Does anyone else suffer from resting bitch face?
Does anyone else suffer from resting bitch face?
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Yeah, I was told I had it by an ex and her friends. I think it's probably the reason I tend to be so disliked, in addition to my introversion and autism.
No but that guy looks like a faggot and i'd like to punch him
Is it because he is more attractive than you?
Yeah, people at my old job told me I looked like a serial killer and others said I just looked grumpy or unhappy.
Yes. He arouses the strongest sexual feelings in the poster, evoking gayness in his heart. These sudden unexpected feelings confuse him into thinking the man he is looking at is the gay one, little knowing how his own lust is projected defensively into the desired male.
is bitch face the hot guys 'tude or the no chin looking like a bitch
i have both btw
That's toxic masculinity for ya.
I get told I look like a serial killer, and also that people think I'm going to end up a serial killer really often.
Dunno why, I think I'm a pretty nice guy to strangers.
I'd really like it if the two of them spitroasted me desu
Same. I am actually very nice but I have been told I look
How can someone look like all of that with their neutral face?
I've been told before that I look intimidating or always mad. Makes it hard for some to strike up a conversation with me lol
I think a lot of the time people just project onto emotionless autists like us, friend. I get such a wide range of comments like that as well, I just shrug it off now, I think half the time people are just trying to fuck with you to get some kind of response.
It's amazing how personally people take it when you don't give a fuck about talking to them about stupid, mundane shit.
No, i'm not into ladyboys
some advice a roasty gave me once.
"you should notice the kind of person people perceive and think of you as and learn to live life around that"
Fuck that and fuck all stupid roasty advice. Just bee urself, man. Literally. I'm so sick of the games and the bullshit, with girls or colleagues or family or anything.
I'm a miserable cunt and I'm not changing that for anyone anymore.
does anyone in this thread suffer from what I can only call "nu male face"? I really don't have any other way to describe it. every time I take photos I'll make a funny face for no discernible reason. I'd like to take a normal one, I really would, but I don't want people judging my normal face because i'm ugly
I may or may not have removed the whirly cap from this pepe to make me look better[/spoiler[
idk how you feel about the funny face thing but i definitely have a numale face. not even onions just... completely lacking in masculinity.. effeminately weak but not effeminately pretty, can't even call it androgynous it's just, bleh, bad face.
thats what happens when you drink onions from birth
Get asked often why I'm mad.
Wife also has a RBF, got told that by coworkers when they met her.
Our son was born with the same resting bitch face.