Dick size DOES matter...

dick size DOES matter, girls say that size doesnt matter because they have dicklet boyfriends or they dont want to make you feel bad, but they all CARE about size, the perfect size is 7 inches length, above 5 inches girth

if you're below that, i am sorry, youll never make a girl cum

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It does matter, but not as much as guys think it does.

Ideal for me is 7.5 inches but desu if a guy's averagely endowed I'll just find something else about his body to fetishize and adore.

I care more about height/muscles than cock size by a huge margin, too. A guy doesn't need every trait, just one good one that I can really love.

Pretty much. 7 can be just a tad too big for some girls, but yeah I would say the broadest perfect size is around 7 to 7.5 inches.

I'm just touching 6, and I think my girth is like 4.75 if I'm lucky, maybe just touches 5 inches girth on a good day, feels bad man.

I've got a comfy dick, a boyfriend dick. But it ain't gonna make any girls go wild.

No girl wants to have her pussy destroyed by a monster cock. You also have to count, that these days women are forced to be fucked into their assholes as well, as that is what ALL men demand to have, and it's not a nice thing to have a rectal prolapse or hemorrhoids as a result of a monster dick fucking your asshole. And think about facial abuse and deep throat that most men demand to have too. It could be lethal to have those with monster dicks. So the future is that of short pencil dicks. After all, women need to have relationships, as if they do not have them, they won't have friends either, being socially ostracized for not having any relationships. And if you do not have friends to post images of on you social media page, you won't have any following, and if you do not have that, you won't have a job either.

So there is not reason for anyone with a monster dick to brag about it. You can only have a little fun with it with some sluts during your youth, but you will never end up being married or have a family, because no woman bears to be in a relationhip with you destroying their pussies and asses choking to death.

Elliot was just the right size.

What do you think about Elliot Rodger? Do you think he had any good traits?

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In my case, it was my ex that kept demanding those things. She wanted me to do anal, she wanted me to roughly throatfuck her, she wanted me to choke her and be ultra dominant.

I didn't really want to do any of that shit, and so I never did. The closest I came to any of that was eating her ass, but I never let her eat mine despite her regularly trying to.

I don't know why girls want to turn sex into a fucking competition with their friends to see who is more risque or fucked up. I used to make her bleed just from fucking her for a few minutes, with plenty of lube and really gently.

If I had gotten rough with that bitch I would have killed her. Just a stupid fucking cunt, like they all are.

>She wanted me to do anal, she wanted me to roughly throatfuck her, she wanted me to choke her and be ultra dominant.
>I didn't really want to do any of that shit

you gay or something mate

>everyone has to have the same kinks as I do
ask me how I know you're autistic

Dangerously based.

But girls only like monster cocks when they're in their slutty 20's. Girls want that relationship cock when they are ready to settle down.
that's why the smart roasties date Brad, fuck Tyrone, and eventually marry Chad

>I don't know why girls want to turn sex into a fucking competition with their friends to see who is more risque or fucked up.
Well, what can I say. A lot of women haven't got anything else to compete with than pleasing men. They do not have intelligence, talent, education or any niche interests to excell in. So they choose to boost their egos by pleasing men, and the surefirest way of pleasing them is to let them do all kinds of shit in bed like facial abuse, fisting and bdsm. Most men like that shit. As for your girlfriend I guess she had been dating men who like it, so she had got accustomed to it, and found those things important to both her sexual gratification and her self-esteem. Maybe she was even part of some subculture where individuals doing those things are the highest ranking ones.

>can make girls cum

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Nah, I just think anal is filthy and disgusting, and I actually loved her and cared for her so I didn't really like the thought of choking her and hurting her.

It didn't do anything for me, if anything it put me off sex with her.

Don't chads mostly have monster cocks? It's not really healthy to marry them if they do.

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dick size absolutely does matter anything lower than 6.5 inches is equivalent to a prepubescent baby dick

>I actually loved her and cared for her so I didn't really like the thought of choking her and hurting her

rough sex is a mutually beneficial activity
believe it or not it is enjoyable for the woman

Yeah, not enjoyable for me though. Wasn't into it, so I wasn't doing it.

They said on that bodybuiding forum once that 5.5 is the average.

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>rough sex is a mutually beneficial activity
Not in the case you kill someone with it, or cause some severe injuries with it. A lot of people have to visit doctor after having had rough sex.

Yeah, and knowing that manipulative bitch who knows what she would go around telling people. She couldn't be trusted, at all, she was just bad news.

Everything just felt like an attempt to trap me.

Don't be sorry, it's my fault for being such a subhumam.
I don't blame women, or society. I blame myself for being a genetic failure.
I'll LDAR soon enough.

... yall do know sex is more than penis in pussy right? teasing, playing with clit, breastplay, fingering, oral, grinding. shits all fun ways to make a girl cum. and thats just default vanilla shit. sticking your cock in is great. High point for both of us in most of my sexual encounters. and being average/a bit above definitely makes that a bit more fun, but fuck guys, quit obsessing over the dick size. You can still have a fulfilling as fuck sex life with a micropenis.

God fucking damn it why do I suck so much

>She couldn't be trusted, at all, she was just bad news.
Sounds like being on the same line with her sexual habits. People who use sex to define themselves usually are not the most decent ones.

I wonder what that means.

>Sounds like being on the same line with her sexual habits. People who use sex to define themselves usually are not the most decent ones.

Yeah, she was garbage, to be honest, looking back. Although she never claimed she was anything other than garbage and a terrible person/girlfriend.

I fell for her though, I have a big hear and I loved her and really ended up caring about her, despite usually being a self absorbed asshole, and I just wanted her to be normal and happy and change. She never will though, she's going to end up so unhappy and alone, as soon as she hits the wall, already really close, to be honest.

She's so obsessed with appearance and sex, but she has so much more to offer than that, yet she makes herself look, talk and act like a cheap whore, instead of just being the qt Asian girl I wanted her to be.

I just don't get it. Roasties gonna roast, man.

you dont have to do that bullshit if u have a big dick

t. 8.2x5.5, i made all my girlfriends cum

Yeah and they're not your gfs anymore, I see. Doesn't matter how big of a dick you have or how good you are in bed, sex is just one small facet of trying to keep a woman happy and placated.

they are not my girlfriends because im not living in uk anymore, but they miss me and one of them want to fly 6 hours to get my dick again.

keep coping dicklet, you cant deny that girls are crazy for big dicks. it's their nature

This. Women come harder if can just go in and pound her to orgasm than if you have to do all the beta foreplay and oral. This is why women will always cheat on beta males for big dicked alphas

I'm 7 or 8 long dependingon how you measure, and it's fattening up to 5.5"+ girth after regular pumping, jelqing and aloe vera. Hopefully it stays, but if not I can pump for a temp boost

Fembot here just want to confirm this guy. I have on ex-bf who swear to god must be 9inches. He's a real cocky asshole that almost no one can stand to be around and he cheat on every single one of his girlfriends, but women will always flock to him and back.

no gf khv btw

>instead of just being the qt Asian girl I wanted her to be.
Well that's a new one for me, that even Asian girls would be that obsessed with appearance and sex. I have heard though, that a lot of Eurasian girls and women would fall into this gategory, having been objectified as "sex goddesses" from an early age. Read about that in some Eurasian blogs.

Talking to your own self? The bigger the dick the more women need to have some foreplay, to spread enough for that dick.

To be fair she was born and raised in the west.

You know that there is such thing as a clitoris right? And the G spot is less than three inches in. I hope you're just bait and not this retarded.

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