Women are better than men change my mind

Post your "statistics" I dare you, brainless homophobic racists

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I can beat most women in 1v1 csgo. You really think they're better than men?

can women get trips like these?

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I know this is bait but define better.
Better in what regards.


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shut up you homo

List of things invented by men:
TV, Radio, Internet, Modern Medicine, Writing, Film, Books, Porn, Chocolate, Cheeseburgers, PlayStation, Anime, Cars, Buses, Planes, Trains and so on and so on

List of things invented by women:
I don't fucking know or care but I guarantee you none were as important as any men invented, let alone the sheer number of things men invented dwarfs what women did

This is not a good metric to prove that men are better than women.
Women for most of history have been pretty much forced into the role of stay at home mothers.

Men are even better at being women than women, so I don't know what you have been smoking.

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Also dont know how true half the shit you listed is. Like when was anime really invented?

I will leave this here

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I thought this tumblr shit wasn't supposed to happen til July

women got us kicked out from the Eden

It doesn't really matter who's better, only who's stronger

Send nudes bitch

You are all just delusional

>women are better
>unable to secure any role besides housemaid for most of history

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No u Oreganili

>Pretends to be a Tumblr snowflake
>Knows how to trip
So close, yet so far.

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how are trannies "women"
and explain how I'm a "homophobe" or a "racist" for disagreeing with you and no don't try and pull some bullshit mental gymnastics to try and explain why I'm a le ebil scary raycist boogeyman
the sjw doesn't actually care about other people other men other women and especially not minorities they don't actually give a fuck about anyone all they care about is brownie points and meaningless ego worship to fill whatever void their shitty life has they're usually very shitty people and have intense repressed shame and guilt about being a shitty toxic insufferable person so they try and virtue signal and larp as this brave heroic defender of minorities and wimmen so they can ignore and deny they're a shitty person and live in a fantasy world where everyone is the bad guy and they're the hero instead of actually confronting their flaws and trying to solve them and self improve i also find it funny how alot of them go on and on about "opression" well living in a safe gated cutesy suburban neighborhood in a nice house with an expensive computer and phone and a college education paid for by their rich parents yet try and talk about oppression and privilege like as if they've been through it personally
sjws trivialize actual oppression and actual racism if they actually gave a fuck about homophobia they'd go to countries where you're killed or disowned by your entire family for being gay sjws are just hedonistic self entitled overgrown 13 yr olds upset that Mommy wouldn't take them to hot topic so they try all these mental gymnastics to try and bullshit people into seeing them as the victim so they can get what they want in life

>women are better
Where did I say this?
>unable to secure any role besides housemaid for most of history
Its almost as if they have been oppressed by men for thousands of years.

What does having more nuerons have to do with men being better than women?
If you think this is a measure of intelligence then you are sorely mistaken.

This is Jow Forums not Tumblr, is this supposed to be a raid or something?

Name a single matriarchy that exists today that has a seat at the UN.

I just wish they could make better original content. All women post on this board are the same 2 shitty wojak edits and occasionally that princess points picture. I've passed through lolcow too and their memes are bottom tier trash, get creative you fem shits

if thwy were so good why wernt they less opressed lol

This entire board is the same shit every day.
>boohoo im depressed and I am not doing anything about it
>fuck women
>fuck chads

exactly user they don't give a fuck about muh social justice they're just out for brownie points in hopes they'l get gibs for being a "good" person

At least there is semi-regular OC worth a chuckle every now and then, and it's bots that post it 99% of the time

Why are you here then? You are no better if you loath this place but still hang here.

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Its entertaining for me to talk to people I disagree with.

or these.


Most women are like Hijaks. They operate behind the scenes and are the true masterminds. Men only believe males are in charge. :^)


originololi fuck in holi

That's not a trip you absolute mongoloid, he's just filled out the name field
Fuck off newfag