Why is the incel movement growing so rapidly, especially among young white males?

Why is the incel movement growing so rapidly, especially among young white males?

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Because the internet.

Next question.

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That's not really an answer.

Jow Forums leak

because femoids only date chads and treat all ugly males like rapists

It's easy to blame women, but really it's on us (men)

Men and boys are growing up without the skills and emotional range to be truly successful these days. That's why the most common advice given is "self improvement"

Decades ago, men probably could get away with the bare minimum but now the world expects more from everyone. Many men and boys are being left behind and in many cases it's not their fault.

Because men aren't falling for that shit any more. They realize that the internet and various medias can provide them with more than a nagging girlfriend could. If it wasn't for this insatiable sexual desire I'm sure plenty of men would swear off women altogether.

It sure is.

The rise in the number of internet users has been practically exponential over the last couple of decades, and its users have also become younger.

The internet is also an incredibly efficient way of spreading really terrible ideas. There were no SJWs or alt-rights or MGTOW or incels or polysexual genderfluid slutwalks 20 years ago.

All it takes is one guy, or girl, to come up with some bullshit theory that explains about he or she is the victim of society and everyone else is wrong, and other people will flock to that like flies to shit and spread it like the common flu.

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I'll reword what I posted in Jow Forums

We as a society..

used to value marriage with the end result of producing kids as the highest priority and built our culture around that. In the news we would exclusively talk about the family. Now what do we talk about? Sex for the sake of sex. Gay sex, Tranny Sex, Kink Sex, Serial Monogamy, Hooking Up, etc. It's degenerated to the point where pleasure is ALL we talk about and kids are not even a close second. Fuck the kids they might as well be an STD now.

>I love having sex with my video games and taking my anime out on romantic dinners

The rules up and changed with this whole post modernism thing and some just can't/ won't keep up. Natural selection I guess.

1.) Social media and the internet ruining people's social skills
2.) Online dating overvaluing women in the dating/sexual market
3.) Feminism making uni admissions and jobs easier for women and further inflating their ego

If you worship the roastie a little harder, one might even let you drink Tyrone's cum out of her cunt.

what's that got to do with incels

sexual liberation has been around for nearly 60 years now and incels is a thing that was created like earlier this year

Video games and social media ruined an entire generation of men.

Learn to socialize before it’s too late.

I don't know what you're trying to say here.

Are you gay? Do you have a sweet cuddly boyfriend as the replacement for the physical and emotional satisfaction that a girlfriend would bring?

Young white males are the shittiest, most entitled, most disillusioned and poorly socialized members of our society, obviously. Due to the fact that they are born into favorable socioeconomic conditions they the only that has the most freedom and money to remain unemployed, live with their parents and develop no skills or relationships. It takes money to stay at home and do nothing and white people are in the best financial position to provide that for their children.

>inb4 white people are being oppressed in muh modern society
Eat a dick. Every last shred of data we have shows the exact opposite.

You’re too pathetic to be a rapist.

>shilling for pic related

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A closed off community that is hostile to newcomers is a very ripe soil to spread harmful ideals. Think of it like an old guy manipulating many children, secluding these children from their families and friends, while being cheered on for it. This is basically what extremists hugboxes are like, and much bigger than the incels I see that this is trannies doing their work, and they both have the same targets.
Nice bait thread. This will encourage lots of discussion

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>There were no SJWs or alt-rights or MGTOW or incels or polysexual genderfluid slutwalks 20 years ago.

Shit like communism and fascism spread well enough without the Internet and was directly responsible for a couple hundred million deaths. Those have to have been worse ideas than faggy meme bullshit that mostly leads to people embarrassing themselves or not getting laid.

You're trying too hard.

Keep crying you white knight faggot.

yeah but those things, and also capitalism mind you, were built around real world issues and problems that everyday people faced in everyday lives. Not some 20 year old retard with purple hair or a neckbeard whose only concern is their own genitals.

who or what did I even white knight at any point

all I did was point the ridiculous notion that video games and the internet are substitute for real-life emotional & physical connections, then you got mad and told me to eat cum or something

you sound like you're in middle school

>yeah but those things, and also capitalism mind you

Not to derail the thread, but you shouldn't go comparing capitalism to fascism or communism.

whoops I just did, it's misplaced and killed and exploited millions and millions of people all the same. Is it as bad? No. Is it perfect? No.

Well it's the cause of all of these things.

>People are marrying much later on average
>Fewer people marrying at all
>Divorce obviously lol
>Hookup culture
>Less kids
>The people left out of the new game entirely (incels)

>Is it as bad? No.

So it's not bad by your admission, but you're comparing it to ideas/systems/whatever as manifestly hostile to civilization as communism or fascism. Do you see why that's ridiculous?

Because everyone lives in video games and the internet and nobody thought to tell them this isn't a fucking viable way to live
God knows why, my parents made sure I knew. I didn't subscribe to great achievements but I'm sure not an incel and I keep a job steady enough

I think the greatest failing is that nobody's taught them how to be critical of themselves

At least half of self-identified incels aren't even white. Among the left there is this belief that because they are intersectional, their enemies must be as well. Thus anyone who spouts anti-woman or anti-gay or anti-whatever talking points must also be white. This is simply not true.

Yes it is. Like every other group as small as it could be, the Internet makes it seem bigger than it is. And as time goes by more and more people have access to the Internet. You are only aware of the """"incel movement"""" because you use websites like Jow Forums or Reddit or others alike.

itt: Blaming other people, especially women, instead of taking personal responsibility

That actually answers OP's question rather well

>inceldom is a way of life
Yeah, no. You're fucking retarded. Don't bother commenting on something if you're not even going to be honest about it's definition.

>just change your genome bro!

Speaking of trying too hard you should try a little harder at coming up with an argument.

inceldom is for absolute retards, hence white people. a proper man realizes that relationships with women is a waste of time and money, embraces it and goes his own way.

Retard question here: What's an incel? Is it another term for toxic young white men spreading false info to stir up some shit?

>shoving blame
Like clockwork
I'm sure it's my, or womens', fault that you're a useless pissant with no tact and all the personal charm of a pregnant spider

>as manifestly hostile to civilization

The ocean isn't filled with plastic because of 1940s italy or the soviet era my dude

Because many men have had poor social skills for centuries but were able to balance it out with other things. Now social skills are overvalued compared to previous generations and lots of young men are left feeling unwanted and alone.

>left out of the new game

They're not left out of the new game, there is no new game, they're just too addicted to self-pity and deluded to find a date.

incel = involuntarily celibate

It's mostly just Americans and I guess also Canadians who are into that shit, they blame all of society and the world and the universe for the fact that they can't get a date.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a bad person! I-I swear!
Grow up, buddy.

Involuntarily Celibate. It's a new buzzword to criticize single males (usually pointed at whites, because fuck em, but really it's all males) that look like potential school shooters or 'creeps'

>implying dating hasn't changed entirely.

This is actually a good explanation. There's no way to really study this, so we'll never know for certain, but yeah, this one feels right.

The men growing up without skills are usually raised by single moms without enough sense not to get knocked up.

A generation of men raised by women is now reaching adulthood, a generation thought by society both outright and subconsciously that boys are basically defective girls, that male sexuality and natural male interests are terrible and wrong.

I believe that this upbringing and the extremely quick rise of social media with it's complex social rules have overwhelmed a lot of young men and instead of trying to make sense of this mess they say "fuck it" and play video games instead.

Under pure capitalism, meaning without the state, you wouldn't have rampant and pollution like that either. Someone would pretty much always be held accountable because every space that gets polluted would be someone's private property.

[spoiler]t. libertarian[/spoiler]

You literally just did that
You literally just disagreed with me and so I'm magically stupid, despite the fact that you people embody all your venom and ineptitude; you refuse to do anything to yourselves, you just blame genes and other women for everything.
And now you come on to Jow Forums and lash out at people who would be happy to help you

Self-fulfilling prophecies on two legs honestly
In the end, I get laid. It's hard to feel super insulted by you when this whole thing started because you have the pussy on a monolithic pedestal.
>just unironically defending incels despite their atrocious demeanors, not being a virgin
I suppose that could be your case but I'm pretty sure it's not just worse, but also pretty much flips incels' problems on their ass because sex clearly won't fix anything

But this guy has a point too.

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because some men were dumb enough to give women power and free reign, thus letting them tailor society to thr degenerate mess of their desires, where men are a slave caste and nothing is sacred.
men see the coming collapse and rightfully fuel the fire by refusing to participate in the rigged system.

It isn't. The internet has just provided a sounding board to idiots that suddenly find they can connect with likeminded idiots, and simultaneously complain about the same bullshit.

Low test beta's are now rampant due to the influx of single mothers, faux women "movements" and lack of old fashion values and traditions, aka, nuclear family.

It hasn't. Some people do it through their phone too but big deal

Half of Facebook seems to be single moms. Can you just imagine what Jow Forums will look like in 15 years time? The Incel movement might catch on.

if you want to go the race-route, you should be asking what your demographic did to get to where you are. So here's the question:
Do you belong to the demographic that created the scientific method?

Guy youre responding to here: I just hire whores, fuck them, they leave, and I'm happy. So no, I don't fuck my video games. Also romantic dinners are lame and you know it.

>It's mommy's fault I can't get a date

If it were an entire generation of women to blame, then incels wouldn't entirely be made up of white redditors and r9k retards

>seems to be

In other words, isn't, but it fits your narative.

Well I guess I'm not completely autistic because I do enjoy having emotional connections with people.

Yup I have a few of those with very close friends. It's ok, dude. I don't live the same way you do.

he mad

If you're old enough, think about the difference in society from 20-30 years to today?

>There were no SJWs or alt-rights or MGTOW or incels or polysexual genderfluid slutwalks 20 years ago.
Minus the slutwalk, that shit's been around since the industrial revolution.

Now that's actually an answer.

Not an answers, trips.

You can't kiss and hug and cuddle your friends though

I mean you could but hey

but if you do that you are a promiscuous slut

The term incel was first created in 1993. It just started to be a buzzword earlier this year.

what about it?

I mean blacks are the ones most raised by single moms because their dads are in jail, but incels are entirely made up of white autistic retards and also one canadian muslim. Incels should be entirely made up of Jamals and Tyrones if the single mom theory was even remotely true

I do that with the couple usual girls I frequent. They are full service. I can give my friends hugs, though. Nothing wrong with that.

White men are retarded savages
More news at 11

Me and my friends do that all the time, and even have regular cuddle sessions.

But that's kind of rare, as most people (men in particular) can't handle that shit without getting too attached, clingy, or possessive.

tyrone goes outward with his pathos. he'll probably rape or murder.
a white boi will go insular or will find others like him. hence incel community.

>Minus the slutwalk, that shit's been around since the industrial revolution.

Are you homeschooled

>implying there isn't a huge rise in Single Moms

Hell user it's over 70% in blacks and like 40% in whites so no actually I am not wrong.

do you guys ever have j/o sessions or practice kissing

No. Why would we?

I like how the thread has gone through everything from blaming smart phones to single moms. being incel really is about blaming the entire universe for your own shortcomings.

Blacks on average have a lower intelligence, more prone to violence and have had thousands of years to "evolve" in terms of growing up in single family house holds. That is why their societies and cities are generally unsophisticated and dirty. This is a new phenomena for Whiteys.

Jamal and Tyrone are memes. There are unwanted black men believe me.


>This is a new phenomena for Whiteys.

According to some other retard, it's been around since the industrial revolution

>There are unwanted black men believe me.

They're not incel though, not everyone who is unwanted is an incel. Being an incel is being essentially another flavor of SJW. It's everyone else's fault but your own and you're the victim.

If the incels can just come up with a patriarchy of their own then maybe they could be on to something... Dare I say.. It's the Matriarchy?

>everyone else's fault and you're the victim
Everyone but incels knows this
That's why they get shit on

No. The retard is not correct. Recently, liberal agendas have caused Whites to feel bad for being White, it's not enough we subsidize others with taxes, now many Whites are subsidizing their cocks for video games.

It's sluts who are somehow whores yet won't give these 'nice guys'a chance

You completely misunderstood my post

>It's everyone else's fault but your own and you're the victim.

That was sarcasm. Incells are incels completely by choice and it is entirely their own fault for being who they are.

>liberal agendas have caused Whites to feel bad for being White
this sounds suspiciously similar to
>everyone else's fault and you're the victim

Most white people aren't incels, only autistic retards are incels

Pussy inflation is way too high

>only ugly people are incels

I said it once, but everyone ignored me so I'll say it again.


>Elliot Rodger
>Chris Harper Mercer
>Alek Minassian
Every single act of violence attributed to incels was committed by an individual of mixed race or foreign descent living in a predominantly white country. The word white just gets tacked on as an afterthought. Ironically, these people are falling for one of the things they actively criticize: treating white like it's the default state of anonymous Internet commenters. The real reason why white men catch the blame for all of this is that it's much easier to blame the group you already hate than it is to acknowledge that a lot of the people you claim to stick up for are also misogynists.


You can be decent looking and still be fucking retarded

The god damn Matriarchy is truly oppressive.

Nobody cares if they're white
>b-but these posters
they're fucking shitposters, it's Jow Forums, you know how it works or else you should be lurking moar
It's the fact that they're self-victimizing, blame-externalizing morons whose entire narrative is piss and vinegar, that's what kills them

Chad with a 70 IQ can still get laid lmao

Look at the news, propaganda. BLM movement, #metoo, illegals, etc. In essence what has happened is that due to mob mentality many Whites have retreated. Example, many black comedians can make white jokes, Rosanne makes a comparison and the fake news trashes her career. Many more examples.

oh shut up everyone in America is mixed race

>white males
What are
Incel forums are filled with nonwhites

All of those are white people user
They might be a little mixed with some foreign whites but they're still white
All were white supremacists too
You're not going to catch Ahmed, Carlito, and DeAndré doing this