fembots give me about 20k
Fembots give me about 20k
I only have (You)s to offer
give me 200k first and i'll be happy to share a nominal sum of 20k with you
i bet i can actually sell them to thirsty robots on here
i'll give you the 20k back with interest, make an investment and i guarantee a return of 10k annually, i'll pay it all out at once in 12 years, that's 120k plus the inital 20k, so you get 140k for being a qt
Sounds kind of like a pyramid scheme. What will you do with 20k?
med school and save my life
20k? What is k? Kiss? Ok
"k" as in grand
but i'll take 20 kisses 1000 bucks a kiss
I'll only give you (You)s
I would give you tits but they're too small to me considered tits
Damn you genetics
No! How about free!
>med school
I have no where near 20k but you lost me. Money won't save your life user.
i was already offered (you)s here but here's the deal, i need it for med school, so you give me the 20k and when i graduate and become a surgeon i'll give you the best boob job you can ask for for free, how about that?
but it won't help me in my dire situation
it will considering i live in poverty, however, why is med school such a bad thing in your eyes? i though women appreciated men with respectable careers
I don't like the way that doctors' lifestyles are portrayed. I think they're scummy people even though they do respectable/good work that wouldn't be considered easy. Still haven't met one that changed my mind. I'm also more interested in even shittier lifestyles if I'm being honest with myself.
well i'm interested in becoming a psychiatrist (sorry ) because growing up i never received the mental health help i needed and now i kinda want to help people i situations similar to my own it's kinda a resolve of mine and pretty mich the only thing, career wise, i want to do
but thinking about it, with as much negative things i heard about people's experience with mental health professionals i'd probably be disliked even more than just a regular doctor by people with you point of view
oh well, not like i'll make the money in time anyway
I used to want the same thing for the same reason. I thought that having experience with the bad side of life would help me help more people. Don't listen to people that try to push you away from doing what you want. Decide for yourself.
Whether you manage to become a doctor or not I hope you can still find a way to feel helpful and do what makes you happy.
thanks, i'll do my best
whatever happens, happens
why "used" what happened?
How about you give me money
T. Not a fembot not a femanon nor a tranny.
I didn't follow my own advice and everything spiraled out of control after that
i only want fembot money
i want it to smell nice
does "never too late" apply here?
oh you want me to give you some
nvm bru i don't have a dime
it's whatever anons. it's time to if you know the saying, you know the saying.
are you killing yourself i'm confused t b h
if you don't know the saying you don't know it.
but is "it's time to" part of the saying?
I'm not giving you a hint you don't know it because you're not up to date on that saying. You're in a good place in life, it's whatever.
user you can't do me like this, you have to let me in on the secret of the saying
I doubt you were the user I was talking to, shit i can't sleep. fuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkk ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckinnnnnggg son of a bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i'm the same user, i'm the only one replying to people in this thread, i'm the one and only op, bow before me for it's my thread
now tell me the saying
why can't you sleep?
This your thread? give me some shekels thank you. I learnt something I shouldn't have. Why aren't you sleeping?
it's morning where i'm from, but to be fair i'm awake since yesterday, insomnia and stuff
i don't have money, hence why i made this thread, weren't you following the lore?
what did you learn?
Ah yes the lore. Can't tell you, they maybe watching. I'm a bit paranoid.
first the saying and now this
this isn't a fucking game, let me tell you something
who are "they"
spill the beans so i could point and laugh and say "this nigga eating beans" make sure to be watching a movie while you type too
Man fuck you you fucking.....go live stream you'll make money off of that.
live stream what?
what did i do?
what is the fucking saying?
You are laughing at me behind your screen while I suffer, then again your suffering too, from your money problem or whatever else.
you didn't tell me what you're suffering from
you've alluded to like three vague things all of which are unknown to me
you either nut up or shut up
now tell me the saying boi
brokenheartbetrayalandothershit! you'll say man the fuck up, when ever I hear that saying I picture this scene from a show.
did a fembot get you?
they got me too, didn't cough up the 20gs
what sho and what scene, you're just being all vague n shit
Sure. Fucking lole no shekels for you. i don't remember I'm tired but can't sleep fuckkkk. This character says man the fuck up or maybe it's all in my head.
you need to sleep user kun there seem to be too many things on your mind
you be hearing them voices in your head n shit, that when you know you overstayed your welcome in the awake world
let the demons drag you in for the night, tomorrow is a brand new day
What? Ok I'll sleep but it won't change anything.
tomorrow start a new fembot thread
and they'll come to please you
and you'll have your pick of the litter
fembots I'm going to need about 3.50
I don't make threads and I wont. Give your energy to sleep and have a good week.
I will give you love and support
Not op but thanks user.
epic maymays but in this thread only i get things from fembots
i'll make one for you, you beautiful soul, and don't sweat it, the demons actually take care of you gn
don't tease me like this, at least 20k is something realistic
Fembots, I'd like one (You) for free, if you'd be so kind. I can off you a rare double (You) in return.
don't sage my thread dude i need them benjies you feel me
Only upon confirmed receipt of a fembot's (You).
Shit. I forgot to sage.
wait you'll give me 20k if a fembot (you)s you?
fembot get them (you)s rolling at this here mofo
No, user. You won't get any money out of me. I got part of my autismbux today and ordered McDonald's and I'm still waiting for it to arrive.
nibba buy me a big mac don't be like this
No, user. Once a fembot gives you 20k you can afford your own Big Macs.
holy shit have you got no heart?
the money is for med school, i'll even cure your autism for free upon becoming a doctor but only if you get me that juicy big mac you feel me
Okay but you have to come and get it.
you just want to lure me and rape me i know all your tricks not gonna happen pal nah man i see you there plotting
I'm not interested in anything other than (You)s and having my life fixed.
well all fembots left the thread anyway, left us high and dry know what i'm sayin?
start another fembot thread to regain their trust, maybe an autistic, mcd loving fembot would give you a (you) as well