So I've been wearing shoes similar to these heels with simple shorts in my grand plan to mix feminine and masculine...

So I've been wearing shoes similar to these heels with simple shorts in my grand plan to mix feminine and masculine clothes and it's been a grand success. I've gotten lots of compliments on my shoes by girls. I've broken the code Jow Forums

Attached: boots_2888c113-708b-4d56-9496-3239e96887c3.jpg (3000x3000, 290K)

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digits confirm

absolutely nothing. if i saw you wearing that shit i would push you onto the road

Keep popping skittles and guys will give you compliments on your tits

i like your boots user :)

nice crypto shill thread aero
cute how you still keep going

>thinking aero still lurks around here

I'd pretend to be him right now but that got old for me.

You probably wouldn't

Thank you user you're so nice
What color should I get? Black, white or grey?

post pics cutie

actually i would

Grey desu. It contrasts well with most common styles that go with this type of shoe IMO and draws attention to the shoe itself (which I think is what you are going for). If you don't want to draw too much attention down there, go for black.

Red could work too but then it would be dependent on the clothes that you match with it.