100% convinced my neighbors got murdered a few days ago

>100% convinced my neighbors got murdered a few days ago
>they're perfectly fine
I-is it normal to incorrectly remember something like that?

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no you're 100% retarded

Ahahaha you're experiencing delusions
Soon you'll have full blown schizophrenia

Wait, what exactly do you remember?
Did you see them get killed, or just heard about it?

I murdered them user, now I'm coming for you.

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I remember hearing screaming coming from the house and hearing police sirens and my mom saying they died. It's strange.

Ask your mom about it?
Maybe you were dreaming.

Go see a psychiatrist bro, you could be a schizo

Just wait until you feel bugs crawling on you constantly and you shave your head in hopes of getting rid of the crawling feeling. Now that's the real bad shit.

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>Just wait until you feel bugs crawling on you constantly
I started getting this a month ago. It's annoying as fuck. Why would those things be linked?

Oh man, I'm sorry. It's a form of psychosis. I experienced it for like 2 months when I isolated myself in a foreign country (don't do Erasmus schemes to Germany, it's hell). There are no bugs user. It's just a feeling that won't go away until you get out of the environment you're currently in, start seeing a doctor and getting meds or start living a self-care healthier lifestyle. I feel for you user. I hope you get better soon.

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>Oh man, I'm sorry. It's a form of psychosis.
Darn. I was pretty sure I wasn't psychotic but the writing might be on the wall. That sucks. I hope it never gets severe if I do have that. I thought you basically had to hear voices to be psychotic.

Or, you travelled into another dimension via the mandella effect, and then got lice.
That's also a possibility.

No bro, psychosis can manifest in any way imaginable, my brother believed he had mind reading superpowers and started testing it on random people in the streets, then went paranoid because he was convinced trump was after his abilities before running off to a hotel, where he was acting aggressive and got detained and sent to a mental hospital.

It sounds funny but its a terrible thing to experience, if you want my advice then go see a doctor before the symptoms worsen and you become full blown psychotic

Nah man, the 'hearing voices' is the most famous form of psychosis, but there are all kinds of different forms. Essentially, if you're hearing/seeing/feeling stuff that you know logically is highly unlikely/impossible to be objectively true, you probably have psychosis. I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do about it. Just don't go to Germany, whatever you do. It's literal Hell.

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Use your telescope

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Haha, yeah, they're completely fine and definitely not controlled by skin-walkers.

I don't own a telescope and I was too afraid to go outside, but I looked out all the windows and saw nothing special.

Fuck you. I hate this so much.


You literally have brain problems. Or schizophrenia, I dunno. You should see a shrink, though.

>Just wait until you feel bugs crawling on you constantly
this is the worst

wait, i've had this forever, like a strong biting feeling that's biting my skin trying to get out from my flesh, a-am i developing some sort of psychosis ?

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You dreamt it


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