Why do females start to panic when you ask them their ex-partner number...

Why do females start to panic when you ask them their ex-partner number? Some people are attracted to self-respect and good character.

How do you justify trying to sweep your sexual market value under the rug?

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They don't won't you to judge their worthless slut lives. Used women belong in the trash either as a heap of rotting flesh or alive and gagged.

But why do they make such poor life choices in the beginning, are the fathers not around to raise the well?

Because people don't like getting judged.


when a guy starts asking me I start to panic and look for an exit. It is a bright red flag this is a guy that will harm me if I answer anything but 0. They will shame, get sexually aggressive and violent so no sudden moves or they attack. Girls when the alarm sounds you back away.

yessssss...and he's probably a virgin eww

Well you shouldv'e closed your legs if you wanted to live a happy life whore!

average is three or four and three or four is fine. guess you hang out with whores cause you suck and/or believe all women ought to be virgins then get married.

also, not an advice request, scumfuck.

you prove my warning to all women. it doesn't take much and sometimes nothing and a man will kill you for just being female. I didn't even mention a number and the name calling begins

>will harm me if I answer anything but 0
Most women's understanding of men is about as poor as incel's understanding of women.

>three or four is fine.
Sure - for whores.

Famous whores who fuck 3 people in their whole life.

Because having multiple sexual partners doesn't mean you have no self-control or less-than-ideal character. If anything, it means one knows how to have a good time unlike faggot OP.

I speak from experience and know the signs.

Anyone not ok with openly discussing every single past relationship is a slut that has had too many to count.

sure, retard. also kill yourself

>Women will always find you creepy if you're not Chad, I speak from experience and know the signs.

Good post

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I don't get it. Women should not fear telling her number. Either you're talking to a guy that doesn't care, or a guy that care.

The guy that doesn't care will no nothing about it. The guy that care will consider the information and treat a possible relationship accordingly. If you don't tell him your number, he'll probably dump you or feel cheated as soon as he figure out. It's a waste of time trying to hide your number.

For me, 3 or 4 partners are OK. More than that might be OK depending on her age and some other factors. More than that is a red flag, not relationship material probably. But it's a very personal matter, I don't have sex with any women available, I demand a woman that does the same.

And this thread is full of incels. Real man know that a virgin woman is not necessarly the best

Post this on Jow Forums and not here, you retarded turboincel.

>Why do women react badly to people that talk about "sexual market value"?

You are replying to your own question, my dude.

My gf is the painfully honest type ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>Either you're talking to a guy that doesn't care, or a guy that care.

If he asks he cares. The question is, why? Going by this board, it's insecurity. So by asking, you are presenting yourself an insecure.

The fact that she does't react well to the question might have to do with the fact that she has a huge sexual past she is ashamed of, OR with the fact that you feel the need to ask.

GIven that OP talks about Sexual Market Value, I will bet his rejections have more to do with the latter. Some women may be ashamed, but that's not the reason they reject OP.

I don't panic. I've got nothing to hide or be ashamed of. If a nigga can't roll with not being the one to pop my cherry, he's not the nigga for me.

Pretty much this.

>it's insecurity
Plese stop with the meme.

It's no meme. It's the truth. Pure insecurity.

So if I find a 20yo girl that had sex with 100 guys and I feel not OK with that, I'm just insecure, righte boi? I can't assume that something is wrong with her, righte?

>a man will kill you for just being female

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You should respect her sexual freedom.

This is the female equivalent of incel shitposting.

What is it, then? The fetichism virgin build around virginity is a coping mechanism. That's insecurity, my dude.

I respect. But if I feel not OK being with this kind of woman, I'm just a insecurefag, right?
The absolute state of people.

You both have the right to know each other's sexual "baggage" in order to make right decisions.

Here's something I don't get. I assume you two don't fuck on the first date, right? I mean, it only makes sense given how against promiscuity you are.

So, are you asking this question on the first date, or when you are actually closer to sex? I want to get a clearer idea about you.


Alternatively, the answer may be delayed because at some point why bother counting.

you guys are crazy. So having sex is wrong and is baggage. What kind of fucked up religion are you involved in? Oh, and no one has the right to know intimate details of my sex life. I know guys kiss and tell but we don't. Respect my privacy and my partners privacy.


If a guy REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEs autistically because I sucked a dick or two before his, I am not really missing out.

So you don't watch the news? Guys will shoot dozens just because they were rejected.

poor sluts...

Please. All you're good for is suppressing fire and giving the enemy a target while chads come home from the war. No wars have made you fat, spoiled, worthless crybitches. You should've been weeded out but we let you suffer here with all the comforts of anime, easy food, and video games. If you truly don't like it feel free to do your real duty as a man and go fucking die.

>Why do females start to panic when you ask them their ex-partner number?
They're ashamed. Why do males do it?How do males justify trying to pretend they aren't sluts?

>Oh, and no one has the right to know intimate details of my sex life.
Your partner does.

Why would he? He has the right to know if I'm clean and faithful, nothing else. I never asked my bf to tell me anything about his sex life, he never asked me anything.

I like knowing everything about my partner (so does she) and me and my gf are both brutally honest with each other.
It's a great basis for a relationship.

I don't think that knowing who my bf slept with when he was 18, or how many times he got his dick sucked makes any difference.
He can tell me if he wants, and I never made any huge secrets of my sexual past because I don't think it's something I need to feel ashamed of, but I also don't really believe in the obligation of sharing about sexual past.

Well, I was a virgin when I met her, while she had plenty of guys.
I would have stayed hung up on my insecurities, if she made a secret out of it.

>The man I may spend the rest of my life with has no business knowing about how many dicks I sucked!
The absolute state of roasties

This is a horrifying mindset
I'd lose hope in humanity if I still had any left

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>girl has 4-5 partners.
>muh "4-5 is f-fine"
>6 partners
>you break up w/ her
>another chump like you comes along
>"5-6 is f-fine, too"
>she's had a varied taste of dicks and needs constant source
>proceeds to become a whore
you faggots are retards for thinking just 4-5 is fine, because it won't end there.
The supply of women who've had a low number of partners is decreasing, btw.
Grow a spine, honestly. The more you're willing to compromise, the more people will abuse your weakness.

>inb4 stay mad incel
should say I'm a Christfag so I don't accept any women unless she has God at the front of her life and is a virgin.

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>you faggots are retards for thinking just 4-5 is fine, because it won't end there.
>The supply of women who've had a low number of partners is decreasing, btw.
>Grow a spine, honestly. The more you're willing to compromise, the more people will abuse your weakness.
This. You can know how well you're relationship will go just by knowing the how much partners she had before you.

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>it's insecurity.
Not the same guy.
Insecurity is just a meme word developed by normies to mostly shame men into accepting whoredom.
I am insecure and I am okay with it. Better be insecure than be a cuck

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I wont read the thread because it's always the same points.

I will just tell you one thing, as an older guy that's been with close to 30 women:

Women lie about their partner count, in many cases they lie about being a virgin. You will quite literally never be certain unless you pick up really young girl.

So, either come to terms with it or let it control your psyche and your relationships. What I did was objectifying women in my mind and distancing myself emotionally. It's not ideal, but this is how I cope, you may find your own way.