Tfw no fembot gf

>tfw no fembot gf
absofuckinglutely origanoll

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I too have this feel my man
Though I did get led on by one hardcore recently
Was a ton of fun before she tipped her hand

user stop it, you should know that they don't exist.

The "fembots" are the exact same type of people as those crystal cafe posters. Trust me dude I want nothing more than a girl like myself but they just don't exist or are too rare to find.

what's wrong with crystal cafe posters?

You wanna what happens when you get a "fembot" gf!?!

You end up like pic related, dead from IRL seppuku.

>Fembot gf over discord
>Alternate from ghosting for weeks and spending an entire day talking and sending nudes
>Depression got so bad he started cutting
>Finds out on r9k that "fembot" had been lewding with 10 other guys just because she liked the attention
>Stabs himself in the stomach and is now dead

So yeah user cry about not having a "fembot" gf at least you're still alive

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lol no that guy was just too pathetic to live
If a girl ghosts me for even a day I've already mentally distanced myself from her since I'm not a retard and know she's probably not serious.

Same except she tipped her hand after one day and the way she spoke was always sketchy so I kind of expected it.

I keep hearing different versions of this story. Was it a hapa or a eurochick that got him to go all samurai with a knife?

They're literally anti-fembot. They hate fembots like shit. Almost all of them have had many relationships in the past. The average post is "I hate all men because the 95th chad pumped and dumped me yesterday I'm so alone ;_;" "you think that's bad? my bf got angry when I false-accused him of rape even though he never raped me!"
There are a few "lonely" threads where some claim that they really have never been with anyone but they get fuckall responses.

That's just him being a weak cuck. Sure it takes its toll every time something like that happens but people like me will live on anyway.

You assume it isn't a certainty. Make no mistake ALL FEMBOTS DO THIS.

You will be cucked

You will be betrayed

You will have no will to live

Better one day than one week.
I felt like we got along so great too. But I guess it wasn't exactly malicious intent on her part, I think she's just sexually confused and trying to work it all out.
Like, she's a lesbian. It's a shame she's gone MIA the past few days, I wouldn't mind just being friends.

There are many reports of success. Real fembots (if such a thing does exist), wouldn't do that. Of course, the average person claiming to be a fembot really isn't, I agree with you there.

That's lolcow but you're not wrong

If you're a girl with 0 self esteem chances are you're also a huge attention whore.

That's actually CC. I almost never go to LC so I wouldn't know, but I browse CC every so often hoping I'm wrong and it was just a bad coincidence but it's not. Makes me think fembots don't exist and it's sad.

A fembot would, just like a robot would, but neither would post nudes at random people.

>tfw no Jewish fembot gf

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>tfw no self hating nigger fembot gf

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Fembots are fucking disgusting. I had a fembot lie and manipulate me too. Why are they like this?

I browse that site and no one says stuff like that, stop exaggerating just because we dont post loli threads like you

>had a fembot lie and manipulate me too.
what did she do?

I won't go over it, she's probably reading this thread

Just do it faggot, who cares. Do you still think you have a chance with her or something?
Expose her, she's probably done the same thing to many other bots. You'd be doing a public service if you tell us what happened.

Because you keep falling for it you worthless cuck

Dont see how that matters

She knows where I live and a ton of other shit I told her because I'm a fucking idiot. Yeah I already know she's done the same thing to other bots

Yeah fuck me for adding people from Jow Forums, I should just never talk to anyone

Why would you give her your address?

what would you have to offer in return really?

because i dated about 3 people from here in the span of 4 years so far and it's always been the same thing
>they want gf
>gf comes
>love you love you mwah mwah
>at some point they just run out of things to say or the intimacy and infatuation start dying down and feeling repetitive
>they start going mental or breaking down on me about how they're pathetic and dont deserve me
>ended up leaving 1 of them after he was getting really drama-whory and would constantly complain
>the other 2 just left me like some cucks saying they dont deserve me and they've been bad boyfriends even tho i tried reassuring them it was fine
is it that difficult to just act as if we're both friends and lovers too or something like that, i wanted to play videogames together at some points with the bfs i had but they'd almost never agree on it or they were just basic shitters that only play WoW, LoL, PUBG and all that mainstream garbage. online ''dating'' is so much fucking trash.. but it's the only thing close to intimacy i could get with the fact i only work the night shifts, sleep for most of the day and then never go out or interact with others unless im going out to buy food every 3 days.

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It's called larping as a defenseless girl.

here's a fact: this place is full of mentally and emotionally unstable guys who are desperate for affection and otherwise do not know how to act appropriately in a relationship
here's a tip: don't date broken people and expect to fix them. the only way person heals is if they want to

honestly i dont even know how half this board hasnt fallen for the gay meme yet despite their simultaneous love and hatred for women

>go to crystal cafe
>first shit i find is a bunch of 'femanons' talking in a thread about their fetishes
>they're talking about wanting to get fucked by fit dudes wearing nazi uniforms
great site

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Yeah, that's why I don't go to CC anymore either. The women there are all normies and make fun of people like us. I'm content to be alone if they're my only option for kinship.

Not as bad as robots here talking about their lust for eight year olds

CC and r9k is full of female pedophiles and you know it

Ephebophiles mostly, hardly any actual pedophile women here.

here fag, have an extract of something else i found there apart from the nazis

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Why kill himself over that, it's pretty obvious if you begin online "dating" with someone who you've only met for a short time she/he falls in love that fast with ANYONE.

Most people, myself included, ghost/send lewds to about 2/3 people at once to not get bored with a single person while waiting for them to reply, why the fuck anyone expects a real relationship through discord is a retard. Get one IRL or expect cheating, blueballing and depression.

CC even just straight out banned some dude for saying
>''I think most guys understand that women are trash, led by emotions and not to be trusted; Ban me you failed normies''
They sure do seem to love their hubox site.

I dont see your point? Robots talk about wanting to harm women everyday

Yes and when some chick on here talks about men she is given rape threats

>asked to be banned
>mad when banned

Is-is this A-atsushi Sakurai *o*

And CC think they're better than robots because of it, when really they're just as pathetic and disgusting

I'm saying they're fucking degenerates on equal terms with both r9k and lolcow as well but they think they're better than everyone else just like the other user says >she is given rape threats
you don't even know what you're talking about faggot, are you just on constant lookout for female hate threads or something like that and then keep those threads open for hours on end just so you can claim how it's a constant thing everyone here does? none of it even happens as often as you claim

Also, while on the topic of RAPEEEE.
>dumb femoid acts like a retard claiming she just ''couldnt'' refuse or say ''no''
>gets fucked by her bf when he clearly though she was consenting for not even trying to push him off or firmly saying no
>cries like a bitch and goes asking for advice
>other retarded femoids claim it's rape and advise her to file a complaint or some other shit
Does any this shit really look fine to you? It's straight up autism.

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They're all mentally ill. Ive met a lot of posters from there

>a day
you are all retards and don't even know what ghosting means. you are dropped because you're too entitled and controlling

Nah I'm just needy and lonely
I don't take it out on them if they stop responding, I just get kinda sad
And that day turns into two day, two days into a week, a week into a month... when should I call it a ghost? Especially if we had been talking every day prior.

>They're all mentally ill
yeah they are

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