I have a super severe case of phimosis

I have a super severe case of phimosis.

Could I potentially damage my head or other parts of my penis if I tried pulling too hard, like when it starts to hurt if I just pull past that point could I fuck up my penis?

Picture unrelated.

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/16pcs-Tunnels-Silicone-Gauges-Expander/dp/B01M5H2TED/ref=sr_1_7?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1530043555&sr=1-7&nodeID=7141123011&psd=1&keywords=ear gauges.

Post a pic so I can judge. It has to be hard of course.

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you can fix it with stretching, Google it

Uhm I can maybe do that but not now, also I think I have genital warts or some shit, there's small little wart looking things that are mostly visible when I'm hard is this bad?

Well the thing is my phimosis is so stupidly severe and I've had it my whole life, I still remember when I was 6 or 7 or some shit they told me to 'pull on my penis or it will hurt when I get older' little did they know I would grow up a kissless virgin jokes on them. But ok I will do a little research on this, hopefully I don't have to go to a penis doctor because I'm scared of that...

post a fucking pic so we can diagnose that shit

Im from denmark

I'm not sure, I'd have to feel them. I'd also have to check your dickhead for smegma, that stuff is dangerous and needs to be removed by a medical professional like me.

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Well I'm thinking about it but at earliest I'd do it tomorrow but even then my dick is in such bad shape I'm afraid it'll circulate the internets for decades to come as a meme picture.

Well we're talking 25 years of built up dickcheese If that's your thing then alright.

> implying anybody would care about your dick even close to enough to turn it into a meme

Go to a fucking dick doctor. Have him widen that shit up. Just dont be a gullible retard and get coerced by kikes to get your cock mutilated.

Oh, in that case I'll have to be careful while removing it. I couldn't use my usual tools, something soft and wet like a tongue would be perfect.

Stretching over a period of months combined with a steroid cream will fix it, that's how my gran fixed mine.

>mfw when i can smell the dick cheese from a guy with phimosis when he's standing next to me
is this what permanent virginity smells like?
my properly circumcised bull never smells that bad

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How bad was your phimosis though this is the real question

I'm scared as fuck, I don't know what they will find inside of it.

>How bad was your phimosis though this is the real question
I could retract it about 1/4 of the way. My gran held it back firmly until it started to hurt and held it for 2-3 minutes, then pulled it back a tiny bit more and held for another few minutes.

Oh you got it easy then. I can't retract mine at all. I have never seen the head of my dick. Feels bad.

Keep at it. It might be painful but it's better than the alternative. As long as you're not bleeding or making the skin turn white from lack of circulation, you can't really do any lasting damage.

Thanks dude I'll try. I hope it works because that might spare me a visit to the dick doctor.

It sounds like yours is as bad as mine used to be, try these: amazon.com/16pcs-Tunnels-Silicone-Gauges-Expander/dp/B01M5H2TED/ref=sr_1_7?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1530043555&sr=1-7&nodeID=7141123011&psd=1&keywords=ear gauges.
Fixed it in about 4 months, don't sleep with them in unless they are completely comfortable or you might lose a weeks progress.

Just get a surgery

>my gran fixed mine
>My gran held it back firmly
nigga wat?

I lived with my gran from when I was 5 and she took care of me.I found it too uncomfortable to do myself so she did it for me for 7-8 months.

That doesn't sound very comfortable and also potentially dangerous to be wearing those around your dick when you sleep.

That's why I said don't do it unless it's comfortable, when you get used to a size it's manageable and then you go up to the next one. When your awake you can take it out if it feels too awkward.