According to /mu/, metal is for emotionally stunted manchildren. So Jow Forums, what is your favorite metal album of all times?
According to /mu/, metal is for emotionally stunted manchildren. So Jow Forums...
Ghost Reveries- Opeth
I've never heard an album where I liked every song in it
The Great Southern Trendkill
slayer has been my go-to metal band since i was young but i've been loving black metal recently:
self titled Slipknot album
La sanie des siecles or storm of the lights bane.
t. hasn't heard By Inheritance
Absolute shit taste
>According to /mu/, metal is for emotionally stunted manchildren. So Jow Forums, what is your favorite metal album of all times?
they're not wrong, still better than wigger that listen to rap or braindead weebs that listen to kpop
I was 15 when this album came out. I like all kinds of metal, but this album might be the favorite for sentimental reasons.
this is the best in thread based
Hip Hop is better than Metal though.
Not even a liberal thing. Its just objectively better.
quality bait, very subtle n shiet
have a (You)
For once /mu/ is right.
/mu/ would totally tear you apart. Kek.
Carolus Rex.
>listening to retards on Jow Forums and their opinions about which genres of music are valid
Not true at all. They're so far removed from each other that any comparison is null. Niggers are stupid enough to compare music which involves complex and skillful guitar and drum compositions usually over 5 minutes long with skillfull vocals and complex lyrics and hip hop (today) is electronically composed by mass producers and lyrics which can fit on sticky notes preformed in 10 minutes studio time by a person who can't sing.
Aight nigga we see you like dis shit mane. Isallgood mane
>hehehehe kiddo online underages with no friends would make you cry
The moment the main riff kicks on in the title track I cum
You sound really gay desu.
Classic metal (Sabbath, Maiden) beats out any hip hop. Extreme metal is trash
Maiden is for queers
Sabbath is good.
Maiden sucks.
You are probably like, 50 years old anyways.
>""""Extreme"""" metal is trash
whatever you say grampa
I'm a jazz guitarist,I'm so far from being gay that I turn people straight. I make my living playing at resturaunts and I have a full bed every night.
My top 2 picks are taken
As well as my close seconds
Since my favorite album changes depending on my mood I'll go with Slayer - Diabolus in Musica.
I thought about picking Metallica - St. Anger but that's kind of a cross between Metal and Hardcore, and technically I consider Pantera Hardcore.
metal is a shit genre
the only good subgenrea of it are progressive, black metal, doom, grindcore, and sludge
I don't have anything to say because I don't know where /mu/ places the boundaries of its innumerable genres. I just wanted to post this image.
step aside plebs
you are in the presence of true erudition
Caladan Brood
I can't decide if the "LOL ANOTHER SUMMONING CLONE BAND" trend is good or bad
You're close, but Power of the Dragonflame is actually the best one.
I'm more into it for the "Metal Band That Only Writes Songs About Fantasy Series" trend
Beast in Black is good too
Counterpoint: classic metal, extreme metal, and hip-hop all have good artists and albums to their names.
What if I like nu metal?
Well that makes you ok in my book
/mu/ is the cousin of /fa/. beta and non-lifting.
a kpop thread is on the front page at all times. this is akin to the idolization of MLP. They idolize women and put them on a pedestal. They are the epitome of beta.
Pre-grimes /mu/ maybe, I guess, I suppose was alright. There were sharethreads of mediafire for days of good shit.
On that note, about grimes. most notably they idolize and put on a pedestal a 5/10 (at best) female. Beta male behavior reached critical mass.
/mu/ does not stand upon ground fit for judging others.
1. Symphony of Enchanted Lands
2. Legendary Tales
3. Dawn of Victory
4. Power of the Dragonflame
5. Rain of a Thousand Flames (does this one even count?)
6. Symphony of Enchanted Lands II
This is the true and accurate list and you know it.
J-jusice For All owo
This, The Curse of Mankind and Lurker of Chalice are my favorites
Although I think /mu/ is into stoner doom for as far as I can tell.
I don't have the original album cover saved and I'm not going to save it for one post, but this gets the job done and articulates how I feel about nu-/mu/.
Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
Almost favorites:
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick
Electric Wizard - Come My Fanatics
All you have to do is move Power of the Dragonflame to #1, then put Legendary Tales below Dawn of Victory, then have Symphony of Enchanted Lands II trade places with Rain of a Thousand Flames and then delete the power gap and you've got a perfect list there.
Raw Black Metal
Mutiilation, Satanic Warmaster, Vlad Tepes, Horna, Behexen
I'm black we biologically don't fuck with that garbage
>inb4 some nigga says muh death grips
I'll concede the point because frankly I love all those albums.
I prefer their classic CDs before they became Rhapsody of Fire, but I actually thought Frozen Tears of Angels was pretty good album.
Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Agreed. Also, Into the Legend was pretty good after the absolute turd that was Dark Wings of Steel. Unfortunately with Fabio and Luca gone I doubt that Rhapsody will ever release another good album.
Another user of erudite taste detected. Best Symphony X album.
I thought I wasn't gonna find this image.
Dark Princess, 'Stop My Heart'.
Romanov metal is best metal.
I miss Luca and Fabio. Wish I got a chance to see them in concert before they split up. At least they released a ton of great songs before it happened. At least once a year I take time to listen to all of their CDs back to back. Rhapsody is probably my favorite band of all time. It's nice knowing that other people still care about them.
Go to /metal/, there's lots of discussion there Otherwise, my favorite albums are a tie between Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence, Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness, and Artillery - By Inheritance
Patrician taste although my personal favorite is the new mythology suite.
I think we are the same person, bro. Rhapsody too is my favorite band of all time. I wish so badly that their "reunion" tour with the original lineup had come to the US.
My dinner just finished cooking so I gotta go. Thanks for talking though. I don't know anyone else who listens to the music I like and it was nice talking about Rhapsody with someone. Here's one of my favorites before I go though.
If there's any music you'd like to share with me, put it in a reply to this post and I'll check out the thread when I'm done eating. Cheers user!
Cheers bro. Check out the band Qantice, their first album blew me away almost as much as when I heard Rhapsody for the first time. Now I evangelize for them when I get the chance.