When did you realize that physical attraction relies on a multitude of factors that are out of our control?
When did you realize that physical attraction relies on a multitude of factors that are out of our control?
Male physical attraction relies on his charisma, body development, and hygiene more than anything else.
when I worked my ass off to get single digit bodyfat and still looked subhuman
kind of knew it the whole time but its a cope and I had to say I at least tried my best before rotting
he's right lol if you're confident enough you can get literally any girl with mediocre looks
No, you can get a good looking girl just as well as anybody else. Especially considering that good looking girls are hit on the least.
How bad is yoir face? Didnt low bf help you in any way?
Nigger go stink up. Go to gym work a sweat don't take a shower, then go out. Only wash your dick cause you gonna get late.
Dont smell like a pussy if you want pussy
Women are judged based on looks.
Men are judged based on stature. Stature can be defined as social value, which the average of your charisma, physical appearance (height, weight, proportions, hygiene, good looks), wealth, and social standing among others. You can be born so deficient in one of these things that it cripples your social value, but for the most part male success has factors within your control.
If you're born an ugly chick you're fucked. Social value for women heavily centralizes on appearances.
jsanza and eggy are more attractive than me
low bf can definitely help for some people though so don't let my experience stop you from trying
I would drink both of their urine.
Anyone have advice on how to get over social anxiety?
You ever hang around teenagers? They can be very judgmental and petty. But you're older and wiser and you know better than to let it get under your skin. You don't over-analyze what they say. You don't get nervous about what you should/could/will say. You just relax and don't give a shit.
Obviously "don't give a shit" is easier said than done. But understanding your mindset when interacting with people that you don't care about (like teenagers) is a good way to start applying that mindset to other social engagements.
That make sense? I still struggle with social anxiety, but I feel like this helps me a bit.
The nth time i saw a hot piece of ass with ugly rich guys.
When i saw my fitbros getting rejected.
When the short but really funny guy got more bitches in highschool than anyone.
you most likely didn't have single digit
To be accurate user, as far as all mainstream versions of physics are concerned, nothing is within your control. Free will is probably an illusion, and the more we learn about any given outcome, the more we learn that factors complete out of our conscious thought or awareness are responsible for most and probably all roads that led there.
I actually don't get how so few people are able to understand this, as unromantic an idea it might be.
Looking good? Good genes to create good insertions, low body fat percentage, high muscle mass, attractive proportions and features. Genes that made you insecure enough to hit the gym but dedicated enough to stay there. Parents/friends and family that raised you in such a way that you value your physical appearance and work on it for hours a day. The right genes/upbringing/social groups that led to you being a confident person who stands tall with good posture. Etc, etc
Even if you think you chose to hit the gym and it was some kind of situation where your soul or conscious mind was able to change the physical environment, that's an illusion. Everything leading up to that choice is what caused that choice to happen. With classical physics, you're a ball predictably rolling down a hill. With quantum physics, you're a ball randomly rolling down a hill. Either way you're a ball rolling down a hill, there's no way you were ever *not* getting to the bottom
when i woke up next to your mom, OP
10/10 men would choose the left even though shes way out of their league for most of them. People have just too high standards and wouldnt settle for an average girl and thats actually natural. People would always want the best looking mate for themselves.
if you have kids, and they are mouthbreathers, look to see if a doctor can fix it, because it turns faces ugly
we live in society
people who say shit like
>She's out of your league, bro
>oh man she's out of my league
lack pride
>way out of their league
>left 5/10, right 4/10
wowzers, maybe you just have low standards
stay out of shit memes user
>charisma, body development
Things that are largely out of your control
Charisma is built while socializing, just as confidence. Body is built while working out or being active otherwise. Why do you sound like a fatty?
And eat a lot of garlic.
This 100%. Women want a powerful man more than anything.
Charisma and body development are largely decided by genetics and upbringing. Retarded boomers like you ignore this which is why your kids become school shooters.
Post what you would consider an 8 or 9/10 without makeup since I'm pretty sure the girls in OP's pic don't have any on.
This lol. Boomers have done such a poor job teaching men about women because they themselves let women rule over their families.
>Charisma and body development are largely decided by genetics and upbringing
Look at Joe Rogan. He's short an ugly. His body is good due to training. His charisma exists because he constantly talks to people, and he was a shy guy in school. All that took him to change was dedication and discipline, now he can slay pussy left and right.
>If you're born an ugly chick you're fucked.
I disagree. I often see ugly women in relationships because they usually do the smart thing; they find an equally as ugly man
Joe used to be handsome what are you talking about
This is correct
This is an average looking guy who got sort of good looking working out. Now he's just ugly while having a good body.
I used to think I was ugly until I started having girls fight over me at work.
I realized looks weren't everything when I screwed up with all of them because I can't talk to girls for shit.
you're a fucking retard
Thanks for the advice; I will attempt to do so
When did you realize that OP relies on being a faggot that are out of our control?
I'm 5'5"
You mean bone development.
If you want a defense of an incompatibilist view of free will, you can read Kane or Mele. Compatibilism is the dominant view however.
I'd advise reading Kane's introduction to the subject, or getting the rootledge companion or the oxford handbook on free will.
Most children have good bone development. It's 2018. What are you talking about?
Thanks user, surprised to get philosophy reading advice from Jow Forums.
I can see where compatabilists come from, but honestly cannot understand how they can believe that no matter how much I hear about or read on the subject. Haven't read either Kane or Mele though so I'll give Kane a chance at the very least.
This is kinda true based off my own personal experience.
no retard
Nice argument.
this unfortunately
shes wearing eyeshadow and mascara, whenever a girl has "no makeup on" she has light eye shadow and mascara
Lookism incels on suicide watch
When I finished highschool and got out into the real world I quickly realized that this whole "girls are shallow at your age, just wait till you go to college" is a meme and women remain just as shallow throughout their whole lives
I guess I'm a charismatic and hygienic pedophile :)
>get responses only from average looking or pushing 30 girls who are at age when they are kinda desperate
>all of them show signs of being promiscuous and simply looking for a fuck, and for that purpose a model guy is a good pick
>coping this hard
If right is 4/10 then left is 7/10 at least. Conversely, if left is 5/10 then right is 2/10.
Top kek my friend
I have no reason to feel that way. Do you? So far I've only seen some "experiment" screenshots as your proofs. But you don't get what they're telling. Promiscuous people on dating sites judging people by their looks. Wow, nobody would have imagined that! Guess what, no matter what you write in your profile, unless you're a good writer that can put things up creatively and interestingly, and you are actually like that in real life, you cannot show off your charisma or confidence online. There's just the chat box and no real interaction, of course looks start to matter more, it's the closest thing there is to real life when you're just looking at a screen. In real life there is the way you talk, gestures, the way you behave overall, your posture and body, your intellect and perceived status to consider. So, so far you are proving my point.
>Especially considering that good looking girls are hit on the least.
I think that is pure cope.
I'd bet money you aren't getting women who looks like the girls in the photos.
Yeah I'm sure he got all those gigs and acting opportunities because of his charisma and """""average looks"""""" lol
Too much cope ITT. Usually this pisses me off so much that I close Jow Forums and open lookism but that site is down (hopefully forever) so for my own good I'll go to sleep.
The original study referenced by the youtuber was deleted by OkCupid after they realized what it meant.
Ask a pretty girl and an average on about how much they're getting hit on. You'll be surprised, but the reality is not what you think.
I have a gf with nice tits, wide hips, good face, nice body fat percentage (she's soft, but not fat, and has a tiny waist), and she's straight up gorgeous. I am average.
How many actors are model tier looking? Huh. Not many. Most are average, but very charismatic. And yeah, your charisma and confidence matters the fuck more than looks in acting.
Pic of fat girlfriend
If your girlfriend is so drop dead gorgeous then I wany to see her body at least. Ive seen no proof from you this entire thread
>nice body fat percentage
guarantee your gf is fat
Holy shit I had to double check and they really did delete it. We literally live in such a gynocentric world that you can't criticize women even for the most inane things like calling 80% of men below average. Also while searching around I found something else I didn't know before. Apparently 40% of men are rated ZERO.
>Something like 40 percent of guys are basically rated zero
Since getting Jow Forums it's became so much easier to pick up girls - they're just more receptive in general to you.
You still need to be able to not sperg out though, getting into a girl is more just the looks just bring her in, you humour and charm her then just go in for a kiss.
Her body is very much like the OP's pic related on the left. But she's less athletic. And is 6 ft. Won't post her though, I'm a good boyfriend.
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuurreee. Let me guess 9 inch penis and 6 figure salary as well
No, I am average at everything. And I'm in a good relationship with my gf, I have morals to not post her.
Lol whatever pal. We all know "less athletic" means overweight. "Soft" ppppppfffffff hahahahahaa
Our civilization is very sick.
Oh shit you're right. Didn't even notice. Are there any females that are attractive with no makeup?
When you really peel back the veneer, you realize that women are totally responsible for clown world.
Softer means less muscle definition, not fatter. Holy shit, that cope ;)
>jsanza and eggy are more attractive than me
dude im sure you arent that bad, maybe its the lack of self confidence that turns girls off
>all the fatalism ITT
Get some /lit/ in you, faggots. Do you claim to know the future?
incels make the choice to be the way they are every day. you can't tell them anything.
Are there any porn stars like the girl on the left?
these are so useless. like 0.1% guys and ugly women. of course they will do anything to fuck him.
it doesnt really prove anything, a guy like that could go to a bar and find someone better looking
Wondering the same thing.
I'm sure this dude would have no trouble finding girls if he just read a charisma book or two
mogged originally
probably when I saw your mum op
>Charisma is built while socializing
You probably think that introverts can turn into extraverts by socializing more right? Fucking retard, brain chemistry isn't play dough. It's mostly set in stone. The brain is plastic in other ways, but not the ways you're saying.
Introverts cannot become extraverts, but extraversion is absolutely not a prerequisite for charisma.
You know how you get girls? You stop giving a flying fuck, it's honestly really easy once you start. Put effort into your appearance because it makes you feel awesome when you look in the mirror (Damn I look way fucking better than I did a few months ago"). Stop caring if she's "out of your league", stop caring if she's not as attractive as you are. Just keep interacting with people til you find someone you click with. Despite shitting on roasties for only going for a certain type of guy, robots have created an imaginary 'ideal' gf who acts and looks a certain way. If you pick your partner based on looks you'll never be happy - maybe you'll get a rush of excitement from their physical body, but then you'll want to kill yourself because they annoy the shit out of you because you just aren't compatible.
You'll get some people who haven't grown up and will reject you but that's life my dude. You can't expect everyone to like you, and if they judge you so harshly based on looks alone then the relationship wouldn't have worked anyway. I think this is the point a lot of robots miss the most, if it doesn't work when you're trying to get to know them, it's not going to work if you somehow lasso them into a relationship. Not every battle is worth fighting for, just move on.
Take solace in the fact that you're becoming the best version of yourself and you'll eventually meet someone who loves you for that.
>just stop caring bro the girls will come to you
I never said the girls will come to you. You'll still have to make an effort to meet people. Robots are in constant fear of rejection and making mistakes, that's a mental barrier they will have to get over.
Oh, and if you like them don't orbit for months, tell them your feelings within 2-3 weeks max.
just last week a friend of mine had the campus police called on him because he walked up to a girl and said hi to her
just don't be ugly bro
>that last part with the average guy
this is a good one
He probably was awkward about it, doesn't mean the campus police should have been called but honestly just tell the police she's a retard and you just said hi to be friendly and bam you're good.
The police deal with enough bullshit to know when someone is wasting their time, they are people too and hate when they have to do extra work.