How the fuck people justify having children?

how the fuck people justify having children?

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I asked my dad about it one time. He said that he spent a long time looking for meaning and when he held my older brother for the first time, he found it.

Christ I'm never going to be able to have children because I can't get partner.
My life is meaningless and will stay that way. What a horrid existence.

KEK even if we want to we can't /THREAD

women use children to turn their life around.
it takes the act of birth to change them and make them come to Earth from whatever fairytale ideals they have.

it's insanity imo. the human condition and human nature scares the shit out of me.

it just means that you have enough space to unfold yourself and pursue your goals.
When I think of myself as a child ... Dude, I would never voluntarily expose myself to this kind of stress

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life is meaningless and cruel to impose on anyone.

life is suffering - meaningless, cosmic suffering

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Usually the "el dying alone" and "muh genes" memes. Perhaps they're only under the influence of these memes because of their elders. Some may see it as a social duty/contribution (save the white race). Ultimately you have to find something to occupy yourself and childrearing is the base method of keeping some stake in life. Parents still kill themselves of course, but you're more likely to tough it out because you have some people who truly depend on you, maybe for the first time in your life.


>life is suffering - meaningless, cosmic suffering
Yeah it is, if someone's a beta cuck like you.

If you need to have a child in order to find meaning in life then you're unevolved and you should kill yourself

Idk, I think it is because they think, having children is for them and supposed to make them happy and fullfilled
Tho to this day most are fucking degenerates and basicly are willingly putting retarded degenerate kids on the earth, only for them to produce more retarded degenerates.

Fuck you faggot don't talk shit about my dad.

They want to see their kids whoring themselfes out on the internet, because they are too old and ugly to do it themselfes now

I think he means life and existence as a whole. Life consists of disappointments and time when you have to work hard to achieve your goals, since you can suffer setbacks, no matter how hard you struggle

*this post is sponsored by gang weed

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>Not having a pregnancy fetish
Also it's the basis of human life existing and all that too.

You wouldn't be here to ask that question otherwise. Life isn't all good but it's not all nad either. Shame that lass had shit parents.

You could argue that they're inferior in some way but unevolved is as wrong as it gets.
They've evolved to want kids because those genes are obviously more likely to get kids.

i wish i weren't, fuck if not existing means not having existential dread everyday i sure am all for it
when your kid gets cancer, or into a car accident, when they get severally beat up at school, get raped, fall from somewhere and break their spine, when they have a shit marriage and they end up paying child support to an ungrateful ex wife who and sleeping on your couch, when they're diagnosed with severe depression/bipolar/pschizophrenia/etc, when they get addicted to drugs/alcohol/both as a result of the mental issues or whatever else, when they're ugly and thus not getting to experience sex in their teens and young adult life, etc etc fucking etc you remember this thread, and pat yourself on the back for making the decision to bring in a child into this world
fuck people who have children, fucking selfish pieces of shit scum

It's a biological instinct , if you don't have it you are a mentally ill faggot, on par with an aids ridden tranny that chopped it's balls off and feeds exclusively on nigger cum

Getting new kids isn't the basis of the existence of the present human life. People getting kids in the past caused our existence but that's already done.
I don't have to create a new kid in order for me to exist.

if a god exists HOW CAN HE NOT BE MALEVOLENT i dont understand

how is schopie wrong. how is life NOT suffering and how is it not cruel to force someone into existence

what a nightmare all of it really is

I have 2 kids and I'm raising them on my own (literally got cucked and baby's mother dipped out). I can't really justify my decisions since I barely have an education and work in a low paying job and we live in tiny cramped apartment but I honestly don't regret it. Though I do wish I had made different decisions while raising them.

I can understand getting cucked but why would you raise someone else's children?You are beyond pathetic and probably a shitty role model for your kids.

By cucked I meant my girlfriend ran off with another guy she was fucking behind my back. The two kids are biologically mine and I made sure of that.

If they weren't mine I would've left them on a doorstep or in a hot car ages ago

right you are user - i'd describe existence as nothing short of being a metaphysical hell.

if open individualism is true...then we're really in trouble.

>If they weren't mine I would've left them on a doorstep or in a hot car ages ago
and you actually live in a bubble in which you think you're a "good" human being

I don't know where I stated that I think I'm a good human. Are you reading the posts correctly?

what's there to justify about it? desu you just sound like some bitter incel. lack of pussy driving you crazy?

He said literally nothing wrong in that statement

I didn't actually plan my son. But now that he's here he gets to see all the cool shit that's around. Shit you and I are too jaded to enjoy.
I'm sorry your life is not going very well, I really am. I do hope you can turn things around. To be frank my own life was a literal hell for all of my childhood and most of my teens and some of my adulthood. Things did sort out eventually through no small effort on my part. I know it's an ordeal but there really can be a lot of awesome shit in this life too.
I hope you can see things the way I do one day.

you're keeping yours hence you have some sort of "moral value" bullshit system by which you live/see things/make decisions/etc
that implies that you aren't a complete psychopath who only follows through with what they see as a direct benifit to them
having a moral compass and following through with it = considering yourself a "good" human being at least on a certain level, on the "doing the right/proper thing" level
but you aren't, just a piece of shit like the rest of them all

>having a moral compass and following through with it = considering yourself a "good" human being at least on a certain level,
Lol what? Because I don't abandon my kids, that means I consider myself a good person?

I've been in prison and I'm a former gang member. I am very far from a good person and nowhere did I state that I thought I was one. You sound kinda dumb lol

then why aren't you abandoning your children?
whatever your answer to that apply it to your hypothetical bastard children, it's not applicable, right? since you clearly stated you'd abandon them
see that reasoning that allows you to think that keeping yours is the right thing to do while at the same time abandoning not yours is fine
i'm sorry your "former gang member" ass is lacking a few iq points for this, but i'm basically calling your rationalization system retarded, your morals, you know the things by which people are defined as "good" or "bad"

You're pretty retarded, fellow.

I've done more bad things than good. The few good things i've done including raising my children. That doesn't make me a good person though, and nowhere did I state I was, or imply I was living in a bubble to where I thought that I was a good person.

It's one of those achievements you can't really comprehend until you've actually done it - like learning to swim, riding a bike, the first kiss with a girl, losing your virginity, having great sex, falling in love...

People who fail like to spout edgelord teenage nonsense about how finding meaning in having a child is retarded, but in reality, you're not evolved as a person in any meaningful way if you can't let go of self absorbed adolescent bullshit.

Kids are cool.

my entire post to which you're replying to was meant to spoon feed you what i meant by saying you "aren't a good person" and you still don't get it
where do you even get off on calling other people "stupid"
another time: your system of belief, by which you rationalize your decision to take care of your kids where's you'd abandon them if they weren't biologically yours, is retarded, it's not moral as it's not coming from a "good" place (people would say "coming from the heart") but rather from a skewed system of values
you say it's "one of the only good things" you've done in life, where's it's just as selfish as probably most the other things you've done in life
i'm making an assumption here, so humor me, why would you abandon your not biological children while not your biological ones?

By not thinking too hard or by using selfish reasoning.

Nothing wrong with adopting. Only bringing new life into the world is immoral.

>by which you rationalize your decision to take care of your kids
Nowhwhere did I try to rationalize abandoning someone else's children while raising my own. I simply stated I would do it. Do you know what the word "rationalize" means? Look it up.
> why would you abandon your not biological children while not your biological ones?
Because I want my genes to live and I don't care about other peoples' bloodlines?

Never did I try to rationalize it or make say I'm good or even implied I had strong morals like you seem to state here
>and you actually live in a bubble in which you think you're a "good" human being

So yeah, I'll call you stupid. Cause you seem sorta stupid

Adoption is like playing a great game with cheat codes. There's nothing immoral about bringing new life into the world. But bringing new life into the world if you're a worthless piece of shit is arguably questionable.

>like learning to swim, riding a bike, the first kiss with a girl, losing your virginity, having great sex, falling in love...
all of those things are self fulfilling and don't hurt anyone directly at least in the process, all of their rewarding qualities are kinda apparent to those who haven't accomplished them as well, hence why people pursue them
the question wasn't "why do people have children" but "how do they justify it"
saying that "having kids is good because it self fulfils the parent" is like saying "murdering is good because it self fulfils the murderer"
it's about subjecting a person to life, yanking an unexistence and putting it into a conscious body for 70 years to deal with all this shit

>There's nothing immoral about bringing new life into the world.
There is, regardless of who the parents are.

You anti natalists are so fucking simple minded. You literally just suck up any dumb idea that is shat out, like those little fish that cling to the bottom and sides of a fish tank. You suck up this stupid shit and because it's what you live on you insist on it. You're weak. Think for yourself instead of adopting every stupid counterculture or controversial ideal you can suck out of the dregs of society

she has a weird body i don't like it

>Nowhwhere did I try to rationalize abandoning someone else's children while raising my own. I simply stated I would do it. Do you know what the word "rationalize" means? Look it up.
not to me, cunt, to yourself, it's just i know the retarded reason behind this way of thinking because it's being spewed by too many of you retards on a too regular of a basis to leave room for any doubts, even though i said in my post that i was "making an assumption" i was still entirely right, based on your next paragraph, which btw: is a rationalization of your system of beliefs (considering genes somehow important when considering the fact they don't insure neither your survival nor prosperity makes it an entirely superficial reason, not factual or practical)
>Never did I try to rationalize it or make say I'm good or even implied I had strong morals like you seem to state here
why do you assume i'm talking about something absolute here, something objective
i'm just calling you stupid for the way you think, don't dig too much into it, you've proven you aren't too good at inferring points on your own
>So yeah, I'll call you stupid. Cause you seem sorta stupid
that's perfectly cool, but alas i'm not the one failing to understand a simple point no matter how many times i try to explain it, in as many ways with as many words

i'm gonna laugh when you have some turbo autist child that makes you wish he wasn't born, you fucking simpleton, christ.

>stick peepee in hole, white stuff come out, peepee feel good

>not to me, cunt, to yourself, it's just i know the retarded reason behind this way of thinking
Damn fool I didn't know you were psychic and you could peek into my head and see how I actually view myself as a good person
>alas i'm not the one failing to understand a simple point
I simply proved your statement here wrong
>and you actually live in a bubble in which you think you're a "good" human being
And you seem to be incredibly butt blasted about it.

but i do think for myself, this is why i'm basic my opinion on the matter on my subjective view on reality, as i see it, as i experience it
all those words and metaphors and yet not a single line trying in any way disapprove any of the points i made
perhaps is it because you're the one not thinking for yourself? a person so much a slave to their own biological and social programming they can't comprehend the fact that their way of life might actually be selfish and cruel

>Raising someone else's kids
Get a load of this cuck

Lol they're my kids you nigger

>all these 2deep3me homos rambling

I came here looking for rare brookes

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She's tall with hips, I like it a lot.

Yes, retard, I am aware of that. I was referring to the cuck calling you a piece of shit for saying you'd abandon then if they weren't yours.

Oh nvm I see what you meant lol. That's enough for tonight

>Damn fool I didn't know you were psychic and you could peek into my head and see how I actually view myself as a good person
why are you not quoting the other part of this paragraph where i say that while i was assuming your way of thinking i was essentially right, which doesn't make my psychic btw, just too familiar with retards like you and their way of thinking
>I simply proved your statement here wrong
for the last time, shall we?
good = moral
moral = a system of belief by which you do things you see as right
your system of belief = a belief in which you'd do one thing (good thing) but under a completely insignificant variable present and nothing else different you'd do the complete opposite (bad thing)
your system of belief = stupid
and you = stupid for following it
but yeah, as i said "humor me" come and tell me how your importance of genes doesn't lie within some Jow Forums meme about preservation of race or other such crap of sorts

You're right. You are basic.

Photoshopped ass

>make typo
>lose argument
such is life

Imagine being so psychologically unstable that you have a moral crisis over the continuation of your people
this is true kikery

what if i'm a kike myself?

lmfao at this post
it's retards like you who don't think for themselves, saying how good life is because that's how you've been told to think your whole life.

I don't. Why would I need to justify my decision to have kids to anyone?

>I've been in prison and I'm a former gang member.

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Come to Odessa Texas and saythat to my fucking face we have a crew of orbiters who will fuck your ass raw

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because they can't justify not having kids. reproduction is like eating.

Just because my mind fell prey to schizophrenia doesn't mean I fail to see the world as beautiful. I am grateful to have been alive.

As you should be in a world blessed with such beauty. Pic related

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Star Trek, son. My life was shit and your life will probably suck dick too but it's all a relay and one day the baton will end up out there among the stars and I don't want my name and lineage to be a dead end on an old census archive but the hand itself that fists a new world. A new dawn of intelligent life and seeds the next billion years.

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If you need to have a child to find meaning in having a child then why would you have it in the first place?

Leibniz already went over this. The world is objectively as good as God could have made it. To allow for good to exist the potential for evil had to implicitly be introduced into the world at the same time. When God was finished it was all perfect, but then his creations failed. He didn't abandon us, he hasn't and never will, but things are hard and it's our own fault.

Schopenhauer was a gloomy edgelord.

> one day the baton will end up out there among the stars
That's right user. Continue creating my profi... a foundation for the better future.

You can't convince the whole planet to not reproduce. You can either have good children raised with love and wisdom or you can let the underclasses flood over the planet while you sit above them alone, feeling smug about how you beat the system.

> good children raised
A myth. Unless you live hundreds of kilometres from the nearest civilization the outside influence on your children will be greater than yours. Combine it with teenage rebelliousness and your efforts would be vain. Oh, and being a household tyrant would not help either. Once kids are out of your grasp they'll take everything they wanted but not allowed to do and switch it to extreme values.

>Some dead fag made shit up about god and since he was a math genius its true


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Free will exists, but 99% of parents simply aren't even trying. I went to school with all types and saw them turn into all types of filth as we got towards the end, I think the transmission of hard values combined with active participation in your children's lives can go a long way. Most people get one or neither growing up.

grace is a whore shut the fuck up or ill leak ur shit faggot

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Leibniz > Schopenhauer

Also Aquinas, Aristotle, Copleston, Sheen, etc

>not wanting children
literal reddit mentality

This user gets it. Ultimate bugman/onions mentality to not want children.
>who wants that in their life? With all of my time and money I can play VIDEO GAMES/travel to europe and take photos in front of shit I don't understand/cum a lot/whatever

because it is the main purpose of our existence, to survive and pass on our genes. What are we supposed to do? stop having children and go extinct.

Jesus christ I want to breed her.

I'm pro-natalist to the point where it concerns people, but I think you're wrong. From your position can you explain why we shouldn't go extinct? You need to go further or you're only expressing an opinion.

How have you decided this is the main purpose of our existence?

My parents are kicking themselves after these past four years with me. Fuck them and fuck my brother, most importantly fuck me.

That's how you end in jail

Thats 100% accurate.

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Passing the tourch of futility to their children. Parents using you as a tool for atleast 18 years. But boy! are many parents and children in for an unexpected ride!

Is there something about this girl I'm not aware of, user?

People say she's 14

>Some may see it as a social duty/contribution (save the white race).
You have to be fucking retarded

There is no way. 14 year olds don't look like that. I've seen some 16 year olds that look a LITTLE older than they are, but they still look obviously young. This girl is supposed to be 14? I don't buy it.

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Well I've seen girls that age even more developed than her so I believe it.