>You wake and look in the mirror
>you are now an under average chubby asian woman (your life is the same but its as if your parents adopted you unless you are actually asian)
what do with all these new possibilites?
You wake and look in the mirror
get naked and shove things into my vagina and asshole until i violently orgasm
get an omega white bf
this but also
>bully asian """men""" online especially on reddit for being onions boi delta males
Use amphetamines and exercise to lose weight fast, trap some rich white tech beta with a pregnancy, live comfortably for the rest of my life
you can do that now well to your asshole atleast so why not try?
aren't omegas chads who dont care about women or am I remembering wrong
This. And then fuck men. If I was a woman I would happily fuck men.
rub one in while looking in the mirror then do some lesbian porn. IDK what else to do to try to cope with not being a male.
because im not gay, faggor. the point is the experience with a different body not to cum from a penis again, you fucking upstanding citizen.
lose weight and this
you guys say this but would you really want some guys dongle inside of you? I can understand a fake object or lesbian porn like said but id rather keep another guys dick far away from my vagina as possible if this happened
no i'd start with other shit just to get an idea. having an actual penis inside me wouldn't be a longterm goal i'd probably be attempting to muff dive
Nah I don't give a fuck. I've stuck my dick in almost 25 vaginas over the course of my life. If I woke up and was now a woman, I would have no problem with letting a few dudes stick theirs in me. Why not?
idk the thought of a guy cumming inside of me sounds gross idk why though because I wouldn't mind if it was a futa or shemale. Eh I guess its just me
Get some beta orbiters and a provider bf, start living on easy mode.
>your life is the same
well that ruins everything but assuming i was around 18~22 i would:
>start studying really hard to get the most out of my superior asian IQ, enter a top university
>abuse the current misandrist feminazi cultural landscape where women are disproportionately overpriviledged to my favor
>start doing light cardio regularly and take care with nutrition
>look for overachieving chad/brad boyfriend
>easily create a network of friends to fall back on by simply having a vagina
>naturally obtain shitloads of opportunities i can't even imagine as a male neet subhuman
>living on easy mode
Life isn't a video game, you mental child. Life is hard for everyone, even your so-called "Chad" and "Stacey."
>not just getting a feminine asian bf and using your weight to dominate him
sounds like you guys are gay
>t. roast in her ivory tower
Females have it objectively easier than 99% of males not matter how fugly they are.
Some people have significantly easier lives than others. There is no karmic force that ensures that everyones quality of life is the same. There is no just world.
Stop believing in Santa Claus.
With milkers like that, become a titty streamer.
engage ketosis for one month
siphon money off orbiters
I'm male, you fucking child. I just understand real life. But go ahead and keep teaching yourself not to try.
I didn't say anything about the world being just. I simply said "Life is hard." And it is. For everyone. I don't expect you to understand or even listen. You're too far gone. Reality is not an option for people like you anymore.
>we're talking to a VICE "journalist" RIGHT NOW in real time
It depends. Do I remember being an omega male before becoming an under average chubby asian woman? If so, then I'd probably record myself fapping, then fap to the recordings. I'd probably forget that those recordings are of me after a while and then things would be basically the same as before.
>For everyone
Except for females.
>my superior asian IQ
Asians and Jews are the smartest races. You must be a butthurt shitskin.
I would be a mommy gf for a lucky someone
Complete with breastfeeding and cuddles and probably post pictures of myself online for easy validation
>asians disproportionately perform better than other ethnicities (except jews) in all metrics involving intelligence
>no dude haha we dont perform as well as them only because we are more CREATIVE and LIBERATED we dont spend all our time cramming haha
Get skinny, start working on cosplay, go looking for a lesbian gf.
This girl is very pretty.
>Diet and exercise
>get fit, get /fa/
>get to 8/10
>find a cougar.
>Have life as qt wife trophy of a hot lady.
Why do I have to like Asian women so much? REEEEEEE
I don't want hapa kids
You are basing yourself on an average, which is not an accurate representation of *every single asian*. It's still a fucking gamble for OP, albeit they have more chances to have an higher IQ; it is, however, not a given.
If you want me to answer your hot take with a hot take, then people allowing themselves to become fat aren't exactly intelligent and OP would turn into a *fat* girl.
i would grow out my pubic hair a lot and then masturbate constantly while looking in the mirror and sniffing my farts
this made me kek really hard for some reason idk why but I thought I should let you know
Cam and premium Snapchat for dudes that like chubby Asians
>Go to local dirty book store
>Press my cunt to the glory holes
>Let strangers fuck me nonstop
>Take all the cock I can till I'm overflowing with cum