch

She isn't around much recently for some reason. Her grandma is dying in the hospital or somethin

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i don't see it unless you're lookin at her body

>left younow
That's too bad

She's from Connecticut right?

D-do I have a chance?

>posts on Jow Forums

Ask again later

She is usually in California because her fat literally autistic brother is going to animation school

vid related

She's anorexic and he's obese isn't that fucking ironic.

Mom is obese also and all her other physical features are the exact opposite

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She is so ugly, holy fuck.

I find most of the orbiter threads deplorable but this girl is literally perfect and I would pull my life together today, just to let her marry and then divorce-rape me.

Damn her brother went full eagle on her ass. Tried to out eat his sibling to end her. If they were animals she'd be dead right now. KEK

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cosplaying as herself

Attached: ec.jpg (1239x1077, 113K)

jesus you people need to stop idolizing girls with disorders

>tfw they only idolize skinny ones with disorders
real fembots are both unattractive physically and unbearable emotionally.

>unbearable emotionally
There's no guideline to be a robot/"fembot" that you have to be a dick/bitch

not like being a bitch, like mean
more like being a needy crazy overly sensitive highly dependent time bomb because of mental illness

that's p bitchy

She's too skinny for me. Anzu is perfect, though.

If she was at this level of weight she'd be perfect

Attached: sucks.jpg (1920x1080, 222K)

there's a connotative difference
the most important defining trait of a robot or fembot is being undesirable to the opposite sex. what's worse than a crazy psycho gf? no one signs up for that shit.

Doesn't anorexia cause brain damage?

Probably. It also made her go from normie to kawaii

Attached: eugeniaba.jpg (1266x686, 133K)

she'd be a 10/10 if he put on some weight

Christ imagine seeing that thing in the corner if your eye in the dark.

Fucking terrifying

Once again, sage goes in all fields. But nice try user.

someone post the webm of her roastie flaps

sauce pls

How the fuck have her internal organs not shut down? Ffs look at her body!

There are no such things as real fembots user. Only Shitty larpers.

/soc/ is that way Faggot. ->
Reddit is that way

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