This fucking whore chose a white guy over me...

This fucking whore chose a white guy over me. I spent four fucking years observing Islam hoping to be rewarded with her virginity, and she chooses him. What should I do?

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Throw a bucket of their faces like they always do in those middle-eastern places. Give'r a good ol' taste of home

>I spent four fucking years observing Islam hoping to be rewarded with her virginity

maybe you'll spend the next four figuring out why women are a meme

She'll end up a hotwife. Whites can't control their women, if a nonwhite woman goes for whites it's usually because she wants a passive enabler, and things just spiral from there.

Do you think she would at least let me impregnate her then? Im a tall Persian man who is fit and have better genes than this little bitch

What the hell does this even mean?

No, she'll want white kids for genetic reasons.

Tell her dad and brother and theyll handle the rest

"hay abdull, i converted to islam bro"

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Muslim women are basically ultra repressed super sluts who are only contained by the fact their male relatives lock them in cages and throw stones at them

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Basically this. Can confirm. Every Muslim girl I've met has been an absolutely filthy animal.

they look cute! I hope I find a cute white boy who wants to marry me one day

What are you ethnically? I'm a super cute white boy (blond/blue eyes/ghostly pale, skinny and boyish) and I am only interested in serious monogamous commitment with nonwhite girls.

it's actually not allowed for muslim women to marry non muslim men even if they convert

But if they convert they are Muslim, fucking retard.

okay then they're not allowed to marry converts whatever

a real chad would have made her convert to his religion

it's allowed if they convert, idk what you're talking about

I'm ugly. it's just a fantasy that'll never happen, you probably live far away too

Are you fucking stupid? Muslims are only not allowed to marry non-Muslims. They can marry anyone who is a Muslim, regardless of whether they were born into Islam or not.

In Islam, all souls are considered Muslim anyway, every child is born a Muslim and merely forgets their way.

The real term for converts in Islam is actually reverts, as all converts are simply returning to Islam.

probably because you're a faggot, OP. just embrace your faggotry, and that dude in the leather assless chaps

There are tons of hot Muslim girls that are not her. Dont obsess over one qt out of literally a billion.

As long as the white guy is a Muslim, there is no problem with this. Go for another qt Muslima

I am not even white, and I am a Muslim, and any qt Muslima that will marry me would end up a hotwife too. I fucking hate what the internet has done to my sexuality.

White Muslim guys can be pretty trad tho, they are not all cucks

>Muslim women are basically ultra repressed super sluts
I fucking wish. Pious Muslimas who are sluts are unicorns.

However, 99% of Muslim girls (practicing ones) think casual sex is icky and would not do it, if if their husbands begged them to fuck other guys.

>implying Persian diaspora are Muslim

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no, a nog? yeah, a white? no
nothing to do with religion, but with race
t. north african

and ffs stop using the word muslim as if it is an ethnicity

I don't mind ugly if you're nonwhite. You're still likely exotic enough for me to be attracted to.

I probably do live far away.

lol the sand nigger got cucked

>it's actually not allowed for muslim women to marry non muslim men even if they convert
false, if he converts, he is a muslim, khalas

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>implying he's white

fucking subhuman faggot go away

>tfw no titcow Muslim gf

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tfw muslim arab girl here. nyahahahahahahahahah i will never give in to the white meme.

I really hope these two say "no" so they don't spread their disgusting fucking genes around.

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You guys need to study this religion a little more

I'm leaving the thread too and ain't coming back so yeet

I think that's more true now.
In the 1990s (before 9/11) the Muslims I knew were pretty much like the Jews I knew.
Fiscal conservative (more so than the Jews actually). Mildly concerned about discrimination. But secular; they thought the headscarf people were primitive FOB bumpkins.
9/11 changed everything in American Islam. You had to wear the scarf and believe all the MoBro shit or you were Selling Out.

protip: there is no god

But you want my pale cock, sandwhore. You want your children to have beautiful pale skin, fair hair and blue eyes like mine.

Give in and worship my white cock, bitch.

I am a (sunni) Persian Muslim.

Pls be my wife. I love Arab girls

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>protip: there is no god
[[Citation Needed]]

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She's ass ugly with a dumbass caveman religion, you lucked out Abdul.

Not her, but I would refuse to share my future Muslim wife with a white guy who has a racist and disrespectful attitude like yours.

the burden of proof lies on you. there is no proof of god, therefore there is no god.

She is really pretty, and she looks hotter without the khimar.

That "dumbass caveman religion" prevents women from being whores like no other

there is a creator though, he just doesn't give a fuck about us

and yet there she is, whoring with a non-believer.

where are you located?
are you the same person? as ^?

God by definition exists. God is not a "thing" whose existence does not precede all other forms of existence. To demand "proof" would imply that its not God

It's raceplay, dude, chill out. In my experience a lot of ethnic girls love it. Your wife probably will too.

possibly but without proof there's no reason to say there is one.

>all these newfags responding to a pasta variation seriously

actually i like the arab aesthetic user, sorry to let you down. i want babies with dark hair and big dark eyes.

wtf persian girls are so hot though

And how do you know that guy is a non-believer? In anycase, I think she would be a lot more lowkey if she was slutting around like that, instead of posting pics on facebook

I'm from the United Kingdom. No, that's not me. Although I do actually have blond hair, blue eyes and am ghostly pale.

because whites are all nihilists

I hope so, but I doubt it. I like white guys. But white people being dumb and ignorant about Islam pisses me off.

>wtf persian girls are so hot though
They are, but they are either Shia or atheist. And they are materialistic as fuck. Huge whores too, worse than white girls desu

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There are a few fashy goy white converts to Islam on twitter

Turning down an opportunity to talk about how hot Muslim girls are

sounds like a bunch of larping faggots

>When her dad won't let you marry her so you throw acid in his face and behead his wife

A few, but a few of them are actually religious. Islam larping is not as cancerous and pervasive as it is with Christian deus vult larping

>there is no proof of god, therefore there is no god.
Damn, and I thought atheists were supposed to be logical.

Also burden of proof is a meme. If you can throw that meme argument at anyone who claims "X is the case", then I can do the same to you for your implied argument that "that X is not the case is the case"

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omg her hair looks like mine if it was as healthy as hers. holy shit. saved.
idk user, but persian girls are my women crushes.

larping as a christian as a white makes sense those because that is the religion of their ancestors. to larp as a muslim is just cucking to arabs.

halal milkers?

She is pretty, I know. She also is insecure about her looks too

Persian women are really hot, but they might as well be white girls in terms of how godless and materialistic they are. Tons of Muslim Arab women (especially Shami women) are just as hot as Persian women

I am not defending larpers. Just saying there are sincere white (and even non-white) Muslims who are also wehraboos.

Islam is not about cucking to Arabs, it is about adopting a spiritual and metacultural technology that has proven itself capable of resisting liberalism, and adopting it in a manner congruent with the local culture.

A white American Islam wont look like Saudi Islam, for example

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I saw this milf Muslim Arab woman last week and she had giant boobs, like at least g cups

a little battery acid should do

nigger, islam is literally just arab culture feigning as a religion. if any non-arab muslims are different, they are different despite islam not because of it

>islam is literally just arab culture feigning as a religion
>"I literally know nothing about Islam"

he is right faggot, islam is literally an arab supremacist cult masquerading as a religion
that's why I dropped it as soon I learnt about it
sure there are more in interesting offshoots, but they're by far the minority and considered heretics by the sunni majority

there are ways to resist liberalism without following an archaic, garbage cult

>he is right faggot, islam is literally an arab supremacist cult masquerading as a religion
Again you know nothing about Islam

>there are ways to resist liberalism without following an archaic, garbage cult
Like running around with tiki torches like autistic faggots?

put on your suicide vest and blow her up so we can be rid of 2 mudslimes at once

If it's any consolation, he's not huwhite. And Islam is shit. Your prophet is a faggot. And you deserve AIDS for believing him.

No, they're thots in hijabs, there's nothing repressed about them

bwaha tee ho

Is that what they told you lmao
Maybe if you're a nigger they won't want to marry you even after you convert, but if you're a muslim and arab skinned or lighter its fair game