Anyone up for a women hate thread?
Women hate thread
Make a serious case for why Eve should be kept out of the garden of Eden. Who ever wins, loses.
Just say the word my dude
I'm a 25 yo virgin myself but I don't hate women, It's just that I'm not worthy enough of their attention
I'm a trash human being and no female should interact with me in any way, this is what I accepted a long time ago
Women are miracle of the universe.
Stop hating them, and start praising them.
Nobody asked stupid faggot bitch
Will post comfy pics until acceptable levels of discourse has been reached
Max comfyness ... engage
fuk i want this
Hmm still needs more comfy
Snow makes me warm inside
This kinda looks like a snowy scene from the thumbnail
What I dislike about women nowdays it that they have less empathy towards men.
It's learned behavior tho, probably not genetic. Perhaps I'll find a caring gf one day.
Who needs empathy when you can swipe right and fuck a different Chad every night?
A shame that w*men hate threads die out so fast these days. This board has truly become cucked.
i never bump them because what's the point i already know women are shit, but the normalfags in this thread are concerning.
if you think about it women don't even need empathy evolutionarily, it doesn't matter how they treat people they'll still have their same value to everyone.
- "comment too low in content"
I hear you loud and clear Jow Forums.
Nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger niggerNigger nigger nigger Nigger nigger nigger
Maybe stop hating them, but praising them? For what?
You got it user. Knowing it's your fault is what a true robot does
>its my fault i was born short and ugly
>its my fault i lack the same formative experiences growing up even though i asked out girls too
Yes in a way it's your fault cause the faults that stop you from succeeding lie with you. That doesn't mean you ever asked for this or that it's in your control. You didn't choose to be at fault, life made you.
what makes you say that normie san. i've been encouraged many times before you know, and thanks for insulting my intelligence but i've thought about possibilities and would like to at least be argued why i'm wrong that there are none.
I'm a robot too user. This is how I feel about myself as well. I never said that there are possibilities, we're constrained by our faults. I just think there is no point in holding on all the anger anymore
Literally none of these girls are pretty
Based retard orbiter bro
>worshipping white roasties
>not just getting a qt asian gf
fuck I love her all I wanna do is bust a fat nut
How the fuck is that a male ideal? Fucking autists, man...
The only comfy thing about this is the view.
The room itself is blank and has no character.
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You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original - the second
Why does your dick look like it's got barbs you fucking faggot
Are you the predator?
the dubsgate has opened
hey man u got the titles on the wrong pictures