I just had the most disturbing, painful nightmare of my entire life and I'm genuinely afraid to fall back asleep...

I just had the most disturbing, painful nightmare of my entire life and I'm genuinely afraid to fall back asleep. I'm going to post it in a second.

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Bump. I love hearing about fucked dreams

Kidnapped in the dead of night, awoke inside of an enclosed room piled with trash and dead bodies. A living man was there as well, panicked and digging through the trash looking for escape. A voice announced over an intercom that we were chosen for an experiment, and our only goal was to survive.

I endured a series of rooms all full of deadly traps and physical challenges, and saw ahead a series of gas chambers. Running ahead of the people (more kept coming in), I sprinted to what looked like a man in a labcoat. A timer was counting down. The man in the labcoat panicked when I tackled him, and as the timer hit 0, we were exposed to an unknown gas. The man and I were moved along a conveyor belt and doused with water and dried.

All of the lights went out and the place swarmed with men and women in hazmat suits. I was shoved with the man into a closed chamber. Our bodies were exposed to a sickening light and we physically merged for a few moments. The light flashed again, and we separated.

After we were pulled apart into our respective bodies, the man beside me let loose a bloodcurling scream. His arms were missing, and mine were elongated by several feet. Something had gone horrifically wrong. The room swarmed with people again, pulling him out and leaving me in there.

I was exposed to a different gas and felt the most excruciating pain I've ever felt, awake or asleep. I thought I would die, but it kept going. After awhile I stopped screaming and begging for them to stop, and eventually the pain stopped.

The men and women pulled me out of the chamber, as I was too weak to stand. They told me that my threshold for pain was higher than any other test subject they'd seen, and so they would be keeping me outside of the normal testing grounds for more specialized experiments.


I spent what felt like years in this testing area, too weak from torture to try escape. Eventually I became so used to it that I had the stamina to try and run. I tried time and time again, always getting captured, always being subjected to worse torment. Each time I tried escaping I got slightly farther, but discovered that I was not getting further- each escape only took me deeper into the labyrinth.

One day, during an attempt to escape, I ran straight into the man I had been fused with all those years ago. He stopped the guards pursuing me and, shocked to see me so deep in the research facility, revealed he was the head of operations. I begged him to have mercy on me and do anything he could to ease my suffering. I was so resigned at this point to my existence in this hell I didn't ask to leave- I asked what he could do to make it easier for me to stay.

He pulled me from the experiments, and said he'd give me a chance working in the facility under extremely close observation. I obeyed every order without question and proved myself so thoroughly and competently that I was gradually given more and more leniency and power, until I was working under the director himself.

I grew old, and one Christmas, while at a dinner party with the director's assistant, she presented me with a gift. It was a medal of service, for 25 years with the company.

Time felt like it had passed normally, if not slower than usual in the nightmare. I felt like I had just regained my youth and that my entire reality had been fucking shattered. I woke up screaming hysterically.

Jesus Christ user what the fuck happened to you that made you dream something like that?

I've had a very hard life and have been under a lot of stress lately, but I do NOT fucking know man- like, I've endured a lot of physical pain, but NOTHING like that, and I've endured a lot of mental stress, but this was some next level shit.

wait which one was the director? the man at the beginning looking for escape or the man you tackled in the lab coat?

The man I tackled in the labcoat. The one who's arms were temporarily fused with mine. The guy at the very beginning died almost immediately.

what did they have you do as a job?

did your arms go back to normal?

That's fucking insane. You should make a movie out of that.
Also the realistic passage of time reminds me of The Long Dream by Junji Ito

I might actually write a book or something based off of this, I won't go into too much detail. My arms did go back to normal after the first bout of torture though.

Thanks man. I think I might write a book, if only to help me sleep, shit was fucking insane. I'll have to read that one, love Junji Ito but haven't heard of that piece before.

I had one kind of similar when I was a teenager, but I found myself in what seemed like a really tight spaced sewer complex with random people who all found themselves kidnapped there. We had no idea where or why we where and we had to swim through pitch black submerged caves and I crawled through pits of needles and razors that felt real, and I sliced up all my forearms and legs and could see and feel the pearly yellow fat and the white tissue stuff connecting to stringy muscles. At one point I remember finding sewing on my belly and tearing myself open to pull something out, and at one point I think I killed a friend while we were alone in a dead end because I was starving. We were down there for weeks maybe and met another group at one time but only me and a few other found a way out, and we were on an island covered in high paddock like metal fencing. We got to the ocean and there were no beaches only high cliffs that had big rotating blades all around them, one guy tried to jump through them and got sliced in half. From the cliffs I saw the rest of the island was all old concrete buildings that I could see other people being tortured in, and trains moving around transporting people to be tortured and some being driven off the cliffs into the water full of people. Then there was like a flashback scene where I remembered a scarred and disfigured little girl, who was now a cloaked figure that we had scene who was controlling the island and tormenting everyone on it because she hated humanity so much, then I woke up.

It's amazing how real such outlandish things can be in dreams.

Damn, I was expecting some meme bullshit but that's nuts enough that I believe it. My advice, if you're really gonna try and make a book or something out of it, is to open up a word doc or whatever and write down everything you can remember ASAP. I've had some interesting dreams that I wanted to make stories out of and they've always slipped away within a few hours.

qq moar, bitch boy

That's a really interesting story user. Normally my dreams feel really disconnected from myself, such as that I don't feel any sensations and it's more just numb. Like I'm not very aware or lucid. Did you ever try to kill yourself in the dream? Maybe that would have ended it prematurely. And by the sounds of it, you weren't aware it was a dream? Did you have the memories of your real life self in the dream? This is so intriguing, thanks for the share user.

I don't think ive ever had a long dream

I think OPs mind just ran a simulation for the worst things it could think of to fortify OPs mind

Thanks for the advice

I wasn't aware that I was dreaming at all, and I'm not the type to try and kill myself under any circumstances. There was no end in sight, I can't even begin to explain how relieved I was to have woken up.

>Time felt like it had passed normally, if not slower than usual in the nightmare. I felt like I had just regained my youth and that my entire reality had been fucking shattered.
Wait do you mean that it actually felt like real life? For years?

How is that disturbing?
Also, how do you even feel pain in your dreams?

Yes, it actually felt like that amount of time had passed. It's been several hours since I woke up and it's still extremely jarring.

...??? How is being extensively tortured for years and growing accustomed to it not disturbing? Have you never felt pain in a dream before? Do you have any sort of empathy?

No, in one dream I've been literally ripped to shreds by a tiger and didn't feel a thing.
Anyway, it's only pain, and the dream doesn't seem that scary. There are far worse things than torture.

I didn't even know you could feel actual pain in dreams. Every time I got in danger I woke up just before. Save for that time I got stabbed, but that wasn't exactly pain.
This feels like bullshit but it was an interesting read, definitely book material.

Besides, your dream sequence had a happy ending. Why would you be disturbed by that?

The really disturbing part wasn't the pain, it was losing what felt like my entire life to a place that had tormented me. Everyone I had ever loved, my home, my youth, my life, everything was taken from me and gone with no hope of going back to it.

The pain might be from my untreated sleep apnea. I've spoken with other people before that don't have medical conditions who have felt pain in dreams before too, though. At any rate, glad you were able to get some enjoyment from it.

I still don't see it. Sure you've lost your previous life, but that was beyond your control.
In the meantime, you made the best out of what you had, through nothing but sheer determination.
I would have felt pretty accomplished by the end of it, desu.

I hadn't thought of it like that, thanks man.

I can hardly imagine how bad it was OP. 25 years? What the fuck?

I read a lot and dreams are definitely more than we're told. They're alternate dimensions. You might have been experiencing a past life or another current life your "higher self" is experiencing.

I've been tortured in dreams a lot recently, and the pain is just as real as in real life. There's no escape.

I recommend seeking Christ.

Alternate dimensions? Where characters from works of this dimensions exist?
Something doesn't add up here.

so u have the ability of dreaming short stories