Why do girls expect you to kiss them after they've done shit like this with other men?

Why do girls expect you to kiss them after they've done shit like this with other men?

Attached: rimming.webm (640x480, 1.92M)

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can you even imagine having even an averagely attractive girl being disposed to do that to you?

it must feel good to have your dick touched by someone else..

Because they know you'll do it. Do you want to fulfill your basic biological purpose or not? If you want the hole, pay the toll.

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Virgin or gtfo.

For the same reason why posters like yourself expect women to desire them after posting such things: people are selfish.

Eating ass is such a trashy degenerate thing to do
I'm saying this as a gay boy. This wasn't normal a couple years ago, it just shows the extreme decay happening with society

She sucks at rimming bro, look at that shit


I've ate guy's asses like I was trying to get the last bit of ice cream from the bottom of a cone and you'd never know while kissing me, you'll think you're special when I do it to you.

I have quite literally farted while my ex was eating my ass and she just playfully hit me and called me disgusting. She then blew me as if nothing had happened. I wanted to test her, I dont know what I was thinking. Her reaction actually increased my respect for her, as weird as that sounds.

i trust this more than those green texts

you need to be gassed. I assume your white also?

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fucking disgusting! this is worse then the way apes behave. "men" like you are what have ruined western women.

out of curiosity, are you white?

Why is eating a guy's ass appealing? Butts are pretty gross but a guy's butt is even worse.

Dude, we were living together for over 2 years by that point, we were incredibly comfortable with each other. You make it out to be a bigger deal than it is. People fart all the time, you live with someone long enough, it becomes funny and silly.

It depends on the definition of Jow Forums at any given time. I am southern european.

I am white but white people don't deserve to be gassed, in fact almost no one does.

It taste good, makes him feel good and makes me feel good in return. Butts aren't that gross, most people realize they are gross and wash them well.

i'm talking about farting in a woman's mouth and letting her lick your asshole you mentally deficient, disgusting ape kys!

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My butt's pretty gross. Honestly, if a woman ever did this to me I'd be really upset. It doesn't matter if she's done it to someone else in the past, though.

Lmao name one girl thats actually wanted you to kiss them you fucking incel.

Not that guy but it feels very good to get rimmed and you can clean yourself to the point that your mouth is less sanitary than your butt. If you find it disgusting then that's your baggage.

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figures white women are absolute filth and will do just about anything.

Attached: White Women.webm (480x360, 1.98M)

It feels good and she was a sub, she actively did it regularly as part of foreplay. As for the fart, I dont know what came over me, it was impulsive, as a prank or something. Anyway, it's history now.

you're no better then animals kill yourselves!

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>He doesn't want to kiss girls
Nigga you gay

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and I have to kiss the mouth of your left overs. fuck this i'm out mgtow it is.

Do girls where you live not clean their mouth?

>I am southern european
that figures, m*doids are a perverted bunch.

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People brush their teeth and use mouthwash, you autistic crybaby.
Not to mention the very cells that came into contact with my asshole and dick are long dead and replaced.

Once you start having sex and a normal romantic life, these hangups will disappear.

>It doesn't matter if she's done it to someone else in the past, though.
t. you

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It might surprise you to find out that you and I are both animals, because you seem to be under a different impression.

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>these hangups will disappear.
never. you people make me sick I understand completely why shit like this happened all throughout history pic related.

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source me b0ss

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but I have a brain and am not an impulsive insect like you. I think "hmmm maybe I should not put my mouth on an asshole so I don't get salmonella"
you're a short sighted ape impulsive and you should be humanly euthanized.

femanons, how about you say hello to your new fetish?!

no clue I just have a despicable wh*Te femoid acts folder.

if you would be so kind as to post similar files from your reserve, i would be happy to repay you with (you)s.

The irony of your posts is that your recoil in disgust and kneejerk reaction that people kill themselves is the definition of impulsive.

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Wash your butt and I'm sure a girl will lick it for you.

Pretty hot but looks dangerous.

well I don't have anumore whore vids but here's an interacial one.
another excample as to why you shouldn't go anywhere near wh*Te women.
you're more safer licking a toilet bowl then touching a wh*Te f*moid, they are subhuman scum.

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no it's a natural reaction to disgusting animal tier behavior. I am natural human being afraid of disease, you are an animal.

>he fell for the jewish psyops
>incel terminology
>ergo incel plebbitor

Checks out.

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>anymore horse vids.

have you noticed how only white women do these things? where's the Asian women doing them? or black women? or Arab women? or Indian?

I've seen videos of asian women stuffing bugs and cockroaches inside their pussies, then taking them out and squashing them into paste, and then eating the paste.

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>that wasn't what i meant when i requested bestiality even though it counts

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I am also a human being, and you an animal as well. As I mentioned earlier, properly cleaned there is no real danger to the act, but you allow your natural impulse of disgust to own your reaction. As an impulsive animal, you may be compelled to euthanize yourself by your own standards.

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The jews attack white identity by manipulating and using white women. It's propaganda.

The statistics paint a completely different picture, ie white women being the most loyal in the west.

Keep drinking the koolaid.

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the difference is the only Asian women that do that stuff are ones in porn whereas normal everyday white woman race mix, fuck dogs, give rim jobs, have unprotected sex with dozens of complete strangers and god knows what else, they are filthy.

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You're delusional. Goodbye.

It's just that white women are in the global spotlight and they have been getting brainwashed by cultural marxism for over 60 years, non stop.

Not to mention that the vast majority of amateur porn is only amateur in name. It's readily apparent, even to an infant, that someone is pushing this narrative.

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so no counter argument? I guess you must be a wh*Te dawg right?

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Race mixing is disgusting. No thank you.

go back to your cesspit you pathetic cuck! there's no other board as blue pilled and cuckholded as Jow Forums bunch of cuckholded simps.

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>cultural marxism

No such thing exists you fucking moron.

no, which makes me wonder whats wrong with her or wrong with me. How do you even broach doing something like this? Really need to know...

this is what a lot of wh*Te f*moids say because they know no respectful white man would touch them with a ten foot pole after that. that's why you only do it in secret perhaps when traveling around, disgusting animals the lot of you.

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succinct rebuttal.

I guess observations based on factual statistical data is racist.

Critical theory, Frankfurt school of social sciences.

I see the shills are up and about, took you long enough. There will be another shoah within your lifetime, remember that.

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Why are people so autistic over what people do in the bedroom in their private life? I have been married for 5 years and if my husband asked me randomly to lick his asshole I would? People are so autistic they would tell other people to kill themselves over this

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This is why I love JAVs. they get cute girls to rim these hairy fat dudes. It's awesome.

didn't some guy die after he got railed by a horse?

>profit driven degeneracy by a corporate oligarchy

what would you prefer to call it?

You need some help, user. Seriously, go to psych, tell them these delusions, they will help

white women mostly marry with in there own race mind you after years of cock carousel ridding because they are somewhat smart and know that settling down with a nigger is not exactly a good plan however how many causal flings with niggers do you think the average wh*Te cum guzzler has had though? your statistical data says absolutely nothing about that.

because i'm forced to settle for disgusting immoral whores like you.

>Once you start having sex and a normal romantic life, these hangups will disappear.
maybe if you're a beta cuck. i stopped having sex with women because of how disgusting they've all been

>tell them these delusions
how are they delusions? this disgusting behavior is normal these days.

How is the act that that user describes immoral? Or are you speaking in a broader sense?

Mr. hands


thus why chastity is important for all

>how is putting your mouth on a hole that shit comes out of immoral?
are you baiting? or are you so animalistic that you can't even grasp the concept of cleanliness?
women really are animals.

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If you had sex with a whole bunch of women an& chose to stop, GET THE FUCK OUT GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD YOU FAGGOT FUCK OFF FUCK OFF RIGHT NOW GOD DAMN IT.

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you're probably a dumb underage redditfag who identifies as an incel. i've been here for almost a decade, not leaving now.

I have been with my husband for 5 years, we lost our virginity together, I had no previous sexual expoeriece other than with him, if you are so mentally ill that you think making each other feel good is immortal you need to stop living in your basement for a few months.

Yes that is the question I asked you. How is the act that the user described immoral? I'll give disgusting or distasteful(kek) but those are different from immoral.

>if you are so mentally ill that you think making each other feel good is immortal
dumb roastie

You're full of shit, faggot, but that's okay. Your claim to be Chad is now dead as a result. So it doesn't matter if you stay or go.

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My spelling sorry, immoral and experience are the words I meant to use, my phone was using auto correct

I never claimed to be a chad, you dumb incel redditor.


I enjoy reading your mentally ill posts, redditor

not him but i'm 24 and really suck coming to a board that is suppose to feel like home for men like us to then having to read all the sexual adventures of normal men. it confronts us with the easy life we could have had that is
now unattainable. you could never understand this though because like so many on here point out you are a normie.

>you could never understand this though because like so many on here point out you are a normie.
I was a virgin longer than you've been alive retard.

>duhh I fucked a whole bunch of girls but they were all sluts so I became disillusioned
Again, whatever board you joined all those decades ago is gone, only this board is left and it's not your board. Fucking go.

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Nah I think I'll stay just for your posts.

It must feel really awful being in a relationship where you cant be sexually free to express what would satisfy you, I guess thats why Im married and in a successful relationship and youre crying over kissing girls

Okay, then lurk way more, because your little desuarchive tantrum just shows that you've been real, real, real out of touch with this place for a very long time.

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>It must feel really awful being in a relationship where you cant be sexually free to express what would satisfy you,
What would satisfy me is to be in a relationship with someone who isn't a roastie.
Keep having your incel reddit cry posts, and I'll continue to post as I have for years.

so you are a wicked and evil cunt then? surely as someone who went through a similar experience you can empathize with us but no here you are boasting about fucking whores to make yourself feel superior to us kill yourself!

I'm not boasting. I fucking hate women and I'll never touch one again. Having sex was the worst decision of my life.

What is a roastie? Because I lost my virginity to my husband
Its okay to be jealous when your attitude will never find you someone who cares about all your needs sexually and non sexually

Imagine getting an interview for a really well paying job and the employer does a background check on you and finds a video of you on a coach legs spread in the air getting your asshole licked, or you tonguing a mans anus

There is literally no one who exists who would satisfy any of my needs or wants because they're all roastie sluts.

well in that case you're an honorary robot. how did you lose it? to a whore? if so then it's no wonder it sucked

No thank you. I would never.

Yeah, good luck properly cleaning that.

Most normies are afraid to even moan in bed, let alone get anally stimulated.

m8 that just makes you bitter. You talking about her marital relations like your opinion is valuable is like a preschooler talking about advanced calculus. Only difference is that given time, the preschooler may learn and grow, whereas you just get older and more bitter.

LOl and you wonder why blacks abnd minorities ahte white people?

Not only do whites buy into this sick disgusting degenerate shit. But they also willingly sell out our country for jewish interest.

Seriously GAS and murder all whhites. You notice less DOG fuckers and less disgusting ASS hole eaters.

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holy shit the digits is this a record?

>I am white but white people don't deserve to be gassed, in fact almost no one does.
In fact most people don't deserve to live.

Even the gay faggot in this thread wouldn't eat asshole where shit comes out of.
You need help literal shit eater.

It's called smack women and keep them locked up you faggot.
Women are like children and need to be prevented from doing anything.