Suicide fuel for poorfags

>Elite private school in the US that has a student fee that'that's equal to an average American salary
>Rich brats Beverly Hills pool party

Attached: Class-Divide.jpg (484x482, 45K)

suicide fuel for a 12 year old. I never want to be a teenager again. I don't care if I got to be rich.

user you can't get into Andover if you're just rich. They said so in the video.

This is only suicide fuel if you're a materialist retard.

For the elite class that's an exception. They have their token brown virtue signals, but aside from that they're not going to tank their own communities in the name of virtues. That's the kind of thing only us peasants need to accept

Either be better at making money or stop being a faggit that thinks a needlessly expensive lifestyle will bring you happiness.

For that much money, they better be able to beat my children for me when they are acting like a little shit brat or spank my duaghter for being a stupid slut wearing a short skirt

>being able to do whatever you want whenever you want can't bring happiness.

I dunno man, would be pretty sweet to be that kind of rich.

yeah i have to imagine they brought out literally every minority they had in the making of this commercial.

Probably had no shortage of Asians, although they count less apparently

Is this really so strange in the USA?

In Britain there are tons of private schools whose fees are higher than the average salary.

The wealthy class over here are careful about keeping themselves out of the public eye. We don't have the culture or history that Britain does

you can already do that, you've just bought into the idea of commercialism. Nothing stopping you from skydiving and taking up woodworking as a poorfag, if you arent doing these things now then doing them while you are rich wont be all that special.

It would be nice to be able to see a doctor and not constantly be afraid and angry about uncertainty in my future, be able to afford good food, have the time to cook for myself, etc

are you really that bad at being an adult? This board is pathetic.

Except skydiving costs money....
Alot of money.
It would fuck me up since i live on my paycheck

>says the edgy 19 year old that still lives with mom and dad

Molested as a child. Konnichiwa, newfaggot

>i can run to south america, fuck a few teenage girls, and fly back home within a two day period on my private jet

No user, you can't and I can't. We both know this, so why do you say the average person can?

Its not that expensive. If you cant afford a 1k vacation then you deserve to be a poorfag

>i can run to south america, fuck a few teenage girls, and fly back home within a two day period on my private jet
If I was rich this is the first thing I'd do. Like the second the money cleared into my account I'd be buying the ticker

and thats why you arent rich, because you spend your money on stupid shit

I'm extremely stingy because I don't have any money because I'm a dysfunctional, lazy shut in who doesn't care about his life or future

well I think you found the problem, enjoy your escapism before life catches up with you.

>on a private jet

Someone doesn't read the whole thing

Why do I need education if I'm rich?

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violence is never ok

>paying for education

Scot here

I got free university fees

And the student loans get written off if you don't pay them. (They aren't like real loans, payment can't be enforced unless you earn over a certain amount)

I got paid to go to university

The school I went to has a boarding option that is primarily for Asians. A few US and Canadian kids attend, but Asians are how they bring in the money. They get $50,000 per year to house and teach Chinese kids so they can have advantage in attending a US college.

These schools exist, but most have eliminated their boarding options in the past as it became much much less popular. The resurgence in boarding schools is new.

fuck you, in america land of opportunity you can't even declare bankruptcy on student loans. and if you somehow manage to avoid paying, the debt collectors will go after your family instead. this country deserves a million nukes.