What are some interesting facts Jow Forums anons have about themselves?

Let's get to know each other.

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i noticed that many anons love baja blast (me not being an exception)

I put a man on the moon figuratively speaking of course

Dude I LOVE Baja Blast

Anything I say will sound like I'm either bragging or an extreme degenerate. I guess that I haven't drank in almost 2 years after 7 years of heavy drinking.

Thanks for a nice image

As a child, I jumped off the stairs on multiple occasions to see if I could fly.
I'm also not autistic

Fucking congrats bro. Good shit

This is my cat, today I called it banana cat.

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How did you stop?
How to fix the feeling of impending doom when stopping?

i am mediocre, everywhere
my english is mediocre, i am mediocre partner, my skills are mediocre, i am not particularly good at something and it makes me extremely sad

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I'm very proud of you user.

I play the piano and really want to learn how to play the guitar

I hang around naked women all day yet haven’t been fucked since February.

Strip club?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm autistic, and I recall doing this into my early teens.

You should get yourself tested.

i was a complete chad when i was 12 years old, something i lost in the intervening years.

Haha I get it you gave it a banana because it's a nigger cat

Thanks guys. Made me smile.
I tried everything. Rehab, aa, prescription drugs, supplements, changing types of alcohol, all sorts of meditation and spiritual stuff even yoga for some reason and I'd always end up drinking again. It never failed. It got to the point of multiple hospital visits and a seizure. Still drank. I was so bad at that point I was willing to try anything just to feel a little bit better. This part will sound pretty cliche but I still had that book they gave me in AA and I started reading it that night. It blew my fucking mind. It was literally like someone wrote a book about me 50 years before I was born. That was enough to make me believe there had to be something there. So I went back and I did what they told me not believing a single word they said (or believing in their higher power stuff) but still willing to try anything to feel better. Little by little and almost 2 years later I'm a completely different person. I still don't understand how those steps that seem retarded did it but they did.

As for the withdrawals there isn't any easy way around them. A detox place or a hospital can help but only so much. Your body will give out and make the choice for you eventually.

Tried to keep it as short and sweet as I could.

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Might as well be...

I was 93 kilos at the start of the year now 71-2 and I feel uncomfortable when talking about it to other people so I'm just gonna spew my bile here to make me feel better.

I’m a welder but got a job building pump systems. Very little welding there but the job is my first and they don’t work my ass off so it’s good.
I’d like to run my own business one day ideally soon. I can stick my foot behind my head, last year at 1am back at college I put both feet behind my head and scared several blacks to the point a couple called me a white demon or something like that and one yelled “Where are your balls?!?!” (Btw I’m a guy.)
I hope everyone is doing well and has a good day.

I have a very rare, chronic, severe disease, I was diagnosed when I was 8.
I finally found a cure that makes me feel actually good.

I have around 40 kids from almost 3 years spent in a developing country, and a money scheme run by a woman who minded me.