whats one more dick in a brocean of dicks?
Whats one more dick in a brocean of dicks?
What is wrong with you fuckin faggots. Nobody wants to see ur ugly penis
Decent cock
Why does every guy with a small to average dick try to hide as much of their body and hand as possible to make it look bigger?
OP has a decent dick tho. Yeah, huge cocks are better, but its still nice
I never contended that, but it's obvious what he was trying to do with that pic
Heres mine too
stop showing your dicks you lameasses and instead send them to me personally
Does it make an original difference?
brocean of dicks needs more dicks
That's exactly my dick except it's black
Okay pls post
Just measured my dick for the first time in my life, got 16 cm length x 12 cm girth (6.4 inches x 4.9 inches). Apparently I'm a bit above average. feelsgoodman. If only my parents hadn't let dr. shekelberg mutilate it when i was an infant.
Are we posting dicks?
kek is that erect? hahahahahahahahahaha
Semi erect and its not that small its just average
how do you measure it? from the side or the from the front?
because mine is curved a bit if i measure from the side i'm around 7.5ish but from the front is just 7
what is the truth?
You just answered your own question dipshit
post full erect with hand to see size
Ive fapped too much today so its hard to get an erection but here it is
Toasting originally.
when tumblr invades us, we will post dicks and they will worship us instead
P-pls respond, what's right
Not sure what you mean by "front", but i measured it from the topside
yeah front/top. like but when i measure from the side it reads longer. but i'm also curved, so is the measurement from the side more accurate?
Had to crop it but my peepee is around 6/6.1 inches. R8?
I also have a non erect pic
Stop activating my cocklust.
I want to be normal
This one is cute but shaving the balls would make it perfect
Yea hair grew back, i need to shave again
what is a brocean?