Pic-related is more of a robot than 95% of this board

Let me tell you why.

>She's Schizophrenic
>She has no friends, like absolutely no one, no one ever stayed after approaching her for her entire life because of her diagnosis
>She snapped 3 times in her life and was hospitalized
>She's constantly bullied
>She'll never have a normal life

Attached: 20180624_205524.jpg (1439x1533, 1.16M)

>would lovingly kiss her neck

No one would kiss mine, though

congrats m8, you just described half the board

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bro, like half of the traps on this board would

>She has no friends, like absolutely no one, no one ever stayed after approaching her for her entire life because of her diagnosis
then who took the picture?
her friend
why is she so tan?
she's outside with her friends

liar liar pants on fire

She's also jailbait. Nice try FBI.

She likes going to the beach that's true, thing is her mother (or her normal sister) is constantly with her to make sure things don't go weird.

i don't give a fuck about this roastie suck my three days without bath dick

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I swear *slurrpp* *mhhh** I'm not like the o-*slurpPPP***slurrpp* other like the other girls user...

Attached: qt_first_succ.jpg (3564x2376, 1.21M)

The people will just bully her because she is a female and cute. How sad is it that these guys on r9k complain about being judged by how they look yet they are doing that to this girl...

I know most fembots can relate to this :/

>be me, be FBI agent
>try and find pedo's on Jow Forums
>they are getting smart and no longer respond to CP threads
>make up fake fembot thread with pic of jailbait, hope some robofags will comment pedo shit
>MFW I am FBI agent, with hard drive full of jailbait

Attached: download (6).jpg (225x225, 9K)

fembots r just a meme m8

Brooke, we got fucking rules in this place.
every toastie is a roastie until proven otherwise.

Op is a bit of a faggot, eh

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People don't bully her because of that, they pick on her because she's mentally ill and weak.

>be me
>be OP
>MFW I'm a fagggot

r9k is not one person.

They generally tend to think as a hivemind though.

like 90% of it is basically and echo chamber. dont deny this anonychan

Love it when Jow Forums doesn't have much to say as OP is right

The value of a female is almost entirely her appearance.

even the normie baits are shit

Apparently not in OP's case

Out of words are we?

Hey is it true you're 14, FBI?


big feel user ;_;

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What's your opinion on anal intercourse

Attached: Wc1Qr7PZ_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Who took this picture? Surely not a stranger.
Who did she go to the beach with? Surely not alone.

So fuck right off, right now.

In this picture here she was with her sister, she doesn't hang around with anyone other than her and her mother.

Attached: 20180625_084159.jpg (1438x1785, 784K)

Yeah, in those clothes. Let me just get high heels and skirts at home.

Fuck off thot, go fellate the fbi

You'd be surprised, she usually needs help getting dressed normally, basically she's her sister's doll sometimes.

What kind of symptoms does she display due to her Schizophrenia?