Daily reminder that this could happen to every incel out there

Daily reminder that this could happen to every incel out there.

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Now, did he enjoy it?

>rape is hot if you reverse genders
it's not you dumbfuck


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>the man was her ex-boyfriend

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>tfw this 5/10 qt will never break into my house and ''''rape'''' me

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I agree only male on female is hot

Nah that sounds pretty hot

If anybody is going to rape you the overwhelming chance is it's going to be a dude

Funny that after she'd "rape" me, I'd keep her.

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This, she looks like a cutie. The fact that she needs to do this to have sex means she's not normalfag scum, everyone wins

Like a psychotic Misaki.

You can't have sex without a boner, and to get a boner you need to be sexually aroused so how did he get raped again?

>to get a boner you need to be sexually aroused
if she threatened to cut off your cock with machete I don't thing getting hard would be a problem

The dude couldve easily slapped her around once they started having sex.

she raped a chad, duh

no he had to play his cards intelligently to keep the law on his side being a male and all. had to just take it and report it couldn't defend himself or he'd be the bad guy.

So if I lick her pussy before putting my dick inside her it's not rape? Are you just baiting or genuinely this stupid?

that sounds awesome, can a femanon do this to me please?

So it's not rape if the girl is wet?

she wanted that easy child support money. women are getting up +100.000 per month for child support.

It could. But you shouldn't get their hopes up that there's any feasible chance of it happening.

Jeez it's just a little sex. You mens rights activists think everything is rape.

said no guy ever about feminists that's just feminist fantasy dialogue.

I can't tell if it's a joke or not.

Man she's so fucking cute though, must be mental illness or something.

what was the machete for

Is there a picture of this guy.

if you get her to cum, it wasn't rape

She actually doesn't look bad.
>tfw the chances of me being in the position that guy was in are slim to none

Attached: god i wish that were me.jpg (640x186, 23K)

Montana user here.
You guys don't know how bad it is. Everyday we live in fear of the roving rape gangs of machete wielding women.
They rape whoever they want. We travel in groups at all times but we know it's just for comfort and that there's no escape.
Please send help.

that's pretty hot not gonna lie
and no matter how you turn it a female raping a male is never going to be the same as a male raping a female

>if she threatened to cut off your cock with machete
>tfw would probably be aroused by her if she said that and get hard
Is this perverted?

She could have an AR47 and I think I could still fight her off.


Would you chance it for the STDs tho?

>tfw had it happen with some home invaders

No one takes it seriously when it happens to a guy

>must be mental illness or something.

Yea ,no shit my dude

She looks like emma deody from bates motel.

>Would you chance it for the STDs tho?
Probably not if I knew she had STDs.
Did the girl in the OP have STDs?

Just reverse that, a man doing that is different

ok i know that rape is bad (dont do rape kids)

but shes actually really fucking cute holy shit.

>it's not

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It is actually because if you don't get hard you can't get raped.

>you can't get raped if you're not wet

There's something masculine about that girl's face.

You CAN get raped if you're not wet. That's precisely the problem.

>cute girls would rather rape men at machete point than be in a relationship with me

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Idk but that seems like the only reason a girl would break into a house and rape a guy.

>everyone calls her cute
>she probably makes puppy eyes and sheds a couple of tears in court and gets away scot free
>the man gets nothing and becomes the laughing stock of the village, which drives him to suicide

>cute girls would rather rape men at machete point than be in a relationship with me

1.female-on-male rape is hot
2.male-on-female rape is enjoyed by women


>the man gets nothing and becomes the laughing stock of the village, which drives him to suicide
what a redditor faggot, killing yourself because you got free pussy lmfao

Fantasy is 100% controlled by the girl, it's not anything like real rape. I have been raped and it is the most horrible and disgusting thing imaginable. I still have rape fantasies, but they are always completely different than what actually happened to me.

she cute? shes my misaki

Rape is inherently hot. It's when a man or women loses themselves in lust for another person they can't control themselves. It's the ultimate form of dominance & control.

Over half of women admit to fantasies of being raped or overpowered. Almost half of men do. Almost half of men admits to fantasies where a woman resists him or he rapes her. Almost everybody can get aroused by rape.

The only reason people do not admit to these fantasies is virtue signalling and encouraging ugly rapists. However this is an anonymous imageboard so there is no reason to pretend rape isn't hot. Legality, morality, and hotness are not the same things.

Enveloping and penetrating are just not equivalently violating acts no matter what retarded MRAs say. I mean if a woman anally rapes you with a knife that's pretty fucking violating and more seriously fucked up than typical rape. If she envelops your penis, I mean that's awfully rude, but it's really not the same as your orifices being penetrated. Among other things you're less likely to bleed, get pregnant, or get an STD if you get enveloped rather than penetrated.

*The only reason people do not admit to these fantasies is virtue signalling and FEAR OF encouraging ugly rapists.

An exception to this is female rape victims who these days are allowed to say they have rape fantasies because it's empowering or something retarded like that.

Yes it's the masculinity and the penetrating, it's just more violent and forceful

>That feel when no qt yandere girlfriend who initiates sex by threatening to murder you

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>Implying a girl was really raped if she gets wet
>Implying a guy was really raped if he gets hard.

If it's legitimate rape the body has ways to shut that whole thing down.

The man was her ex boyfriend. I don't think this is happening to any incels.

Men can't be raped you fucking morons.

What's next? Fem"bot"s and feminists start celebrating St. Samantha's Day? The "Montana woman's" real name is Samantha Ray Mears.


he got a boner and ejaculated so yeah i think so