I'm curious

I'm curious
Wtf is wrong with r9k people?
My guess is lack of empathy
>do the test, be honest and share your answers, add some comentary if you'd like to

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>Your score was 48 out of a possible 80.
Accusing someone of a lack of empathy is in and of itself, an admission to having a lack of empathy, and quite stupid.
The real problem is that the world is a wicked place, and few people are willing to see it for what it is.

> 22
i thought i would get a higher score, this comforts me

>Accusing someone of a lack of empathy is in and of itself, an admission to having a lack of empathy
You're a dumbass.

Nigga wtf im not a fucking aspie man wtf

It completely is.
It's the statement that because you can't reason from their perspective, they must lack a crucial faculty which makes their perspective flawed.
It's prime blame-shifting and an admission of inadequacy.

Calling me a dumbass does nothing to invalidate that.

I took this test a few years ago. My score went down, actually, first I got 22, changed some answers (one of them I actually did get wrong, some others I thought I perhaps didn't agree or disagree as strongly as I should). 28. I don't think I have Asperger, but considering much of what I did when I was in school, the idea of being a higher-functioning autist wouldn't surprise me. Though I do consider myself healthy and sane, because I doubt this thing holds much water.

I got a 31 am i a bad person??

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I (OP) aint deying
I scored 13

No of course not you're a very special little boy dont worry

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>Your score was 17 out of a possible 80.
>Scores of 30 or less indicate a lack of empathy common in people with Autism or Asperger's Syndrom.
That seems too low to me.

I mean, yes, I can be a bit cold, or overly blunt, but plenty of people I meet end up liking (or at least remembering me) for whatever reason. So I doubt I'm really unpleasant or repellent. At least nowadays. Is it really that bad to just keep to myself and a grand whopping total of three friends?

Normie here scoring a 74. If anyone needs some advice I'm here to help.

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not a big surprise. i remember catching bees and putting them to jars half filled with water and burying them in sand just leave them to die.

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my docs gonna see this lol
i just got signed off for 3 months neetbux and prescribed Fluoxetine as well

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You're not a normie, you cry when you step on flowers.

Some of these questions don't have a lot to do with empathy and is really just about how agreeable and gregarious you are.


yikes. not surprised tho

I got a 9.
I even thought that my answer's weren't that bad. I figured I would end up pretty average

>tfw my mother criticized me all my life for lacking empathy as if I could could do anything about it
just fucking end me already

Well spotted.
Empathy is widely miscategorized as dumb sympathy anyway. An emotional response rather than a rational process.

Not as bad as I thought it would have been

7 out of 80
I thought i would have gotten 40~

ive taken the levenson test twice too, and scored extremely high for secondary psychopathy, kinda high for primary psychopathy
i think i might unironically be a psychopath but I still have feelings and what I think is a sense of empathy (but then again i got fucking 15 out of 80 lmao) what does this mean

Same here I got a 20

I might just be an edgelord

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i realized my lack of empathy at a young age. it goes along with my selfishness. i just understand where i lack and use it as an advantage and try not to be too much of a dick. im very polite too, i would be a good stock broker or sales person if i had better social skills

Wew lad, I'm so screwed.

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im too lazy to do it right now but last time i did it i got 3 or 4 i think probably just because im edgy as fuck

Your score was 7 out of a possible 80.

I've been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.

I got 7 uhhhhhhhhhhhhh I thought I was a filed normie until now

i don't give enough of a fuck to take the test
can't spell empathetic without pathetic
get fucked normo scum

3 out of 80 , how did i do?

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45/80. Definitely too low for me.

Ahahaha welp this explains a lot

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Fuck me, 14/80. I thought I'd do better than that I guess I really am an autist, My answers felt average as fuck to me


yikes feels autistic as fuck

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41 out of a possible 80.

Seems pretty normal, I guess. I have a temper, but I'm really good about listening to people and making them feel comfortable.


Wasn't really expecting that but okay.

>13 out of 80
I'm not even autistic or a psychopath, I just don't feel much anymore.

32, I guess I lack empathy according to an Internet quiz

Not sure if good or bad. You tell me.

redpilled enough to see reality as it is
bluepilled enough to never be able to change anything
Just watching and talking about a normals life without ever experiencing it.

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>score is 15/80

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>10 out of 80


Is sui the best option?

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Always have felt autistic but am able to act like a normie well enough to blend in. Haven't ever gotten tested, maybe I should

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Diagnosed sperg
maybe also psycho

>being disorganized means you're retarded
>get a 55 anyway

>score is 43/80
bye losers, seem like I don't belong here.

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3 out of 80
mfw i expected to be a normie

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Another internet test that doesn't measure shit properly

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What do I win?

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