What are some good jobs for people who are dumb, lazy, have no energy, and who cant multitask

what are some good jobs for people who are dumb, lazy, have no energy, and who cant multitask

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NEET 4 life, bitch

Truck driving, janitorial work, call centers.



Stocking shelves, cleaning toilets, manual labor

c'mon you're better than that OP

>cant multitask
fuck off
if you're on Jow Forums you're a nerd
all nerds can multitask
it's what we do every day

If that is a photoshopped image of niko yasawa with blond hair than kill yourself faggot

I've been thinking about obtaining a NEET butler for a while now, like I'll provide them with food and shelter( their own room) and all they have to do is cook and clean in exchange, otherwise they can go about their hikki business as they please. Naturally they have to at least look like a normal person.

Become the President of the United States

Cocksleeve. I'm hiring.

Social worker


Professional suicide committer

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security guard

id get a license this month but i spent all my money getting my drivers license. now next month im spending my neetbux getting my security guard license then im applying to jobs

wish me luck

Those all require lots of energy and activity.

Aren't call centers stressful because you have to speak to people on the phone?

Do you have to be physically imposing for this?

anyone here work in a trade or in something that is a practical skill?

Where do you live user origorigorigorigorgi

I work a shitty desk job for the county, I could probably do nothing for weeks and no one would notice.

Is it full time? How'd you get it?

swimming coach is pretty comfy.
>don't need to swim
>just take some courses that are over in a weekend
>walk/sit by the side of the pool yelling at dumb kids to kick harder
>make $35 an hour
>only work part time
>make more than my friends with full time jobs

the only real downside is there is no career advancement so even though the pay is good it is never going to get better.

How quickly did you get the job after the courses?
