Why do femanons hate asian girls?

Why do femanons hate asian girls?

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but my best friend is asian

I'm black. I use to be jealous of Asian girls because guys wanted them but not us. Now im not jealous anymore because my life is too consumed by an eating disorder to even care about a relationship lol

>but my best friend is asian

Have you ever thought about eating her out?

I just don't like talking to other girls, period. They're all selfish, "female friends" don't exist. I literally give up. Asian or black or white everybody is just a fucking snake looking out for themselves

tfw im an asian fembot

How do I turn my Asian friend girl into Asian girl friend?

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They know Asian girls are the cutest. Eve eyes thing they do is cute ffs. Even Asian porn sluts manage to look innocent and cute.

thats a dude u freak lmao

cus theyre man stealing hoe bags?

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I don't understand. If you are a woman, then shouldn't you have friends?

Women don't have friends like men do. Relationships are transactional for women.

Is she a fugly or cute asian though?

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>Eve eyes
Meant to say everything.
Sry for fone posting

No she is not, I have seen her video of her in the park. You can hear her voice and see her boobs


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tsk tsk should have gone with me in high school even though i never asked you out or gave any other indication that i liked you

tfw im an asian robot... hey at least you're female

I'm a white guy in China, life is truly suffering for the female expat here.

She's instantly placed into a world where she's fat as fuck compared to the average asian woman. Non of the white expats want to date her because they prefer chinese girls. And they themselves refuse to date Chinese girls.

The average female expat lasts maybe 6-12 months here before running back home to the west.

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Her eyes shine like stars, her face as pale as the moon.

*they themselves refuse to date Chinese guys.

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Who is she?
The one in your photo?
She is not fat at all?

plenty of basedboys that will marry them. ironically, basedboys are more race loyal than yellow fevered racist betas

As a Chinese, I'd love to date an expat because the average asian girl looks anorexic.

White girls are racist as fuck though. Even the hyper-vegan feminist SJW ones.

Fat white roastie spotted.
Not fooling me.

"She" refers to the average white female expat, or as I like to call them "Fempats". They don't last long in China.

bubble tea. asian girls love it

I am a half skelly Asian so you can't be more wrong

>life is truly suffering for the female expat here.
it's by their own doing. being indian or asian guy in the states, is probably worst

because they are superior in loyalty and sex appeal

still a robot tho

Yeah I noticed they usually just want to date within their race. I want a white gf

Oh yeah it's 100% their fault, not denying that. Even the most average 5/10 white girl would literally be drowning in dick if they accepted the advances of Chinese guys.

new scheme
>go to Asian country
>snatch up a thirsty western woman
>behaves herself because she has to compete with Asian qts

Not a femanon, male(male), but I honestly don't find asian girls attractive. Pretty yes, but sexually attractive no. They all look like little yellow kids to me, and that kinda creeps me out.

same here, dear fembot :(

>tfw white woman
>tfw no qt chinese communist bf

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they dress nicely and have pretty hairstyles though

why communist tho? they may be in the party but they are far from even socialist

>The cutest
You tags are retarded take off the make up even the pornstars are ugly seriously they have flat bulbous noses and their eyes are disgusting once you look up close

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Stop larping, there are East Asians males everywhere, especially on the campus.

Chinese aren't communist by economy anymore. Free market. Plus a lot of Chinese people have money now.

Yeah, so do kids.

today i will remind them

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>yfw you've had this happen to you
She was talking to her father too. That was interesting.

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A cherry picked vid of the internet oh boy all Asians are fucking beautiful

I don't want a classcuck bf

Ayyy, there's still a demand for thicc black women.

Accept defeat and submit to yellow pucci

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Meh. Some are cute. I just kek when people lust over them because they think asians girls are all pure and submissive. Thots come in all colors boys.

After marriage they are just as bitchy as any white woman. Anyone with an asian mother can attest to this.

this. white women are the most race loyal too. its a shame cuckposters don't realize this

I like them but can certainly agree that women are generally shit everywhere.

I don't.
I got to talk to a Japanese girl because a friend was staying in Japan. She said I had a voice like a doll or anime character and asked me to say things in Japanese. It was really adorable.

Not so much from men who want stability and marriage.

Well, those are things that can be worked on together, so it's fine.

I don't believe you user. Oreganalo

there's still a demand for black women in general


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No that is a penis user. She is trying to use her mouth to sexually stimulate that young mans penis.

Are you both stable AND have a big black ass?
That's the money shot right there.