So why don't you own a sex doll?
If it's price, would you buy one if they were cheaper?
So why don't you own a sex doll?
If it's price, would you buy one if they were cheaper?
I think Im demisexual, meaning I need to establish an emotional connection with someone before I think I can fuck them
This has made hooking up very difficult for me.
Yes it's mostly because of price and if they were cheaper I would probably get one, I do worry about the car scratching at it during the day while I'm at work though
Interesting, but does that mean that you don't masturbate either? If you do, why wouldn't you just consider fucking a doll as masturbating rather than sex?
>I do worry about the car scratching at it during the day while I'm at work though
Just store it in a closed closet or shelf
Because they're dangerously unsanitary if not cleaned properly and constantly. If I don't have my life together enough for a real girl then I probably won't for a fake one.
>So why don't you own a sex doll?
I live with my parents. If I decide to move out I will 100% buy one.
I still live at home. My mother is already scared enough of me than that I need to bring home a plastic woman.
What have you done to make even your own mother scared of you?
I know that feel bro
pretty sure it's just normal, sex is supposed to have importance
I dislike talking and looking at people most of the time so I just ignore them and avoid their gaze, even if they're trying to talk to me. I also have OCD and my compulsion is to bring in leaves into the house (note that I only put the bags in my own room, I try not to make a mess). Since I quit my job I sleep during the day and get up at night. Usually collect leaves in the garden, play video games or climb trees. Having a sex doll would be nice.
Not even memeing but does anyone make trap tier sex dolls? That would interesting.
Please stop using absolutely retard-tier jewified tumblrina terminology
t. omnigendered, panromantic, intrasexual, half-spirited fox-man hybrid.
>buy a male doll
>buy a separated fem doll head
>chop the male head off
>glue the female head on
>done, you'll have a perfectly healthy girl looking male sex doll
Incase you the former option expensive then: >buy a flat chest fem doll
>borrow a dragon dildo from Jow Forums
>plug the dildo
>plug the dicc
It's would make me feel like I'd gone too far down the hole to come back.
I like the illusion that I'm still hanging onto the ladder
Or you are self concious, anxious and lack self confidence therefore you feel more comftable being intimate with someone you are familiar with and have a connection to. This is the case for me.
>the fact that they predominantly model them after ugly porn stars instead of cute 2D, to the point of deliberately adding misshapen breasts and saggy asses
>still live with parents and they'd raise neverending fuss about it and probably force a hooker on me, or worse yet, a 3dpd
>buy a separated fem doll head
>chop the male head off
>glue the female head on
Heads are usually removable so you don't even need to do any chopping or gluing.
But I do.
It's pretty great.
Yeah mostly price and space. Once I finish Uni and become part of the slave class I'll buy one.
Holy kek
Has anyone bought the memedoll yet and posted real pics instead of the promotional stuff?
I agree, but in 2018 it's a medical condition
I don't see how it could replace the real thing, it's not human skin and flesh, and they look uncanny and lifeless. I'd rather fuck prostitutes when I have steady income. It could be viable if it was an advanced sex bot or something. However, I'm not closed off to the idea of buying a life sized pokemon and sticking a fleshlight in it.