Be me

>be me
>early 20s
>studying Computer Science in Germany
>learn everyday, at least 4, mostly 6 hours a day, concentrated, not counting breaks
>fail an entire semester
>think "well, alright, that just meant that I must learn already in my holidays"
>does that
>fail, again, my entire semester

Why do normies lie about that shit? I'm obviously not intelligent enough, that has zero to do with my work ethics since I do more than 95% of the other students.

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yep sucks being a brainlet. at least you didnt repeat 2 years in hs

I passed first year computer engineering. I got all C. Maths I got 40% I magically passed, I shit myself when I passed.

The only language they are teaching me is basics of Java.
Course is a scam.

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I did repeat, but mostly because I was depressed since I was 13. I thought when I give 200% I will finally achieve something.
Fuck, IQ is pretty much almost 100% proven being THE corellation between success and intelligence, but try say that to normies and show them actual data, they talk you down and answer with crap like "learning wrong" or that I'm lying and I'm just lazy.

Ich programmiere Anwendungen um Tankstellenwartungen zu automatisieren. Mein Auftragsgeber ist die Aral. Ich verdiene damit nun mittlerweile 65000 Euro im Monat. Wobei brauchst du hilfe, user?

Niemand kann mir helfen. Ich bin bei allem ueberfordert. Ich werde dieses Jahr 25 und sehe mich schon als Hartz IV empfaenger und das ist wegen Dinge ausserhalb meiner Kontrolle.

Did you at least attend every class?

I didn't miss a single day in the first semester

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Nicht OP aber ich studiere E-Commerce mit (wirtschafts)informatikern an einer Fakultaet.
Sag mal paar gute Buecher, ich will evtl zu Info wechseln

Maybe you should try to study instead of learn

I haven't passed a math class since 7th grade. I retook Algebra 1 three times in high school and never passed. I went to a year of community college and failed Intro to Algebra and dropped out. No matter how hard I try I can't get the formulas worked out in my head and I make simple single digit addition/subtraction mistakes. I think my medications might make it a little worse, but i've never been diagnosed with a learning disorder and I was the top student in my class in elementary school. Sucks to be a short ugly brainlet

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Ich studiere eigentlich auch Wirtschaftsinformatik, das macht dass alles noch trauriger, ich schrieb nur CS weil ich nicht weiss ob es das ueberhaupt International gibt.
Ich habe mal ein Semester Informatik studiert und dort genauso viel input reingelegt. Bin dann durch alles durchgefallen und hab erstmal jeden Tag geweint und mich fuer die idiotenvariante Wirtschaftsinformatik entschieden und bin sogar dafuer zu dumm.

Bro, it literally does not matter.

I studied physics. Studied 16 hours/day. No summers because always working in labs and shit. No life for 4 years. Top of class. Get scholarship to go to grad school. Supervisor is a piece of shit. I leave after a year.

Then NEET'd a bunch of years because noone would hire me. Had to fucking change careers.

It doesn't matter if you waste 2-3 years. It literally doesn't matter.

You are lucky as fuck you are in Germany and not somewhere else. It doesn't cost you money to fail either, and your country has lots of entry level jobs in industry.

i think a huge part of it is that it's impossible to learn at the same pace as normalfags as a loner, since they can get the skimmed most important parts from each other, and also reinforce their memory far better by talking and interacting socially than a shut-in virgin loser subhuman can by rote learning from books

it's never going to happen but there really should be strong anti-handcap measures for loner male virgins in school and elsewhere, or outright just giving neetbux for being a friendless adult male

I mean there are people that literally never come and learn from home and still pass their shit at my faculty

yeah but if you're gonna go by extremely unlikely exceptions there also exist virgin females past the age of 25 in the contemporary age

Sei einfach du selber und lern C uezs

Your fucking fault you chose something as difficult as Computer science. You couldn't have picked an easier major like Materials, chemistry, Mechanical etc

>fails semesters
>thinks he's learning


Welches semester bist du? Fh oder uni?

Computer science hard.

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In computer science at least you have to open the book. You can just breeze through first 3-4 semesters of materials or chemistry just by showing up for paper

Thats one of the reasons i decided to get into trades instead of collage. im too stupid for that shit. thats not to say trades are piss easy but at least grades dont rely too much on theory as they teach you real shit

How the fuck is that even possible? I study CS too, and I barely do anything at home except coding
There are people who do absolutely nothing, have no skills, are normies spending almost every night getting wasted AND THEY STILL PASS
You don't even need to be intelligent for college, you can just learn stuff by heart with no understanding of it, if nothing else works for you

t. 125 IQ who thinks IQ doesn't matter

>barely notice plotholes in fiction
>had to look online for help in a Danganronpa trial
>can't decipher metaphors, symbolism, themes in fiction
>was always the last person to complete timed writing assignments in school
>tfw too dumb for college and too clumsy for skilled trades
>also a babyfaced mini manlet so I would probably get bullied by roughneck tradies
sometimes I wished I had died of a brain hemorrhage when I tripped and smashed my head on a rock as a kid.

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>knows he's a brainlet
>still went to college
Your fault.

FFS, I'm trying to tell you that I've got people here who passed courses in 5 different programming languages without being able to write fucking helloworld in any of them. People passing multivariable calculus while they don't even know what a sine graph looks like. Seriously, you can cheat and bullshit your way out of almost everything, and the rest just learn by heart.

Computer science was easy af for me, it is only hard if you go to a Ivy League school like MIT.

why dont you just bribe teachers like me?
t. 2nd world uni

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>Being so dumb that you imagine some ivy leaguer is gonna post here

Iktf. Watching anime youtubers and going on /a/ always makes me remember how much of a retard I am since I never understand or don't notice the things being discussed/analyzed. Math I'm at least somewhat decent at, but deciphering fiction? Can't do it, even though I badly want to and am actually interested in it.

>Why don't you just bribe teachers
Filthy second world casuals. My cousin threatened his teacher with a gun so that he could pass.
Indian Uni

>>barely notice plotholes in fiction
>>can't decipher metaphors, symbolism, themes in fiction
Just the worst, I'm so fucking dumb I can't even discuss fiction with others. Why even live?

3rd world master race

Feel sorry for you user, though I didn't finish college either because I burned out. IQ is really important, if you have deficiency you could up yourself a little with adderall or perhaps you could be lucky to find underlying medical condition that stunts your learning

Or it could be all in vain and you just have low iq. The sad part is that iq and looks and longevity and height are positively correlated good genes

If you know 2 languages you are not such a brain let. Try anki for learning

Wie war dein Abiturdurchschnitt?
Ich habe nichtmal meine Zulassung bekommen weil ich mit psychischen Problemen zu kaempfen hatte und mindestens einen Tag pro Woche geschwaenzt habe in der 11. und 12. Klasse. Bin seitdem Neet (15. Januar 2016) Vielleicht ein anderer Studiengang, wo du gelerntes einfacher anwenden kannst? Vielleicht hast du mehr Glueck in ner Ausbildung, Informatikkaufmann soll laut einem ehemaligen Freund gut machbar sein.

Meanwhile I just scored 9s across de board in my CS degree (semester just ended here in Brazil). I'm a 30 years old Boomer btw.

Feels good not being a brainlet.

Ha im a tall ugly brainlet and oh man life is soooo great! I dropped out of high school and have been living at home hiding from people for 4 years. So fun dude.

oida hast du da eine null zu viel?

>was always the last person to complete timed writing assignments in school

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I am literally you, holy fuck.
I want to die.

Well be happy i didn't even pass elementary school.

>Be me Spanish user
>Studying CS only the night before finals, pass everything with good grades
>Would kill to study in Germany
t. 130+ IQ
I'm sorry for you user


Ganz schlecht, ich hab nicht mal Abi, ich hab FH Reife, Schnitt 3,4.
Ich war 22 als ich die gemacht hab. War in ner Klasse voller 16-18jaehriger und hatte nun motivation und jeden Tag zu diesen pubertierenden Haufen zu gehen war ein Alptraum.

Why don't you go study in Naziland? It's SO much easier for someone in the EU. I'm in the US and am going to be applying there, so if I can, then surely it'd be much easier for you.

>tfw cant be arsed to fail hs again so youre rotting in your bed

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I was a complete brainlet during my 1st year of college too.

That's because my college was so shitty that the human error outweighed objective grading. When I spent a bit of time trying to figure out each examiner's soft spots, my grades suddenly shot sky high.

It wasn't about learning the material, it was about giving the lecturers/examiners an ego boost and making them feel relevant.

People who work in academia are sad pieces of overworked and underappreciated, masochistic crap.

Many of the students in my college are like that. It's no surprise that I spent my semester holidays crying in my bed and put me self down.

I'm in my third semester. I never got better, in fact, I got worse, nothing changed.

I actually can't blame my professors, with exception of maybe one or two, those are all energetic people who obviously like their job.

if you're studying a meme degree, class participation and ego stroking are more important than showing actual knowledge
you can pretty much learn the basics and chill
don't be an obvious cocksucker though, just take interest in their "research"

I had a similar problem too OP.
Try to find out what the teacher wants instead of trying to learn the subject. Try to find out what will give you the most points on tests and assingments. I know it sucks but that's how school is. Other students aren't smarter than you. They just try to complete the assignments without any interest in the subject.

I've seen a lot of videos of tech YouTubers saying "you don't need to be smart to be a good programmer." "You just need to be motivated."

Are they just fucking around or are they just not aware of how smart they really are?

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these things are easy to say when you're already successful

Maybe you're studying the wrong degree?

My anecdote
>Studying Biology
>It's all rote memorization from 100-300 level and a lot still at 400
>150+ monied textbooks
>Spend hours studying without using drugs (I'm a straight edged faggot I know)
>C average
>Can't remember shit
>Think like a brainlet

Degree Switch
>Switch departments to Anthropology
>Mostly application of concepts taught from 200-500 (Starts at 200)
>Books required are actual books written by Anthropologists at $10 a pop
>Get nothing but A's and B's
>Can remember 95% of what I learned from 4 separate fields
>Really broadens my thinking abilities
>Can write like a pro
>All the professors are telling me even with my lowish GPA (3.1-3.2 is what I'dd graduate with) to apply and they'll write me a letter
>Enter an Mercury Lab to complete my Bio minor
>Tell PhD student I know jack shit but am willing to learn
>3 weeks in tells me I've done better than any Bio student he's dealt with

>This shit is so easy and straight forward it's not even funny
>Suspect that I'm just a brainlet and this stuff is universally easy
>Everyone I know from other departments (even within our own) is averaging C's and B's in these classes

Some people are great at certain things. You probably just suck cock at Comp Sci.

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I was taking a statistics class last semester and I was sitting next to this guy, there was obviously something not right with him. I start talking to him and learn that he went to a special learning school, and he had been in college for a few years.

I asked him what he wanted to do, and why he was in school and he said he wanted to be a lawyer, this was the last class he needed to complete before he tries to get into law school.

After a few weeks, I learn that he has no idea how to do any of the problems and he is falling behind quick. He ends up failing and he'll try again in the fall.

But like, what does the system do with these people? Will he keep trying until he gives up? What if he keeps trying? It's weird that I expect him to fail so hard, but I want him to get through and become a lawyer.

It must be tough, but he's either gonna make it or not.

>be me
>decide to go back to college
>decide to major in Mech Engineering
>counselor says I have to take Pre-calc since I never took it in HS
>first semester things going good
>a bit challenging, but the able to keep up with most of the assignments and the course work and maintain a B average
>fast forward to thrid semester
>barely passing with a 68% score
>Exams destroying my grade because i keep failing them
>just need to pass the final and ill pass the course
>repeat this process 3 times
>get kicked out of uni because my GPA dropped too low from failing this damn course 3 times in a row
>counselor starts questioning if college is right for me
>tell her "maybe its not lol" half joking but at the same time want to punch her in her fucking mouth
>drop out
Id give anything to be smart....
Life is pure hell if you're dumb.

I become 25 this year. I'm already 2 semesters behind. Besides that, literally every profitable subject has cs in it.

I'm IQ 130ish. I'm considered smart by my peers and such. I smash my IT job. I smash PowerShell.

Trying to make a website atm and haven't tocuhed it in days and simply cannot motivate myself. I've seen relative brainlets pump out websites.

I think motivation is key no matter your IQ. IQ makes it easier no doubt.

Don't they let you see where you fucked up after?

>I become 25 this year. I'm already 2 semesters behind.
I'm graduating a year and a half behind and will graduate at 24 (Started at 18)
>Besides that, literally every profitable subject has cs in it.
They probably just have a programming course or two which are feasible to do. I have friends who do CS and friends who do IT at the business school and the IT dudes are learning all the same languages and networking stuff as the CS dudes minus the malarkey.

I would also focus on what you can achieve with because if you get something with a heavy CS focus and basically fail your way through you'll be worse off than if you did something more niche but did it extremely well.

have you ever thought that maybe you are studying too hard? or maybe this isn't what you want and you don't even realize it yet - everybody in this world is extremely bad at some things and yet extremely good at other things, you see other people succeeding but what you do not see is all of their failures as well

you can speak german and english i assume, so how do you know you aren't a polyglot? or a teacher? or a cook? or a pastor? or a pearl diver? is computer science something you've wanted to do, or is it something imparted on you by others?

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just do something else with your life, stop falling for the fucking college jew. Literally most of humankind is too dumb for college and the only reason why their lives are fucked up is because they tried anyways and got scammed out of their cash.

Not OP but you cant study "nothing" so fuck off with your do what you want bullshit

he didn't say do what you want he said do what you're good at

you sound like you have displaced anger because you're not sure what you want to do in life, i would give you the same advice - follow what you really want to do and if you're not sure what you want to do, get lost until you find something you like

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>just do something else with your life
Like what...?
Working some shitty manual labor or some meme trade for minimum wage the rest of my life until I had enough and kms?
Fuck off.

>write helpful post based on experience
>use pic of furry
fucking degenerate

Literally every single German between 16 and 40 is at least understandable in English, this is barely something someone would stand out with.

>Have friend doing computer engineering
>2 years in and he sounds suicidal every time we speak
>Has no idea what he's doing
>Getting C's or lower in all his classes because he doesn't care
>Ask why he's still doing it if he doesn't care
>Tells me "money"
>His parents are rich engineers and basically gas lit him until being a rich engineer was all he wanted to do

I have no life fuck you. I wanna lay in bed and wait for whatever is coming in the end
Still nothing lmao

Thats absolute bullshit. Most Germans arent socially retarded so they can communicate with foreigners but they absolutely cant speak or even write adequate english.

no you fucking faggotm first of all trades make way more than minimum wage, secondly no literally anything else. There's this huge fucking jewspiracy fed to you from tv or some shit that there is just those two extremes. Either you're a 1 in a million STEM prodigy Professor Doctor McLawyerson or you pick up trash for a living. Do anything fucking else. I'm in the same boat as you, multiple time drop out, GPA is in the fucking dumps at this point I don't think I'm legally allowed to enter a learning establishment anymore. But I speak english. Not even like some english degree like some of my coworkers. I just speak english. I'm from a french country too, I just picked up english from here and tv. I currently work at a video game localization studio. All I do is play weeb games and make sure the subtitles have periods and capital letters and make 20 bucks an hour. It's fucking easy as piss, sweet work environment, nothing but robots in the office and they're desperate to hire more it's high season with tokyo game show coming up and E3 which just passed. Actually look for shit man, there's way more going on in the world than McDonalds and law firms

if all you want to do is lay in bed in fear or apathy why are you on here getting angry? clearly there is something motivating you to at least post, which means that same source also gives you satisfaction from something in life, i know there is something you like to do or aspire to do or are good at and you simply don't believe in yourself and don't have anybody else to root you on, but you would be wrong, i am rooting you on brother - you are good at something and you enjoy it, and i think you should pursue it

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Listen man idc what you say or if you got lucky and landed some nice spot, here in the US trades are a fucking meme.
They are full of nepotism and tons of hierarchy bs that you have to endure to make any decent money, and your pay plateaus after a certain amount of years. Some people here on Jow Forums are biased towards trade work and swear by it because most of them didnt even finish HS and are blue collar retards who genuinely just don't know any better.

Nothing is worth doing unless you're smart. The standards are too high and theres too much competition. Its just the way things are now.

Like I explained here, you'd be shocked the amount of work you can get just by your ability to shitpost in comprehensive english. I would never recommend it as it made me legitimately contemplate suicide every waking minute of my life because I can't stand social interactions and I assume most people here are in the same boat but, if your english is actually functional. Like not smelly fucking paki tier, any and all call centers will suck your fucking cock to work for them. They run through hundreds of employees by the hour so if you're on your last leg about to die on the streets poor, always remember you have that option. Considering you're capable of using a browser you can even get a job at some of the better high end call centers like I did and work for an airline. Free first class to japan after your probation is over is pretty fuckin sick. I quit the second I got back but hey, worth it.

i feel you're lying

ok well feel free to read past the first sentence any time you like, not too mention OP is in fucking germany

I "study" photography but I can barely muster up the motivation to go to class and I hate being judged so much that I cant even show my photos most of the time. But I dont exist without my parents and they wanna stop financially support and I have no interest in living as an adult. Also I'm not angry thats just how talk here you redtarded reddit faggot nigger

or maybe you're posting this before you've actually done the course in hopes someone will tell you "it's impossible to fail if you're studying that hard!!1!"...

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just die already, not original not surprised

If there is irritation, this guy you answer to is not me, the OP.

But yes, I agree with him that certain degrees are just worthless. And it happen that I'm naturally talented in worthless crap without a job market.

I wish I would.

lol which uni?

so i will tell others not to join...

t. indian

Make me Im too lazy

you study photography? what are your general subjects? do you like nature? or people? or architecture? or vehicles? why face judgement with hesitation if it's something you enjoy? go out into the world and take pictures of the things you like; if going to class helps you learn how to fully maximize the aesthetic of your subject, and you enjoy photography, why not go? you don't even have to go with high expectations, just try and learn something at least

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well user how did you "learn". how did you "study"?
did you ask your teacher and peers for help?
did you try to figure out what you were doing on your own, then tackle the issue?
did you work through problems multiple times to ensure things stuck?

Theres nothing interesting outside, everything has already been done, I'm not that good etc. its all pointless

stop replying bro this guy isn't interested in help or solutions he just likes feeling sorry for himself

hey user this guy has a point too

are you sure there's nothing interesting outside? have you stooped over a fallen long to see the civilizations of insects nestled in the moss? have you trod through a river to see the silhouettes of fish going by your feet? have you been atop a hill to see rain advancing over the world like a curtain? to agree with you in the hypothetical situation that everything has already been done, why not create something new then? find a new angle or a new focal point, or notice a pattern or a feature in something, you don't have to be good to enjoy doing something, and you don't have to be good to make a living out of something - all in all you're probably better than you think

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You cant do photography like that. Find a photograper you like and see how he portraits things. See what kind of aesthetic you actually like and what is you can respect but not your thing

>t. dad is fashion photographer

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Is that what you consider help lol kys yourself

IIT Bombay

the only thing you'd consider help is a surrogate mommy to pay all your bills after your real one kicks you the fuck out

>how did you "lern". how did you"study"?
I usually work through the exercises over and over again
>did you ask your teacher and peers for help?
I have social anxiety and don't want to bother anyone
>did you try to figure out what you were doing on your own, then tackle the issue?
>did you work through problems multiple times to ensure things stuck?
I have barely time to go in depth with every subject, but yes, usually.

Cool pic bro. I love these 'saints'. I think that they just found some roman graveyards and then just asumed they they the graves of the saints, but it's probably just some random Romans. Makes me think.

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>pie somebody in the face
>sprint away
>get a pic of them running at you with shit all over them
>put it up in an art gallery as "faces of rage: the human condition in candid portraiture"
>make millions

If you have nothing to live for then you might as well do some crazy shit like this and try it out

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Just reading that gave me major anxiety. Also that shit isnt new either. Youtube cunts do that all the time under the disguise of pranking