The last blackpill is realizing the material world was made as a prison to trap our robotic souls so we cannot be free...

The last blackpill is realizing the material world was made as a prison to trap our robotic souls so we cannot be free and must constantly suffer in futility.
>Let's make one thing clear: the world you live in is hollow. It is plain and simple and contains only matter that, in itself, does not possess anything of lasting value.
>The only way to create something of dignity and true beauty in this world is by looking beyond its borders, to search outside of the mundane and enter into connection with that which lies beyond the safety of established form.
>To step into the realm of liberated wilderness, of untamed fire and of that ancient chaos for which every true and potent artist has been a mouthpiece. >There is a great abyss between this world and that place; an abyss which very few are ever able to cross. But by means of magic and communication with the divine, there are ways to penetrate that to that vast darkness, to that which lies beyond.
>To build bridges and open gate ways to that terrible and wondrous place that lies outside the borders of the world.

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>the material world was made

Chaos Gnostic here, this is truly the last redpill.

The material world isn't real, materialism is false
it doesn't even exist

It was made by the demiurge to trap our souls and keep us from realizing our true destiny as nascent divine beings. Only by embracing chaos can we reclsim our birthright

The material world is an illusion. A lie that we are forced to inhabit

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>it doesn't even exist
more nonsense.

How was it made? Please illustrate how something material can be made out of something immaterial.

>living in the illusiory mundane world
>not embracing the acausal realm of chaos

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The demiurge is the embodiment of materialism.

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