Could some fembots tell me why rape is so bad?

Could some fembots tell me why rape is so bad?

The only girl I went out with won't talk to me anymore because she says I was not sensitive about her feelings about being raped. She is a cute thin girl who had a lot of problems and she was willing to talk to me and have sex with me but she said she didn't feel comfortable doing that anymore because I would not hold her when she cried about being raped and I told her I didn't see what the big deal was and I would not care if some girl had sex with me a long time ago.

Why does rape mess a girl up so much? What does it feel like that I don't get?

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You are a fucking retard OP and should kill yourself

>You are a fucking retard OP and should kill yourself
that does not help me understand user

>Be me
>In prison
>Gets anally raped

To be fair, I was horrified for months after that and even volunteered at various safe houses and charities for a year after that. It just is mentally devastating if someone imposes his body against your will on your body
Also could be that I hate fags so much and it was the thought of being fag in my mind that made me uncomfortable

What don't you fucking understand about it? Sex is not something that someone is always willing to do. Your private parts are exposed against your will which is demeaning, traumatizing and a terrible experience. Then with sex itself it's even worse

I can't believe you are even asking this question.

that's sick user why

>What don't you fucking understand about it? Sex is not something that someone is always willing to do. Your private parts are exposed against your will which is demeaning, traumatizing and a terrible experience. Then with sex itself it's even worse
if some girl put her vagina on my penis like 5 years ago i would not still cry about it and freak out

The only time a woman was ever right is when she said how come I can never be right.

If it were a fat ugly girl with a horrible stench who beat the shit out of you and held you down against your will then yeah you would. You'd be traumatized as fuck and reel every time you remembered it.

what's sick?

>sex is seen as something you share with someone you trust
>genitalia/nude body seen as private
>penetration is touted as a powerful act

>someone takes it from you without your consent
>someone forces you to show them, humiliating you
>you are penetrated, this person has power over you

If you don't view sex as a precious thing you will never understand this directly.
Would you like a strange girl beating/drugging you and penetrating your anus without lube?

You see, he's a normal fag. Just ignore him OP. As for you, lurk more.

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>Would you like a strange girl beating/drugging you and penetrating your anus without lube?

The problem isn't the rape, the problem is you. You lost your girl because you saw another person suffering and instead of helping, you rationalized why she she shouldn't feel bad. It shows you lack humanity. That's why she doesn't want you anymore. It could have been for any reason.

no. not my anus man

You will probably never be able to empathize if you weren't raised to.
I assume you'd be okay with a man raping your ass too.
Lost cause.

> Also could be that I hate fags so much and it was the thought of being fag in my mind that made me uncomfortable
Your greatest fear is to feel love from a man. Please reconsider your priorities.

but she wasnt fucked buy a girl. a man forced his dick in her. how would you feel then?

shit forgot op is a fag

>mfw i regularly harass rape victims

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My greatest fear is some man ripping another man's anus

I love to be loved by a man but no homo shit

I personally think it's because we are taught that sex is special and meaningful, and some random faggot just takes it without permission for the keks.
It's like if someone broke into your house and stole something you love and could never replace (like an old family heirloom). Yeah you'll live, and you might have other stuff, but it'll fuck with you.
inb4 this is an autistic example

AIDS and anal injury isn't love
Faggots deserve to hang

Your greatest fear comes from what two people each other? How did you find this website, user?

I know a lot of fags who are quite well hung.

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I was sitting on HLTV shitposting about vidya pro CS and someone there guided me here

I jumped a faggot a few years ago, me and my buddies cracked his head open with a bat.

Do you think it's okay for people to gang up and brutalize others in this way?

If they're queers, yes.
I wish we would have killed him. But then I would have gotten life.

Well I mean... On this website people call each other faggot. The website is loaded with gays and traps and assorted other penses who penetrate anuses of people who have penises. There are constant depictions of extreme and unpleasant faggotry and loads and loads of shitposting derived from homosexuality, ass fucking, scat, gore, vore, brutality, people getting blown apart with rocket launchers. GNAA / hello.jpg / meatspin have always been considered entry level for Jow Forums. And vanilla gay sex squicks you out?
You realize that if his brother or father or friends get the drop on you, you deserve anything you get, right? Even if they just do you in your driveway in the morning before work like a nigger. I wouldn't vote to convict, because you died by your own rules, user.

It's just a dick in a hole made to accept dick you're just weak

The thing about a girl getting raped is that its usually a lot more painful, and they arent exactly teenage boys, so they dont exactly get turned on by something like rape. Not only that, it also tells them that it is possible for it to happen again. Its basically a form of abuse, except worse because it adds with it sexual things that they dont want to do and the thought for the rest of their life that their virginity was taken by someone they didnt even care about.

Whatever, fag. I also have a prior conviction of rape, and nobody has tried avenging the slut I fucked.

Also here we find non kid loners who sit on computer all day and shitpost and talk feels for the whole day.Everyone's life here sucks. Also, when I need to feel vidya, I jump to /v/ but when I want to feel feels, I come to r9k. Pretty much the only 2 boards I use. Used some /tv but meh

Tolerate them online since I have to tolerate chads and normans irl
They look good. I don't go to those threads but no problem
>Ass fucking.
if I can't distinguish if its a man's or woman's ass, I don't mind
Never seen such thread here on r9k or v
I like gore
I need to lurk moar
As long as its non homo, I love it
>People getting blown apart with rocket lockers
I like
Never seen on r9k or v

Is she white? The average white dad is a fucking cuck, look around. It's open season on white women. If you'd fucked a rich Indian girl they'd find your balls in a chutney the next day. You took advantage of a girl. Her dad didn't do the right thing and take you out. White people are pussies, this is normal.
You need to lurk more if this is your experience. Don't just show up and start telling people what to do.

Women are retarded, they'll claim rape on anything even though they were at fault, just read the pic related.

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Piss off OP you're a fucking incel nigger kys

I have lurked for 2 years here. I have a say

>I have a say
Oh, boy...

the feeling of helplessness and being completely defenseless.

What the hell kind of wall socket is that?

UK/industrial from a long time ago

Keep doing the gods work user !

no user that's not right

Speak for yourself pussy

I want her to tie me up, sit on my face for a bit and then gag me with her panties and force me to smell her feet

>I want her to tie me up, sit on my face for a bit and then gag me with her panties and force me to smell her feet
no user just not

>>Be me
>>In prison
>>Gets anally raped
>To be fair, I was horrified for months after that and even volunteered at various safe houses and charities for a year after that. It just is mentally devastating if someone imposes his body against your will on your body
> Also could be that I hate fags so much and it was the thought of being fag in my mind that made me uncomfortable

You need to rape him back user.

gay originallo

It hurts, feels terrible and dehumanizing, and is one of the most scary and disgusting experiences to ever go through. It makes you feel like you can never be safe again, like your body doesn't belong to you any more.

It's an attack like any other kind of physical assault. But what makes it all the worse is that a) MOST of the time it's performed by someone you love, trust, and someone who is actually supposed to be protecting you

b) The person usually isn't doing it out of anger or some sense of justice, it's typically for their pleasure. It's way sicker when someone is hurting you for fun rather than hurting you because they think they have a point

c) The person raping you often threatens your life and many rapists actually kill and torture their victims

d) Often the rape causes literal damage to the person's body. If a girl is not aroused and/or is scared, her vagina will not expand enough or become lubricated enough to accommodate the penis, leading to tears, lesions, and even bleeding/cuts. Some rapists even stick blunt or sharp objects in their victims:

>it's so T R A U M A T I Z I N G
>schlicks loose roastbeef vagina to 50 shades of grey and rape fanfiction
gtfo to tumblr your fat skank

You seem awfully knowledgable about the topic, I assume you enjoy reading about it, right you filth?

rude and try hard edgy

I have been raped before and I still have rape fantasies, but they are nothing like each-other.

The settings, the actors, my age, what happens in them, etc. are all totally and utterly different and under my control. That's the key difference.

Part of this process was semi-conscious too. When the experience happened I felt bewildered and completely out of control, the worse I felt the more he enjoyed it, I was so disgusted by everything I just wanted to disappear. But when I fantasize about what I want it's on my terms, for my pleasure, and nobody even remotely like him is involved.

you enjoyed it? I don't understand

>dude so edgy of you to point out that women are filthy animals who's number one fantasy is being raped
b2 reddit cocksucker

>I still have rape fantasies
yes i know whore, kill yourself

But sex has no value to women anyways so what's the big deal?

Well you already boned her. No point in dwelling on it lad just let her sort herself out.

It's not hard to understand. No I didn't enjoy the rape at all. I still have rape fantasies, but they're dramatically different from what actual rape is like.

One of the worst things about rape is that it forces you to relinquish all control to someone abusing it. In a fantasy you are in control of every last second, it's the total opposite.

how violent was the rape did he literally hold you down or just make you feel like you had to do it emotionally?

In all honesty, rape can give women the same symptoms robots get from 20+ years of social isolation in one incident.

>waah someone wanted my body so bad he was willing to risk prison for it
>also it was so good I fantasise about the same thing still

lurk moar white knight

>One of the worst things about rape is that it forces you to relinquish all control to someone abusing it.

Good work user. Proud of you.

lol, is this you OP?

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He literally pushed me against a wall, tried to enter my vagina, failed, and then spat on his dick, spread my butt and put it in. My butt bled for a long time after it.

It didn't feel like wanting me at all, it felt like he was bored and just turned on by how much it hurt me, it was also humiliating and really disgusting. Pretty sure I peed myself, wouldn't be surprised if poop was involved, it was outside. I was a kid too so there is just nothing...he wasn't worried about prison time either since he had almost 100% guardianship over me for several weeks, I was over 100 miles away from my parents, he told me he'd kill them if I told, and I didn't even understand or have the words for what happened.

>that 15 year old zoomer who still uses spongebob memes.

I'm sure if you were raped you may change your thoughts on it quickly

>He literally pushed me against a wall, tried to enter my vagina, failed, and then spat on his dick, spread my butt and put it in. My butt bled for a long time after it.
that's really mean, did he rip off your clothes? how old were you?

stop with the fake sincerity

Just my pants around my ankles, still had my jacket and shirt on although he reached up there.

do you have any pics from when you were that age?

Oh sure, here you are

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did you say no or just struggle? he might not have known you didn't want to have sex

i think legally you have to say no

>mfw you're a fucking bitch in your own dreams
how does it feel user?

>muh rape
>muh dignity
>muh sex is precious
>proceeds to slut around until you finally hit the wall in your 30s after having thousands upon thousands of sexual encounters
OP, let me give you a piece of advice.
Never trust a woman, never believe anything that comes out of their mouth, never take them seriously, never waste time trying to reason or understand them. You'll be happier this way.

It's a loss of power that is dehumanizing, and while it's painful, by it's very nature it is pleasurable. This can lead to guilty feelings about feeling good from something you didn't enjoy, and can really fuck with a person.

Basically, imagine if someone forced you to stab the person you love most, and they forced you to actually enjoy it on some level. It would fuck with you.

What do you call it when someone forces you to have sex with them?

>What do you call it when someone forces you to have sex with them?
a lucky day!

Finally, something that actually answers the question.

Having consensual sex and being raped are not anything alike.
It's like the difference between self-harm and being fucking stabbed, or the difference between willingly taking drugs, and being drugged.

If you can't see the difference you are far more autistic than previously deduced and you ought to seek mental healthcare.

This is not a good example and mostly wrong.

are you pretty?

would you say

>>sex is seen as something you share with someone you trust
you yet you whores meet up with complete strangers from tinder just cause they have nice abs. fuck off roastie and go bite a bullet cum sleeve!

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I haven't been raped, so I'm mostly just assuming, in my defense.

Rape is instant sex, it destroy any control they have over you thats why they hate rape so much. Men on the otherhand hate rape because unless you are gay a dick in your asshole is torture.

so you're defending whoredom? in my opinion a whore can not be raped she, her body is already violated so it's not rape and she's been through 100s of nigger dicks I don't see how that could be anything but a slight inconvenience for her.

>so you're defending whoredom? in my opinion a whore can not be raped
what is wrong with you

All the replies to this post are just further proof that Jow Forums is incapable of understanding anything. Being forced to have sex against your will is incredibly humiliating and stressful to the human psyche and will potentially fuck you up for decades.

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nothing I just don't see how a woman that has had sex with men she doesn't even know just because they have nice abs can be raped. she already tainted and worthless there's nothing to ruin and violate. that's just my understanding off rape.
I say go for it bros these women should be fair game they deserve it.

>He didnt know that an 8 year old did not want to have sex

I was obviously screaming and crying you dumbshit

a woman that has hundreds upon hundreds of one night stands is going to be traumatized because one time she didn't want it? fucking bullshit!

Your understanding of rape is that of a third-grader.

As always, you have to project your hate against the strawman that are promiscuous women onto everything. Stop being mad that you're not getting laid, seriously. And no, I'm not a roastie or whatever, I'm a KHHV

I honestly believe a boyfriend should be able to rape his girlfriend it would be proof she loves him.

>I'm a KHHV
and i'm a fucking astronaut nice try toastie.

>rapes his girlfriend
can't happen.

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Women love giving mixed messages how could he know you didn't want it

You lack empathy,and you can't understand unless it happens to you or to someone close to you.Not your fault though

Please kill yourself. A child is not a woman. I had zero understanding of or interest in sex. There were no mixed messages.

why are women this unaware? how can you not realize you are being baited?

Here, let me help OP
>Be you
>Alone with big black guy who has a gun
>He points his gun at you and tells you to suck his dick
>you argue but big nigger hits you in the face repeatedly
>you eventually give in and get on your knees
>nigger calls you a bitch and shoves his smelly cock in your mouth and face fucks you.
>afterwards he tells you to bend over which you do because your a scared punk
>shoves his 9 inch dick in your ass without lube
>cums inside you
>beats you up, steals your shit and runs away.

It is a principle of Western Civilization that the Individual can make their own choices of what they might want *from* another individual. But the Individual that *imposes their desires upon* another individual is a criminal.