Feminist AMA

Feminist here, ask me anything. I think a lot of robots would be feminists if they knew more about it. I'm not some kind of feminism expert but I'll definitely do my best to answer your questions in good faith if you have any.

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What are your views on sex robots?

what do feminist burps smell like

How serious are you with this thread OP? are you pulling some kinda silly trick there?

Emma sure has been quiet lately

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Explain why you think it necessary to spout a clearly unwelcomed ideology in a place that will derive no useful discussion

and then fuck off, thot

Why do feminists think going around outside naked and having sex with lots of men is actually empowering and good?

Not good today. Pretty rank.

I feel like this could get complicated as technology improves, but they seem relatively harmless to me if used in moderation.

Super serious! I really do think that the smarter and more analytical someone is, the more likely they are to be open to the right kind of feminism if it's presented as a reasonable and realistic option.

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What are some legit criticisms you could make of feminism? By legit I mean points that actually have nuance behind them and not the brain dead shit people like Sargon spew.

Oh user, this answer tells me everything I need to know.

See If it turns out there's nothing of value to be gained here then it's not the end of the world, but I'll be answering in good faith. So maybe you should ask a real question or otherwise fuck off - there's plenty more internet out there.

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how many niggers have you deepthroated

What is feminism? Seems like everyone have their own definition of it

I guess I should add to this that I like to first tackle subjects from a neutral standpoint but I've been having a hard time finding criticisms of feminism that go beyond the gamer dude shit that is so popular now a days.

Why don't feminist acknowledge that male problems exist? Like the fact that 70% of suicides in the US are White men alone.

I think being in control of your sexuality is empowering and good. Having meaningless sex with strangers as a way to compensate for your personality deficiencies is the opposite of empowering.

So I guess it depends on the person's reasons for having sex.

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Feminists don't attack the roots of the problems in gender and sex. they're useless desu, like most political ideologies that exist.

Feminism literally isn't required. Women have more power and rights than men do. You're just jealous af because you can't compete in the ruthless competition of the free market at the top end.

I love this question. I think feminism (perhaps like all "isms"?) can suffer from being too disjointed. There are feminists out there who believe some really heinous shit, and as a movement I'm not sure whether we're doing a good job challenging that. Some of the trans-exclusionary stuff is nightmarish.

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Less than or equal to however many you have, I guarantee it.

Why is prostitution illegal in nearly states in the USA?

i dont need feminism, i choose to support the women i want.

your lot has ruined many women dumb enough to follow.

>I think being in control of your sexuality

But that isn't what other people are arguing. Non-feminists argue that being a slut only hurts and degrades the woman doing it. Male sluts are also hurt, degrades, and looked down upon. They aren't arguing that you shouldn't be allowed to slut around, they're arguing that you shouldn't want to.

Super good question- it's probably hard to have a discussion otherwise. To sum up my beliefs, I think that it will be better for all of us if all genders have equal opportunities for success, and given the current state of the world I think the path to that equality is most efficiently reached by reducing or eliminating the terrible effect of our current patriarchical (spelling?) society, which hurts men almost as much as it does women.

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I acknowledge that these problems exist. I think that society's expectations on men are poisonous and harmful and I want to improve that, and I think that feminism is the way to challenge and remove these expectations.

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This doesn't make sense. "Women are on top so you're just jealous because you feminists aren't on top"? Which is it? Are women on top or aren't they?

what horseshit. you just want use men as a stepping stool. world is shit for everyone, opportunity sucks for all but WOMEN must have more.

fuck your stupid ideology

Maybe not a question but an idea for you to think about.
I think to remove all sexism from our society is really harmful. By our society I'm generalizing 1st world western countries.
I believe in a term I call "controlled sexism" that is used and for the benefit of all.
For example, if a couple decides to have a baby, the women gets more time of work after the baby is born than the man. This is a sexist policy, yet as a society we are okay with this. I mean, it makes sense since the woman has to carry a heavier burden. Controlled sexism.
Another example is how we separate women and men when it comes to sports. For example fighting sports. Men (generally) tend to be physically stronger, so it would be pretty shitty for a woman that wants to rise in a fighting sport to never be able because of biological reasons that are out of her control.
There are cases of MtF athletes completely stomping the opposition and generation a lot of controversy for example. Again, it's a sexist measure but it benefits everyone and we as a society understand.
I'd like to know what you think of this concept.
There's also talks of separating boys and girls in schools because they might benefit from different styles of education. But that's still very uncharted territory.


Why are feminists the most hostile women towards virgins?

only a retard deals in absolutes. nobody buys your femsperg ideology. thats why its a sinking ship doomed to failure

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. Do you think feminism is not controlling enough when it comes to trying to police sexual behaviour?

your movement is full of aging, childless spinsters.


Such a dumb shit.

I said women have more rights than men do and more power, not that women are "on top" in the way of "the majority of the world's most elite and successful" you absolutely shocking retard.

That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that nobody wants to police sexual behavior, what the issue is is that feminism defends and glorifies women being used by men and women letting themselves get abused and I don't understand why.

feminists will neck themselves like Kate Spade. i believe the women suicide rates start to catch up to men in their 40-50s

Hmm I think I might limit my replies to actual questions, but I'll make an exception here to say you're wrong. The world might be shit for everyone, but I truly believe that feminism will make the world less shit for EVERYONE as a whole, not just women. Imagine, as a man, being no longer subject to harmful stereotypes about what it is to be successfully 'masculine'or 'manly' or whatever. How much better would life be if you could just live it without having to conform to these outdated gender roles? Feminism, my feminism, aims to smash those roles where we can.

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I think you're talking a lot of sense. Men and women are, on average, physically different and I think it's sensible that this is reflected in the way things are structured. I wouldn't argue for the removal of sports divisions being divided by sex, for example.

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>that picture of a soibo1
No, that is what a useful idiot and self-agrandizing stepping stool for ungrateful whores looks like. Take your disgusting propaganda back to some rick and morty discussion forum instead of vomiting it out here, you vacuous nitwit.

Didn't click the link but I'll assume it says what you say it does.

I don't know the answer to your question. I would not agree with any feminist who judges a person based on their level of sexual success. That seems very antifeminist to me.

It wouldn't matter, because being "manly" in that way is innately attractive to 90% of women (and no, not because they are socialized to like it) so all you will do is eithat
1) cause many many men to not be attractive to women, while the women will go flock and form harems around the tall masculine men they are attracted to
or 2) most men will simply still act that way to be attractive to women.
The problem with feminists is you say one thing and do another. EVERY SINGLE WOMAN I've ever seen who says what you're saying now, only dates tall guys and is sexually submissive. These ideas and behaviors are directly hypocritical.

you have no idea what its like to be a man. there are no gender roles, you are all living in an outdated spinster fantasy. youre scrapping the barrel now and even here you will be utterly rejected.

then who will listen to you complain about imaginary issued NOBODY gives a shit about.

no im not going to support your fucking "movement" of old lesbians LOL

Not that guy but Alright, let me ask one.

Why do women slut-shame themselves? Guys as a majority love sluts, but don't see them fit for long term relationships, so that side is settled. So, what's the deal?

Here's a question.

Why do you feminists insist on being involved in everyone else's problems? Feminism is for women's equal rights, correct? Why are you brainletts taking on problems specifically nich to other minorities and cultures?

>inb4 they can't speak for themselves and nobody listens to them.

That's not true, thr LBGTQ community doesn't need feminists to do a damn thing for them, black people certainly don't need you and neither do any other race yet you fuckers insist in directing your hatred towards white men and more recently white women and bisexuals.

If a black man makes the same racist joke as a white man, you let it slide. Cunts.

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Look mate I'm here to answer your questions in good faith. If you've got a question, ask away. If you've got a devastating point to make which destroys feminism in one fell swoop, go ahead and make it, but right now you're just typing inconsistent shit and nobody's learning anything.

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Why be a feminist OP when you can get robots to orbit you and buy you nice things while you fuck chad

Do you think it's shameful to be childless?

Interesting. But keep in mind that people will take the differences between the sexes to justify hurtful sexism. My whole point is that if used with caution, sexism can be (and already is in certain aspects like ai pointed out) helpful for everyone.

lmao!!!!!! many keks you do realise that the main thing causing men to drop out society is feminism or just simply pc you think it's just ramdom that most sucides are white men? the same thing you have been trying to destroy and humiliate? YOU have controll of the current cancer culture and YOU are the ones causing it so dont fucking pull that shit and try to act like you will be the ones to solve in when matter in fact you're the one causing it!

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nobodys learning anything because youre peddling bullshit. feminism is just reverse sexism run by unattracive lesbian witches.

feminism cant offer anything to anyone

So women have all the advantages? So why are they not "the majority of the world's most elite and successful"? I think I know where you're going and there's a 5% chance of an interesting discussion here so I'm asking seriously.

>thinks robots want to be feminist
I think that you're retarded. Here's the thing, most robots don't hate women, the """"""""robots"""""""" who have been in relationships and aren't virgin are the women haters. Yes some of the reddit incels simply hate women too, but those are the sex obsessed freaks you can't save anyway, you're wasting your fucking time here.

I'll ask this question in good faith: have you as a feminist considered making common cause with Mens' Rights Activism movements, on the grounds of due process of law?

Asking this because we have seen on college campuses a stupid One Hundred Meter Rape Dash race, where the first one of either sex to Student Affairs gets to file the rape complaint.
Also because lying rape accusers end up in the news and make it hard to take real accusers seriously.

because theyre weak. thats why they are coddled and elevated.

yup. but its for the best since not everyone should have children.

I think the illusion of "taking control over your sexuality" is an easy way to justify unhealthy behaviour, since it can be hard to tell from the outside whether someone having a lot of sex is doing so for healthy or unhealthy reasons.

Once you (via feminism - thanks feminism!) remove the patriarchal/religious/bullshit reasons for telling women not to have a lot of sex, it's easy to see feminism as empowering this unhealthy sexual expression, but I think the bigger issue is the health (mental and physical) of the participants, rather than whether it was the right thing to remove these harmful sexist societal barriers in the first place.

Thanks for your question, you gave me a lot to think about.

women arent dumb theyre weak. theyre emotionally weak.

I'm for equal rights but I'm not gonna call myself a feminist and I'll deny being a feminist if asked. What are you gonna do about it. I'm an egalitarian. or a humanist. or whatever other term that has none of the baggage of feminism.

I would really like a reply to this.
HOW do you feminists deal with the fact that you can not be ubiquitously submissive and attractive to masculinity and tallness etc, while proclaiming to want to end masculine gender roles and body acceptance etc.

Gentlemen, be sure to read
>use sexism with caution
>only use sexism in ways that benefit women.

At the core of every feminist ideology, this is their main tenant: acquire as much power and influence as possible will gaining as few responsibilities or obligations as possible in the process of doing so. They will always try to disguise the above pursuit of power under the false-pretense of equality, but you will never see a woman telling other women that they deserve less rights or influence. No, that sort of rhetoric is reserved for white males.

Remember, women are parasites that just happen to shut out children. They must be tightly controlled and guided, otherwise they will destroy themselves and the society around them. Do not fall for the vaginal-jew.

Men don't need feminism because:

Women aren't attracted to pathetic men who act more feminine.

Women dint need feminism because the law and family and court systems already heavily lean towards the direction of a women and even recently have considered the removal of the due process system just so it's easier for women to put the accused behind bars quicker.

48% of women voted against having the vote as gaining it didn't give them any benifits and deemed it unfair towards men as they also didn't have to deal with the cost of having the vote either. The vote was passed anyway as the top elite require as many impressionable people as possible to convince to vote and believe their propaganda and who best to do this? Low IQ foreigners who want free stuff and women who generally don't research and are heavily susceptible to bold emotionally driven headlines.

Since feminism the value of money halved forcing couples to have to work to afford a house rather than the man being able to afford a family, house and car on his single average wage. You girls wanted power, careers and such, you got it at the cost of being good mothers, wives and having to slave away just to afford your half of the bills. Yes, because of this the economy capitalised on an almost double in the size of workforce massively devaluing jobs across the west.

I could go on...

You're hugely underestimating the socialisation aspect. I'm surrounded by hugely sexually successful 'non-manly' men, who have no trouble finding amazing partners since those partners find it super easy to look beyond 'tallness' as the defining reason whether or not to fuck someone. Are these women biologically deficient? Were they just born that way?

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Damn user was it necessary to btfo her that hard?

Define moderation? As in limiting yourself to just one sex robot? Robot monogamy

Yeah good question. Women can be as bad as men when it comes to enforcing unhealthy societal roles and expectations. Perhaps even worse in some cases. I guess they see any deviation from the status quo as threatening to their own fragile idea of themselves - probably due to the same gender roles that I think we should fight against.

I would like to at least get a couple of examples.

Would you say the major difference between first/second wave feminists and third wavers is that third wavers believe in the existence of the patriarchy? And do you furthermore agree with me that the patriarchy doesn't exist in the western world?

That looks nothing like a tripcode, faggot. You even forgot the exclamation point for chrissakes.

there are no gender roles, youre just too weak to take what you want.

go back to catching cum with your mouth.

She's aged so poorly too, as do 100% of british women lol

And why will feminism and women destroy society? This is a pretty bold claim with nothing to back it up

They may have a mix and good ratio of estradiol and high testosterone, although that usually plays out as femdom type sexuality.
Still, my point stands. It's not socialized, these have been tested across cultures and 'masculine' ideas have existed cross cultures, women are universally attracted to 'masculine' behaviors and physical characteristics, and this is due to their natural hormone levels. It's not socialization.
Find me a society where women prefer smaller males.

Some people see feminism as being inherently intersectional and that you an't be a good feminist without also wanting to fight against other kinds of injustice.

I don't know if I'd go that far. But I do know that the injustice that I see in the world that pushes me to be a feminist, also pushes me to want to address other systemic injustice in the world. So maybe it's a correlation/causation issue in some cases?

Go kill yourself.


why would we sit back and let that happen? its the same liberal notion of forcing diversity. its all ideological bullshit.

Not user, but yes

Why should I respect someone who is a massive slut, has no dignity or morals, gets promoted passed me because of her gender and cant bench press as much as me?

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Why indeed? Perhaps I'm misdirecting all this white-hot feminist energy?

>So I guess it depends on the person's reasons for having sex.
In other words it's all about how women rationalize their behavior after the fact.
Sounds about right.

Yeah, this seems about right. While some women may support feminism for selfish reasons, this doesn't change the fact that feminism is a positive thing.

Wanting to fight against injustices in the world leads people to feminism, anti-racism, and often anti-capitalism. Tbh, you can't really have feminism without intersectionality, as systems of oppression hold each other up.

The top was already owned before 2nd wave feminism and those top jobs are hence passed down to the sons of these powerful men to entrust their business.

Women just now are being hired into higher positions to fill a quota, like the diversity quota. It's pathetic that under qualified women get the jobs of men who were working hard since their childhoods for these jobs and suddenly were flooded with low selling, low effort SJW propaganda in marvel comics and women leading teams who make incomplete bridges that crush drivers on the highway just so a company can virtue signal about having an all woman construction and design team.

Women during school years generally aren't suffering the same way men are and aren't pressured to be a man constantly and to double down on your skills to be able to provide for their future wife, kids, buy the house and car and such. This isn't your burden and yet you say you can do everything a man can when you just can't. You have more rights and power, the law is on your side, men are expendable tools but men are at the too for their brutal effort in the free market which, believe me, gets physical, life threstening and very dangerous. Women don't have to deal with that, they don't even know it exists!

Women are not prepared in schools to own top companies and work 80-90hour weeks. It's simply not your world nor your expectation but it is a man's.

feminism is the injustice. gtfo

You're wrong. A man gets humiliated for crying. A man gets humiliated for refusing to do a dangerous job. A man gets humiliated for doing anything deemed 'feminine'. This humiliation might come from other men or women, but it won't come from me, or feminists like me. We aren't causing this shit.

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Explain exactly how women will lead to the downfall of society. We can't "sit back and let something happen" if that something doesn't even exist.

I guess I could be open to non-marxist feminism under the right circumstances
>no welfare state or forced redistributions of wealth (inc. child support alimony etc)
>equal responsibility
>no affirmative action diversity bullshit. If a woman wants a position she must pass the male standard for entry.
>draft women and give them the same punishment as men for committing felonies.
>cheap and easy to obtain surrogacy and or artificial wombs as well as reproductive rights for both genders (its only fair women get IVF and like 20+ types of birth control, its high time men also got reproductive rights)

Basically if feminists put their money where their mouth is and actually advocated for responsibility I wouldnt have a huge issue and might even support them.

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>men are the real victims of sexism

Quit being such an insecure pussy. Addressing inequalities that happen to benefit you, or even suggesting that some level of privaledge may exist, IS NOT a direct attack against men.

no, fuck off. your reasoning is "lets try it", the same reasoning liberals use to flood diversity into the west.

its not what i want.

What kind of feminist?
Every wave of feminism believes in a patriarchy.
I think theres some sort of misconception as to what a patriarchy is, and I somt know where ir came from. Its not a secret organization or some shit, but rather the culture where men are viewed as the actors in the world, and women the acted.
Its higher and lower in parts of the world, and its especially low in the west. Not non existant, but low.

What do you think about the increasing standards of women according online dating studies? How do we fix the problem?


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Yes user, you are the ones causing this shit.
Feminism has destroyed the family unit in America, to the point where almost 40% of babies are born to single mothers and grow up in broken households with a rotating door of (often shitty) men that are fucking their mother.
Feminism has done more damage to the west than a nuclear bomb.

thats not what i said, bitch.

Why are you a feminist? Do you think women are oppressed?

thats what they want. their pussies are revolving doors for different cock.

The only way to make feminism work, is to eliminate our innate tournament based selection and only breed the monogamous people.

their pussies are revolving doors for cock, and they want retard loser men to ideologically support their cancer movement.

lel they should all be curbstomped

What is your view on the kinda of authoritarianism coming out of the far left/feminism these days that dictates that every bit of culture/entertainment must be examined for its possible social ramifications, and then corrected.
As in, gendered terms have harmful effects, so we must change them. Protagonists and main characters are often male so we must pressure creators to change this. Women have a stereotype that they aren't strong so we have to portray women in media as being strong and capable, or else it's sending the wrong message. And my favorite: female characters should not be portrayed in ways that are attractive to straight men's sexuality, because that is appealing to the male gaze instead of to what women see in the character. Further, they argue that it encouraging rape culture and legitimizes women in real life. This last one is what really grinds my gears, all I wanted was my waifus. Nowadays only Japan makes waifus, but even they are under increasing pressure from western moral authoritarians.

Brilliant question. MRAs, on the surface, appear to be trying to achieve the same thing as me - removal of the societal injustice that sees men and women treated differently (and unfairly). I (like MRAs) think that men should have no disadvantages when it comes to custody disputes, or rape trials, or dangerous working conditions. However unlike MRAs I think the best way to achieve this is to destroy the sexist societal structure which supports these ("women are better parents", "women can't be rapists because all men want it", "real men don't mind dangerous work"). The MRAs I've met don't seem to think the issue goes that deep, so it's hard to find common ground.

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Why isn't it what you want? My reasoning for feminism isn't just "let's try it," I'm just able to recognize the patriarchal gender norms in society, and how they harm both men and women. The main claim that you have made is that women will cause the destruction of society, and you have done nothing to substantiate this, so either answer the question and quit bullshitting, or shut the fuck up.

What are you trying to accomplish? The original goal of feminism was to obtain equality, which in the eyes of the law, you have. While sexism may still exist the holdout are highly unlikely to change their minds based off the words of a stranger and if they practice it they can be punished by the law. I'm confused why the movement still exists, it accomplished all its original goals that could be accomplished. Much of what I see from modern feminists is asking not for equality but special privileges, I cant view them as true feminists, but I don't know why true feminists would still be active. So again, what are YOU trying to do?

I meant de-legitimizes, but spell checker got me.

does anybody genuinely think that women in the western world face struggles due to oppression by men? why are there human being that think 4 wave feminism is helping society. women have real problems that need to be addressed all over the world(central Africa, the middle east and india come to mind). And we have people campaigning against manspreading. also Sargon in nuanced, even if you disagree with him