Ask a unironic low functioning autistic anything

I get abused and trolled daily too, by my own parents and their friends more than people online ironically enough
Ask me anything

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Other urls found in this thread:!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!oQ5B1DDa,

how elaborate are your spree shooting plans?

None, I just want to be safe and alone since I can't trust anyone

did you graduate high school / are you attending college?

No, I attend adult transition but it's garbage

is it frequent for girls to be mean to you?

Yeah, I'm used to it though

How do you sustain yourself financially?
Parents, Goverment programme, job...

have you ever considered reacting violently to bullying?

Neetbucks, and parents. I can live off my disability checks if I want to but I'm not going into details, it's obvious anyway

No, I just walk away and then hide in my room at home for safety

Do you have something you are passionate about? Sounds like you got loads of time there.

if an autistic girl insisted on being your girlfriend until you gave in to it, and this guy came up and slapped you're gf in the butt, what would you do?

are you fat? if you are not fat, want to be my bf?

I would be just stare blankly at the person who did that. And I'm okay with a autistic gf anyway,I already dated diagnosed autistic people before and I'm autistic too

Would you prefer to date non autistic people?

Not really, I'm a blank shell, unfortunately

>if you are not fat, want to be my bf?
please stop being mean this is a safe thread

Preferably a neurotypical so they can help me, autistic people usually can't handle each other, but also autistics can tolerate each other and understand each other more/won't snap at each other like neurotypicals to autistics, it's weird

That sucks OP. I feel the same way.

Have you ruled out the possibility of having a child someday?

I could if I wanted to, but I need the right partner, im extremely monogamous too

I have a form of high functioning autism and feel torn on the issue. I dread to pass this on to my son.

I know how you feel user, just don't stunt their growth and give them the house keys so they can pursue anything

I'm not sure if that's all. I had a good childhood. The impuls to isolate came from within and was not imposed on me. Isolation ofcourse being a vicious cycle... I might have slipped up somewhere. Maybe..

Slipped up how? Wouldn't it be other people treating you badly that prompted this?

Might have spent a summer too much playing videogames. Something which detached me from playing outside with the friends I made. Maybe I got angry once and burned bridges. I can't quite remember how it started.

Me too, I understand, one day it'll be okay I hope

What makes you happy?

Usually my favorite person at the time, I haven't had one in forever though

Things are alright. I got a few hobbies and I am a student. Losing friends has been the most invaluable thing though. It can only get this good.

I know how you feel, it's never the same after you lose friends,

Abused by your own parents? Fuck. They are not beating you right?

I don't want to get into it, not baiting. I told someone when I was 13 and it haunted them so I try to keep it quiet

If it ceased... no problem. What about the daily trolling?

The daily trolling, my mom's friend tells me I'm worthless and my parents abandon me whenever I'm at their home

Thats fucked lad why would they do that?

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I'm autistic, it's in the op

>t. FBI niggers
You guys are being a little too obvious, dontcha think?

OP, the FBI would've came to your house if you answered "incorrectly" to those questions

Real talk, the Fbi already came to my house when I was a wee kiddo

i wish i was functional to the point i worked for the fucking fbi user but i'm just a 30+ shut-in subhuman NEET

And there's one more thing, i'm also gay as fuck and masturbate with a finger up my asshole, i'm a desgrace as someone can be

Thanks impersonators for taking care of my own thread

>low functioning
If you can use a computer and type complete sentences you're high functioning, congrats.

no welcome

Fuck off impersonator, i'm the one who owns this thread, ITT ISSS MIIINEE

i'M the OP, fuck off

Ok, gonna sstart using trip to show who's real, check mate faggot

I'm confused, who's the real OP ?

You are I think

>nobody's tried to take my identity as the pseudoFBIposter
feels bad being this unremarkable

how autistic can you be faggott?

I love you and you can achieve great things if you study the occult and make an effort to work with it systemically. You can have beautiful waifus who resonate at similar levels to your good qualities, who mesh well with you. Your autism and single mind focus could be applied to something grand for once, you could get anything you want and dunk on all normies. If you want to learn reply and i'll link resources and my discord if you need a contact and an in to the proper communities.

I didn't ask you anything, get out off Jow Forums faggott

a-anons this post is spooking me..

So it is to both of you, just in case tht is not OP I will keep an eye out. Otherwise I care not, because I am doing this simply as an avenue to try to offer assistance. I think taking people out of the mundane loop of seeing things from a purely physical angle of reality is the ultimate help, and I just want to get a few to diverge. God bless you anons!

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how into occult though

Sure user, since you asked I will provide. I ask one thing from you, that you suspend disbelief and try to embark on a "fantasy".In this "fantasy" I want you to believe that there is a substantial possibility that magic exists and that our consciousness, willpower, and souls can excerpt influence on the environment and on our bodies and minds.!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ!oQ5B1DDa, that is a link to an occult library. You are in a not so sublime place being here I imagine, entertain that fully and explore what sections catch your imagination. Try not to be an "armchair" absorbing many many pages but practicing little everyday, try to interact and do the practices and techniques described. Just put forth a genuine effort. Picture it like this, if its true you have everything to gain, if it isn't you do nothing but use your imagination, read some books, learn about psychology, and expand your literary vocabulary (a lot of the books are old and have a lot of words you will be looking up). Bless you user, I love you!.

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