When will the USA collapse and cease to be a nation?

When will the USA collapse and cease to be a nation?

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No. Go back to Jow Forums or /b/ with that shit

It has never been a real nation to begin with.

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It already has collapsed and was never a nation to begin with

All great powers die eventually user..

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Not soon, though, even if it will. We're too complacent. Thanks for the cute catgirl gif


Rolling, originaklapgjeG. I mean, original.

after one of the big states like california or texas secede

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mid to late 2020s, after a prolonged economic crisis in the early 2020s

Will they actually secede though? I'm thinking more of a debt crisis and WW3.

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a debt crisis is a good reason to try to rewrite some part of the constitution, that would fail, and the states will lok for more independence.

Kinda want to see which one I get. Lul

roll roll roll ROOLL

dups please don't let me down...

when pigs fly, commie.

theres a very high chance for the world to be gone in the next 100 years

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Nice gif. Saved.

Rolling. Last two digies is how many year the US has before it collapses.

Reeeeeeeeeee us sux reeeeeeeeeee haha im 12 btw

2100 when we finally get our comeuppance

Wouldn't technically anything below 56 percent just be black?

>implying that hasn't already happend

I think it's in reference to the percentage of white people

Already happened. It's not a real country. Rather, it's a real country in the same way that an aquarium is a real fish habitat.

California thankfully seems to actually be serious this time. I'm all for it personally even if it isn't too likely to happen. Also rolling.

>gets asked a multiple-choice question which can't be answered with a yes or no
>answers no anyway
Not sure if user is being devilish or if the collapse already has begun

It will collapse when I tell it to

Give me the fucking 0

Pls gammers rise up

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I am not originally any of those though I am closest to dubs. Also
>Implying the world isn't 2018 years old

Rollerononi pepperchini