Does liking legal girls that look younger than they are make you a pedophile
Does liking legal girls that look younger than they are make you a pedophile
You're attracted to young-looking girls. You're just like the pedos that fap to 1000 year old lolis and try to justify it saying they're legal. Yes they are but they still look like children and that's the problem.
Why do you care? Pedophilia is a meme condition invented by schlomo to demonize reproductively viable sex
nah just makes you an arrested development FAGGOT
>muh pedophilia
Being attracted to young teen girls is perfectly natural. Men are attracted to youth and fertility.
No, pedophiles are exclusively attracted to prepubescent children. No woman over 18 looks like a prepubescent child, usually a young teen most.
>Being attracted to young teen girls is perfectly natural
t. pedo trying to justify his degeneracy
unironically kill yourself, the world would be a better place without you
Yeah, you should be attracted to women with as many wrinkles and stretch marks and blemishes and as much fat and cellulite as possible, and if you fuck a childish-looking woman of legal age, that's as bad as literally fucking kids.
>implying your fat retarded ass would do anything about it.
I live in a country where the age of consent is 14 so suck my balls.
>muh pedophilia
What in the allmighty fuxk is wrong with wanting to have sex eith a fertile qt?
>muh jewish media and jew run government says its bad
Have you considered not sucking the DSM-5 Jew created arbitrary AOC for one second to think for yourself; to have one original thought that hasn't been planted in your parakeet lizard brain ? 13 year olds can consent
I always wonder the same thing. What do Lauren Mayberry, Agatha, Muffy, and most asian waifus have in common? They are all "pure waifus" with the faces of children attached to the bodies of women. This is the effect of anime.
No they can't. They're not developed enough. They can consent to having their balls chopped off, though. They know their sexuality well-enough for that.
Is there a way to stop human females from getting ugly bone structures when they get old?
Girl on the right is cute as fuck are you blind
You know the answer to that
On a related note a girl just started at my work looks about 12 she's short and thin and really cute and I really want her but
>the implication
I heard she's like 23
It's because all your faggots are borderline underageb& and submissive losers.
Real men like women like mini, fertile goddesses.
No, you prefer eunuch men.
Fuck Idk man this is the curse. Fucking aging curse, cute little girls turn into ugly hag witches.
I'm here to visit
>Acquire wife
>She literally looks 15 years old even when she's 25 she could be a trap-girl for the FBI
>Any time I get a new job they eventually see her with me in car or meet at a party
>Usually get confronted in private by someone
>In one case was lured into bosses office and they slammed door behind me and surrounded me
>Have to prove each time that she's in her mid 20's.
The answer is yes.
>Does liking legal girls that look younger than they are make you a person of good taste
Yes of course. The best taste, actually. Literal perfection.
Just look at this. Not only is the right fucking ugly as fuck, but she's got that dead-inside forced smile going on. And we have beta orbiter retards the world over invalidating these disgusting things.
you fucking incels so truly believe that women in real life look like 5 year old anime girls that you cant accept the girl on the right looks perfectly normal and is quite attractive. you should all fucking die
Roastie detected.
To correct you, women in real life are ugly as fuck in real life. Men desire youth and beauty, that's a fact. Nobody wants to go near a woman with a raspy voice, wrinkles and bad bone structure. Until some random pajeet revolutionizes women's aging and genetic manipulation, which will happen when HL3 is released, learn to grow a thicker skin.
THIS. Fucking retarded basement-dwelling incels, they're so stupid they genuinely believe that the wall meme is real.
how does the woman on the right in the picture have a raspy voice, wrinkles, or a bad bone structure? you're blind if you genuinely think that lady is ugly. the standards you people have are absolutely insane. you speak like you're the absolute face of beauty. all robots are doomed if they think like this.
Crispy looks fucking ridiculous in every picture I've seen of her. Legitimately do not understand how you guys actually can orbit someone who looks like a retarded raccoon half the time.
hahahahah holy shit Wh*toid roastie is S E E T H I N G
no. but you probably are a major pedophile with major pedophile issues.
muffy looks her ago tho, so ur fine :)
does liking illegal girls who look like legal girls make you a pedophile?
That hyperbole is so telling of your cope. Enjoy your old hags man.
is that brooke? hard to tell
Wait, did they actually try to surround Nd intimidate you? Did they lay hands on you? Because I would press charges.
no, it doesnt.
not that there's anything wrong with being a pedophile