Who are you rooting for in the world cup?

Who are you rooting for in the world cup?

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team white

le TSUUUU man

dunno, the good team i guess


I'd root for Brazil since I'm brazillian but I hate football so I just don't

Against Brazil because I'm one, want to see the normie's tears.
You have no idea how much I laughed on the last world cup.

Croatia suits me
I want to support solid and talented TEAMS who play complete football and not pieces of shit like Messi's Argentina

Argentina :~)
If we lose then England.

Also, its needless to say that we are rooting for white or at least european teams(England, France Belguim etc are African) against others, especially against Arab nobodies

japan cause i get my hentai from there

Japan because I'm a weeb

It's actually coming home, everyone knows it.

Please explain the meaning of this bong speak friend


I was with Iran and todays match was absolutely amazing and rigged in favor of Portugal (it was red card).

Go Modric!

N I G G E R L A N D ***
No, seriously
Niggers and Kane don't make a white football team

nobody. my team isn't in it so i'm not picking a second team. but i predicted croatia would beat france in the final so i wouldn't be that sad if that happened. i just don't want a repeat winner so no brazil, argentina, uruguay, england, france, spain or germany.

i thought argentines hated the english

Unironically Mexico.

This, mexico will win this world cup tbqh.

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mexico fans are a lot more tolerable than US fans at least.

Can't lie, it was fucking awful. How can a team lose from 7x1 in the fucking semi-finals of a world cup. Both teams should be really good at that point lol, not an entire Reich VS a Shithole

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a great man

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