Where my drunk robots at?

Where my drunk robots at?
Life is still shit, only alcohol can fix that, it really takes a lot of fucking time to write anything like this, so tell me what makes you turn to drinking, anons

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It's midday and I'm buzzed on my leftover alcohol because it has hit the point where I can't handle being alive sober.

>what makes you turn to drinking, anons
leaving the house, mostly. I'm usually okay going to the store sober, now, but today I had to visit my dad, si I was drinking for that.

I hate that it makes me so sleepy. I mean, I'm always sleepy, but I wish I could spend more time being drunk without falling asleep.

yooooo. It's beena long week.
Recalling my shitty childhood is what makes me drink.
I hate it.
I've been lied to for so many years. I hatemyself for not realzing sooner.
So cheers.

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>Recalling my shitty childhood is what makes me drink
>I've been lied to for so many years. I hatemyself for not realzing sooner.
What do you mean friend? I've always drank to cope, but my childhood finally caught up with me and I was able to actually open my eyes and there's nothing but suffering and anger now.

30s hkhv neet. Every second of this existence is suffering. If I drink alcohol my intestines and colon go into "sleep mode" for 3 weeks. In other words full onset of constipation Without the use of intense laxatives and a soup based diet I get extremely bloated and sick.

Can't alcohol
Can't weed bro since never leave the house and no social life

=) hi

Not now bob I'm talking to user


But yeah life is shit. I've managed to stay sane at least.

I'm a drunk, but I'm a happy drunk. I just got a keg today, so life is great.

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Got molested a few times.
My dad hated me.
My mom lied to me about drinking when she was pregnant.
There's other things Im forgetting.
But whatever. Growing up isolated probanly did more damage thena ten butfcking.

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I understand you, man, I've been drinking some of my sister's wine because I just need to be drunk

Being drunk is the only thing keeping me alive today, so don't feel bad, I guess we could be worse.
Why is it a visit with your father makes you drink?

My childhood is the only thing I can look up to for good memories, so I'm sorry, user, you've had a tough life.

>tfw ... new keg.
Pic absolutely related....

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Drunk people dont type like u Chester the molested

my parents got divorced earlier this year. My dad was (is) really sad about it, which is understandable, but he also tried to guilt me into living with him instead of on my own. Which made me mad and resentful, though I didn't really tell him that. I've also had to carefully avoid telling him that I kinda understand why my mom left him after over 30 years. He got to be really obstinate and uncaring, and then the divorce happened and sent him into a tailspin.

Oh yeah, and I didn't spend fathers day with him. Like a week and a half before that I asked him what he wanted to do that day and he said he'd already agreed to go to a ballgame with his brother, since he just assumed I didn't want to do anything. On one hand, yeah, on that of all days he should be free to do what he damn well pleases. On the other hand, I was kinda hurt that he just assumed I wouldn't want to even go out for a burger and a beer with him.

I don't know. I guess I just have unpleasant feels. thanks for reading my blog post user. cheers.

Damn, user, I'm sorry you have such a bad existence?, sometimes I hope we can all do better, but I don't think we ever will, so I never know what to say

I'm drung as fuck righ tnow man

I'm glad, user. Happy drunk is the best

I'm always happy drunk it actually lifts my spritis because i don't get drunk to omuch desu

You've really had a rough life, what keeps you going, user?

And what a keg, that is

I understand, user. My parents haven't had a divorce, but they're always fighting and making shit up. We've always been kind of poor, so I sleep on the couch while I study, it's a couch that turns to bed, so everytime my parents fought I had to sleep with my dad. My dad has never been present in my life and I know he would pull that kind of stunts on me, so I hope you can feel better about your relationship with your dad, parents can be really hard sometimes.

Me too, I'm lucky I get drunk really fast, I would feel really bad right now otherwise

I smoked a bunch of crack earlier. Feels good man.

Ay how long you been up sugar

Alcohol is a miracle it makes you feel like nothing is bad anymore at least for me.

Well it has now gone 5 in the morning. I ate some speed before I went home. Probably crash out within the next hour.

I still feel like shit, but I don't care, that's what alcohol does for me

this is the perfect description and exactly why i drink. it just makes all the bad go away

i would drink but like the hangover just absolutely kills it for me

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I hope the bad goes away forever for you user I do.

Stay safe sugar

Never had a hangover, no matter how much I drink, I guess I should consider myself lucky

Hope you get some rest

had one on Wednesday, made me not drink my wine bottle in my fridge today. Just had one nice beer. some are worse than others

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Sometimes I've kept drinking even after throwing up, you just don't have to give a fuck about it, next day, you'll just feel a bit dizzy, but nothing an energy drink can't help you with

Anger, reflection and personal interests.
And honestly shit got a lot worse in highschool / college.
But I'm finally taking free time to explore hobbies and I decided to write a book. It just feels so easy. It's not like therapy, where I struggled with.

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What's your book about, user?
I've been strugling with uni, not because it's hard but because I just can't get interested in what I'm studying

This aint my first rodeo.

Thanks! Will sleep like a baby when I finally decide to hit the hay.

I decided to start a journal mate recently, only one entry currently but feels refreshing writing down stuff around me

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It's social commentary disguised behind humor.
Kinda like that Friends sitcom but a little more cynical.
Threw in some paraphrased horror stories from working fast food as a comedic relief kinda thing and it's worked surprisingly well.

Mostly I just hate everything about myself. I'm clearly intelligent, but I lack the willpower or drive to really succeed because there's no point in living when you're essentially a disgusting goblin of a person. Alchohol makes me forget my selfloathing for a little while and I get to act like a human for a few hours, but when the buzz falls away and everyone looks to me with clear eyes, I once again return to being a monster. I can't wait for the day I die.

failed normie here
work normie job, make normie money, but every night i come home and get fucking hammered.
i have nothing else. honestly i dont want anything else

It sounds really interesting, I'd like to read it when you're done. Seems like a perfect dark humour sitcom

Everytime I was drunk in uni, and I saw everyone else interacting and being silly, I couldn't help but think they were all drunk or high

It's part of my comfort zone to escape with alcohol, so I get that feel brother, although I'd like to leave uni and just get a dead end job to buy my own house and kill myself