Does anyone in New Zealand want to be my friend?
Does anyone in New Zealand want to be my friend?
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Not in New Zealand, but I'm always looking for friends papi
only if you own a master system
how old are you user
and what city are you from
If your from Auckland I dont trust your ass
>if you own a master system
Hello fren
im in queenstown
What's wrong with Auckland?
I agree everyone from Auckland are usually dickheads or a boomer who can afford a house.
How do we annex Australia lads?
How do you afford to live there
He lives there by having boomer parents.
Are your parents not baby boomers as well user
People just like hating on the biggest cities in their countries. I see it in literally every society I've ever been to.
First we need a military.
>tfw your cunt can only deploy 14,000 strong, well-build, handsome blokes.
>thread about New Zealand friend making
>explodes into area code elitists
>planning war against australia
No, You fucking weeb.
What should we invest in?
>planning war against australia
Don't reveal the prime directive! You twat.
Exploding livestock I guess? I don't know. I live in a tourist town and have to face Aussies on a regular basis so maybe bioweapons would be a good one.
Maybe we could start a mass firestorm by making illegal fires in their forests. When their agriculture is destroyed then we'll sell them our exploding sheep to them
Auckland here.
Please somebody love me.
>illegal fires in their forests
Does that even faze them at this point? That would be like weaponizing fatty foods in America, or large dark-skinned penises in Sweden.
You're not selling yourself there lad.
Hello Auckland friend.
So there are other Auckland fags here.
Forever alone in palmy boys
I watched a documentary where fires can evolve into fire tornadoes, and any rain that falls will evaporate before hitting the ground. They only stop hours later after rainclouds have been sucked into mainland Australia from the tropics. If we start enough at the same time during the fire season we could do some real damage. I think it's a good plan since we don't have the manpower to wage typical warfare.
>So many north islanders in this thread
How do we contact you?
>live in Ranui
>another night of wondering what crime is going to happen outside
I'm Australian
We can still be pals though
No i dont want be your friend, thankyou
Come to Australia idiot
Goodnight nz
we dont, we are having to move out soon
south island master race
I just visited the south island and I'm and to be back
wellydeep wellydeep wellydeep
she's a cold one tonight
what the fuck are you on about you aussie cunt
Who /Wellington/ here
>meant to be the nations capital
>forever overshadowed by Chad Auckland
>the remotest capital city in the world
Welly is the true robots demesne.