Guess you really can't /beyourself/

Guess you really can't /beyourself/.

>be closet pedo
>been like this since puberty
>never once touched a child, nor gone near one
>go outta my way to avoid them
>have no intentions to act out desires
>never will

>still biggest burden
>reigns over you every minute of every hour of every day
>feels like being succumbed by water you can't swim out of
>have to pretend to be not pedo
>have to put up an act
>literally every second is just playing another character

>be 26
>can't take it anymore
>want to relieve burden
>want to stop acting and actually be self for once
>look up Jow Forumsice
>seems only way out is to be up and honest
>theory is: if presented as a struggle and burden akin that of mental illness, people might be more accepting
>seems plausible, and it might be for the better
>give it a try; somewhat optimistic for once

>lol, nope
>next work day
>coworkers chatting around at break
>let them know that I want to come out
>they seem excited at first
>supportive at first
>reveal closet is actually pedo
>talk about struggle and burden of it
>the hardships and mental strain of the illness
>the constant putting things out of mind, distracting self, acting like something you're not
>the consistent self-esteem issues, awareness of your problem, and having to unendingly live as what is considered one of the worst types of people possible
>try to sell the dread and anguish of being afflicted with this
>"Hopefully you guys will understand? :("

That was two weeks ago. Not only did I lose my job, but apparently the police now have me on a watch list. And in addition to the fall out, word got to my family, who subsequently disowned me, and took out restraining orders. This was a mistake...

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>telling your coworker normies that you're a pedo
you deserve what happened to you
how can you be so unbelievably stupid?
you cant tell anyone, not even therapists that shit.
no one is going to defend or take time to understand your struggle.

Did you forget why you were hiding it for all of these years? No shit this happens. Normalfags aren't allowed to be truthful about how low their tastes in age go in public.

How stupid do you have to be to tell normies that you are a pedo? Fucking idiot. You deserve wat you got

You could tell them you're a serial killer and they'd accept that more than a pedo. You could eat your own shit in front of them and that would be more acceptable than being a pedo.

Kill yourself and fucking livestream it pleaaaassseee

That wasn't a smart move, but it's not like it's all over now. You can go live somewhere else away from those fuckers (if you need to) and live a normal life.

There's nothing wrong with you.

My trips of justice have spoken. OP fucking do it

enjoy being on the sex offenders list now user
also you're going to be let go pretty soon

>be a faggot
>it's a mental illness, not a choice
>support and love
>be a pedo
>it's a mental illness, not a choice
>people want to kill you, or put you behind bars
>no support, they don't even tell you to see a psychiatrist or attempt to help you
>they just want to hang you

Isn't society great, honest and understanding.
I'm so glad to live in this world.

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Faggotry and pedophilia are equally disgusting and both deserve the same punishment

hahahahhahahaa! dumb autistic pedo!

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>tastes in age
lol. we're not talking about ice cream here. you and OP should meet up and suicide together

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They don't deserve punishment.
They deserve treatment.
Which is not even researched, because of political correctness.

Faggotry is disgusting and deserves death penalty but pedos need genuine help

Nope. The muslim world has the right idea of what to do with homos.
Only thing those dune coons seem to get right.

That was a stupid move user, but I think it is illegal to get fired because of that. I don't know where you live but that seems like you heve comitted no crime and are being discriminated because of your sexual preference.
Also i think you are entitled to a certain percentage of inheritence. In my country there are laws regulating under what circumstances someone can be disowned, but I'm not sure about your legal situation.

You should consider to sue. It's not like it can get any worse.

God dammit Poly is that you?

>not a pedophile
>stupid bitch tells me I can't be myself

Hahahahaha that's a fucking spicy take if I've ever seen one

No, all they need to say is he created a hostile workplace and they're fine. There are A LOT of easy ways that let companies fire employees.

I fucking guarantee it that those fucks hate gays too.

>but I think it is illegal to get fired because of that
In the US, some states of "At Will" laws, making it legal to fire employees without needing a reason.

two consenting adults vs an adult and non consenting child

being gay/bi and being a child molester are totally equal amounts of illegal and immoral

I'm gay and I fucking hate gays. They need to be absolutely ovened. I'll go in last

gay/bi against nature
Adult and non consenting child
>backed by blessed and based quran
Allah knew shit man. Poach them early so they can stay pure

lol what shithole do you live in where pedos are a protected class? Trump should nuke your ass.

Most gays seem to hate the flamboyant gays as they give regular gays that simply want to live their life, a bad name.

>pedo = child molester
Brainwashed retard spotted

the wise words of trips have spoken
OP follow through or you're a faggot

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>speaking to normals voluntarily, especially coworkers
I hope you guys don't do this

Honestly the treatment you received should be the same for fags, both are equally degenerate.

Fag here. Agree big time.

I'm the homo you responded to. Gas yourself you fucking degenerate
No mercy for pedophiles.

Germany, where you have freedom of speech/expression as long as you aren't denying the Holocaust.

admit it, theyre just one step away from doing it. literally were it not for the laws of the land they would get away with it. they dont want relationships with kids or anything innocent, they just want to use them.

Not even a pedo, but being one isn't illegal or wrong. Are you really trying to say that a pedo that never touches any child is worse than a degenerate faggot that spreads AIDS and other STIs?

Pedos are modern day lepers

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The majority of child molesters are men, usually male adult on male child. Homosexuality is spread through sexual abuse in childhood

Same logic could be said about literally every person on the planet being a murderer.

Both are equally awful. If you don't get a strong and visceral disgust reaction to pedophiles and wish to immediately stamp them out, YOU are the abnormal one.

I have a problem with any person that molestes or rapes a child, but that isn't exclusive to pedophiles. A pedophile is simply one that is sexually attracted to prepubescent boys/girls. If they don't commit a crime, I have zero problem with them.

Are you a male or a female, user?

>Germany, where you have freedom to rape children
That explains your fetish for "refugees."

It's been studied, and more child sex abuse occurs at the hands of non-pedos than at pedos'.

Why is that at all relevant

Male, but why is gender relevant?

it shows that it's not exclusive to pedophiles so demonizing them when the average person commits more sex crimes against children is pretty fucking stupid.

The media has done a great job at brainwashing everyone when it comes to sex offenses and pedophilia, including changing the definition.

Why are pedos clammoring for acceptance? We do accept you have fucked up brains, thats why chemical compounds were created to suppress your libido. We accept that pedos can live a normal life and should be able too. We accept that pedos were dealt an unfortunate hand in life and must essentially become Eunuchs because the probability of losing control and hurting a child is too high. You don't always get what you want. This is something pedos must accept.

Gender is relevant because I just had to make sure you weren't some stupid woman with a broken nurturing issue.
Turns out you're just an even bigger faggot than I am

You do realize nothing you said actually addresses my post, right? If someone hasn't committed a crime, they shouldn't be demonized, otherwise every single person would be demonized.

Golly gee I wonder (((who))) could be behind this. Certainly not the same people behind women's and civil right's movement? Surely not the same people who shoved gay rights down the throat of the average person

>Germany: where pedos and mass rape are a-okay, but don't you ever say anything mean about our precious Hebrews.
Your country is so fucked. I hope America and Russia get to team up again to wreck your shit some day.

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I don't believe in forcing maturity on people, I believe they have to mature on their own or else they will regress. I am the opposite of (((them))).

Being atracted to children != having sex with children

Read OP's post. He doesn't want to diddle kiddies cause he knows it's wrong but can't help finding them sexy. Some people can comtrol their urges, you know.

Demonized doesn't mean arrested. Homosexuality used to be kept down with social repression and ostracization, the same with other undesirable traits.

I don't care, and neither does the rest of normal society. OP, I'll say it again. LIVESTREAM YOUR SUICIDE. MY TRIPS OF JUSTICE HAVE SPOKEN.

Clearly OP can't control his shit since he's sperging out to his coworkers about wanting to diddle kiddies. The fact that you see that as acceptable speaks volumes to how degenerate your society has become.

>Following normalshit tier advice
Why man, why? Normals only like people that are like them. It sucks you fell for the memes

>immediately stamp them out
That usually means have them all killed for no other reason than you being a brainwashed retard.

I'd prefer they kill themselves.

A person should kill themselves even though they have done nothing wrong? Well fuck, guess everyone should do that too.

Their existence is wrong.

Even talking about sexual preference can be considered sexual harassment. to normies It would be like saying you have a weird fetish to a coworker. Bc thats what it is to them. OP was right to get fired, normies cannot work with people they do not like

>pedophiles are just misunderstood :(
I'm the brainwashed retard? Hahahahahahahahahaha ok Shlomo

Should people with rape fetishes be treated like rapists?
No, why apply the same thing to someone with a kid fetish. He isn't harming anybody.

Opinion based and therefore meaningless. Less feelings, more logic, reason, and facts.

Never once did I say that. If you're going to try to put words in my mouth, do a better job at it.

>Should people with rape fetishes be treated like rapists?
Yes. They should also kill themselves. All perverts should kill themselves. It is the most moral action they can take. Why is this hard for you to understand? We need healthy, normal people in society. Not degenerates and genetic rejects.

>Opinion based and therefore meaningless. Less feelings, more logic, reason, and facts.
Here's logic for you
>raping children is bad
>there are people who want to rape children
>ergo, people who want to rape children are bad
>bad people should die
>ergo, people who want to rape children should die
Wow! Isn't that something?

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Damn user I have no words

B-b-but that would be mean :(

If you're going to approach this biologically, then at least so so correctly, you absolutely mongoloid.

The idea of eugenics is incredibly flawed at its most basic level and very well could lead to humanity's extinction if implemented.

Having "good" genes is not NEARLY as important as having a very large and varied gene pool from which adapations to any changes in the environment may arise.

Feeling a bit worried about being an undesirable huh? "Genetic diversity" need not include pedos, retards, cripples, and autists. They are only alive because our post-scarcity society and idiotic liberal politics allow them to live. That should change.

>raping children is bad
I agree with you.
>there are people who want to rape children
This is true
>ergo, people who want to rape children are bad
Bad, but haven't committed a crime
>bad people should die
"Bad" is subjective
>ergo, people who want to rape children should die
No, people who have raped children should be killed.

Again, you're equating pedophile with child rapist. A lot of people who aren't pedophiles rape children. I'll state this again and maybe it'll get through your brainwashing. A pedophile is simply a person who is sexually attracted to prepubescent boys/girls. Stop equating it with anything else.

You're also advocating killing people for thought crimes. Again, if that's the case then everyone should be killed.

Are you just stupid or were you raped?

>raping children is bad
>there are people who want to rape children
>ergo, people who rape children are bad
>ergo, people who do rape children should die

>Pedophiles existence is totally fine
He's the stupid one? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Neither. I'm just not tolerant of your disease.

peak Jow Forums

>You're also advocating killing people for thought crimes.
>Again, if that's the case then everyone should be killed.
No. Most people aren't pedos like yourself.

No lmao, I'm not worried at all. Our "post-scarcity society and idiotic liberal politics" are protecting me :^)

And it's pretty obvious you don't know the first thing about basic biology, let alone genetics or evolutionary biology.

Absolutely the spiciest take and also my new position

By your logic anyone that has ever had the thought about hurting someone should be killed, which is basically everyone on the planet.

I'm not a pedophile, but I see what you're doing. You're using the same tactics SJWs use by calling people that disagree with them nazis, hitler, racists, etc.

>nazis are the real SJWs!!! MY BRAIN IS SO BIG

Didn't claim that, but try harder to put words in my mouth.

>Our "post-scarcity society and idiotic liberal politics" are protecting me
There you have it folks. Liberalism protects pedos, as told by a pedo. Any liberals care to chime in on this? How does it feel knowing that your ideology protects pedos?

I never once said I was a pedo lmao. I'm gay. Jesus you really see what you want to see in people's posts.

>By your logic anyone that has ever had the thought about hurting someone should be killed, which is basically everyone on the planet.
No. Just pedos and other deleterious scum on society.
>You're using the same tactics SJWs use by calling people that disagree with them nazis, hitler, racists, etc.
What does this have to do with anything? I'm literally arguing for purges and eugenics. Do you think I care if someone calls me a Nazi?

Go ahead and tell me how you're going to read the minds of every single person on the planet. Then tell me how you're going to kill those people by yourself.

You're arguing using a fallacy by trying to discredit everything I say by calling me words like pedo. It's the same tactics used by SJWs and others that can't argue using facts, logic, and reason. You're just far too irrational and emotional. Again, try using facts next time.

We can start with you and OP how about that

Your first mistake was assuming people take mental illness seriously or treat it with empathy.

Sorry user.

I had a similar stupid idea to just come out and tell people I regularly experience suicidal thoughts because I was sick of dealing with them by myself all of the time. I thought I'd get help. Nope. Police called. Transported to hospital and locked in what was basically solitary confinement. Huge bill I couldn't pay, no one helped me or talked to me while I was there either. I've had clinical depression and PTSD for years; explaining it to people was only greeted with disinterest or dudebro "just be happy" responses.

Want to an hero together?

You're salvageable. Just please don't reproduce

You obviously failed at reading minds since I'm not a pedo nor find prepubescent boys/girls attractive.

No I just don't like you

why haven't you killed yourself for being such a faggot then

>Just please don't reproduce
I'm on Jow Forums

That's because you're irrational and emotional and that shit doesn't work so you hate all people that are rational, logical, and use facts.

>fuck, I broke my arm and now my genes are bad

Kill yourself you sub human faggot scvm

You know that's not what he meant moron

With how fucking stupid the rest of his points are I really can't he sure

What even is your argument exactly? I was a bit trolly before but curious what you think