The last blackpill is realizing the material world was made as a prison to trap our robotic souls so we cannot be free and must constantly suffer in futility.
>Let's make one thing clear: the world you live in is hollow. It is plain and simple and contains only matter that, in itself, does not possess anything of lasting value.
>The only way to create something of dignity and true beauty in this world is by looking beyond its borders, to search outside of the mundane and enter into connection with that which lies beyond the safety of established form.
>To step into the realm of liberated wilderness, of untamed fire and of that ancient chaos for which every true and potent artist has been a mouthpiece. >There is a great abyss between this world and that place; an abyss which very few are ever able to cross. But by means of magic and communication with the divine, there are ways to penetrate that to that vast darkness, to that which lies beyond.
>To build bridges and open gate ways to that terrible and wondrous place that lies outside the borders of the world.
The last blackpill is realizing the material world was made as a prison to trap our robotic souls so we cannot be free...
>the material world was made
Chaos Gnostic here, this is truly the last redpill.
The material world isn't real, materialism is false
it doesn't even exist
It was made by the demiurge to trap our souls and keep us from realizing our true destiny as nascent divine beings. Only by embracing chaos can we reclsim our birthright
The material world is an illusion. A lie that we are forced to inhabit
>it doesn't even exist
more nonsense.
How was it made? Please illustrate how something material can be made out of something immaterial.
>living in the illusiory mundane world
>not embracing the acausal realm of chaos
The demiurge is the embodiment of materialism.
It lay there like a grotesque mirage in the desert, in a place where the sun refused to shine. The remains of all life. And we took them: the moltening bones, the tears, the insects, the malformed organs and severed heads and we began to build a monument. On the seventh day it stood there: the ultimate mockery of existence, dripping of blood and dead semen. A giant colossus of failed flesh and misgrowth. And even the rats... fled its shadow.
You are just spewing nonsense. You aren't saying anything that can be understood.
Acausal realm is an oxymoron.
How do I reach this place?
You must rekindle that which has been stolen from you; the black flame.
Tanin'iver Liftoach Nia!
>blackpill is now copying colorlesspill
Back in my day there was just the red pill and the blue pill, boy
Through Christ.
Contemplation of the eternal. Understanding that the realm of ideas is more real than that of the material. Learning to recognize the eternal patterns that the material realm is but an imperfect reflection of.
What is material is just a chaotic waters that dimly reflect divine perfection. The demiurge did not create so much as he shaped.
Chaos magick is just The Secret for edgelords.
Why does the material realm even exist?
Pls no demiurge memeing
That doesn't even make sense
And if there is a demiurge and there is an eternal immaterial realm, there are probably an infinite number of demiurges
Nonsense all around.
Why even bother replying if you think Platonic metaphysics is nonsense? Don't you have tfw no gf or orbiter thread you'd rather participate in?
>Why does the material realm even exist?
Why does anything exist? Because it must. Nothingness is impossible and irelevant when discussing existence. The material realm is simply the lowest level of existence before reaching unordered chaos.
>And if there is a demiurge and there is an eternal immaterial realm, there are probably an infinite number of demiurges
True. Why didn't you give the only solutions there are though to exit this matrix?
>anointment with the holy spirit through christ
>ahem, the material is just a dimly reflection in chaotic waters that reflect divine perfection. I call this, Platonic Metaphysics so you know I'm intelligent, even though everything I'm saying is figurative and poetic.
What about the realms you go to and the beings you see on psychedelics? is that piercing the veil?
That's not even close to being a fucking word. See that red squiggly line that appears under the words you type? It's there to help you be lest stupid.
>anointment with the holy spirit through christ
I firmly believe in the power of ritual, but to suggest this is the only effective one is silly. The ritual of annointment and the person of the holy spirit are both much older than Christ (consider theurgy). Why did we have to wait for him?
A buzzword that means nothing and can be applied in pretty much any context. Atheists frequently think of themselves as enlightened.
Have you read Plato? Those aren't poetic turns of phrase but defined concepts.
Define them, then.
This is a thread to discuss metaphysics; not instruct in you in it. If you're ignorant of the subject then go somewhere else. There a bajillion books on this subject. Read them and don't demand that others spoonfeed you like a petulent child.
Plato was a hack who lived thousands of years ago, dumdum. He literally believed in spirits.
>duhh there's a realm where all the abstract concepts are, because I say so
Your brain is full of stupid nonsense.
Exactly, this post is accurate. If you do not believe it so, at least entertain and try to act as if it is until you realize it to be. Everything to be gained, nothing to be lost.
What is outside of the boundaries of our universe? How do things work there?
I've wondered this for years.
I have theories, but I can never be sure.
That question shall haunt me to the grave.
You could never leave this universe by trying to traverse the third or even fourth dimension to their non existent limits. You would have to be able to move through some higher dimension to know what's outside it. Too bad our tiny meat brains aren't equipped to be able to even conceptualize something like this.
This is an easy one. All exists within the mind of God, and so there are no boundaries aside from those restrictions on our own ability to percive God.
this explains nothing and you know it
This is true, think of it like percieving god is percieving your soul as a fragment of god and his true presence in the universe. Percieving dosen't end at acknowledging, many acknowledge, but few try to perceive gradually. Think of god as infinity, search ein sof or brahmana and you will see from a western and eastern culture the description of god as such. It's very different than pop culture descriptions of god, to understand it and make a connection requires some expansion and not just surrender or acknowledgement.
>implication that there's an immaterial world
>implying that a thing's value has to last beyond the scope of your life to be worthwhile
>implying there's exists anything beyond the borders
>implying there's safety in the established form
>fancy adjectives to describe nothing
>"magic and communication with the divine", things you couldn't snap a picture of within the next 10 seconds with a time stamp, i.e. things that don't exist
>implying you're opening gate ways and aren't actually self-inducing schizophrenia
Garbage. Get off the drugs, hippy.