So I've been wearing shoes similar to these heels with simple shorts in my grand plan to mix feminine and masculine...

So I've been wearing shoes similar to these heels with simple shorts in my grand plan to mix feminine and masculine clothes and it's been a grand success. I've gotten lots of compliments on my shoes by girls. I've broken the code Jow Forums

Attached: boots_2888c113-708b-4d56-9496-3239e96887c3.jpg (3000x3000, 290K)

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digits confirm

absolutely nothing. if i saw you wearing that shit i would push you onto the road

Keep popping skittles and guys will give you compliments on your tits

i like your boots user :)

nice crypto shill thread aero
cute how you still keep going

>thinking aero still lurks around here

I'd pretend to be him right now but that got old for me.

You probably wouldn't

Thank you user you're so nice
What color should I get? Black, white or grey?

post pics cutie

actually i would

Grey desu. It contrasts well with most common styles that go with this type of shoe IMO and draws attention to the shoe itself (which I think is what you are going for). If you don't want to draw too much attention down there, go for black.

Red could work too but then it would be dependent on the clothes that you match with it.

sure m8 how are these called? platform shoes? looks like something a punk rocker would wear.

My thoughts exactly user! You have such good taste, just like me! Your thoughts on white though? I think, if they were beat to shit, the whites would look best

Yeah as a COSTUME for the STAGE. Worn outside of this situation you better have a good reason or else you are a HOMOFAGGOT

didnt know uzi vert posted on here

no because they're too over the top to be normie girls clothes, they look like shoes someone into niche fashion would wear. not gay at all imo.

Please remember user that I said shoes like these. The ones I wore are more tame.

The white shoes again would look good new with certain clothes but I agree the beat up look would look really good

do you have any proof of this or is this a meme thread?

as an INTP i like a clean analysis.

These are the shoes

Attached: P_20180623_185847_vHDR_Auto.jpg (1836x3264, 1.21M)

Gothic males do not wear platforms that look like those (though you will probably find one picture to disprove me), but rockstars did, like KISS.
>normie girls
Gothic girls are normie but they are the sjw streak or pagan one most commonly

Okay these look really nice user, much better than op, and you can totally pull it off. Fit pic please?

too lazy to take some right now but I'm definitely skinny enough to pull it off. I was wondering if I should purchase something more girly like pic related

Attached: BS1723240-0111-2_295x430.jpg (295x430, 8K)

Probably not, that is too flamboyant on a male. I like it too lot gonna lie but I do not want to to be made fun of. Your boots, because they are black, perfectly straggle the line. Any further and you will just be a faggot