What are your immediate thoughts upon seeing this image?

what are your immediate thoughts upon seeing this image?

Attached: a0576665935_10.jpg (1198x1200, 215K)

First thought: "why are her eyes painted red?"
Second thought: "why does it look like she has a moustache?"

she is hiding her ugly face behind all that makeup.

Fucking disgusting, girls who wear makeup look like whores in my eyes and i just cant get a boner, its just so fucking disgusting for me, holy shit fuck you OP i just wanted to fap and u ruined it.

Attached: 0c9.jpg (500x500, 74K)

very aroused and reminded of how lonely i am

That she's reaIIy pretty


All girls wear make up or else they look disgusting

would date and make love to

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 04 [720p].kkv.png (548x710, 396K)

Go back to your anime weeb.

god i wish that cookie were me

I hope She has a penis hows that not origaeno

oh yea? go back to your incel subreddit, nerd

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.43_[2017.08.16_10.57.21].png (510x634, 400K)

whats your discord familiare

>>>crumbs on your lipstick


I mean unless it's a really good lipstain, then she's golden.

Not giving it out since i got doxxed last time.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2017.08.16_10.56.09].png (376x600, 308K)

who rejects something tasty just because it's crumbly and she's wearing lipstick?

eating on the toilet. gross

Put on some lipstick and try it. It feels horrible. You can't get the crumbs off without fucking up your lipstick or getting it fucking everywhere. Can't lick your lips without licking lipstick and probably leaving an outer ring of lipstick only.

The worst.

tranny fag

Oh it's you again you fucking ching Chong faggot go hang yourself by your nutsack or shove a rusty fork up your urethra you little shit

First thought: Is that a qt asian?
Second thought: Why do we not have any qt asian gf threads right now?

sex sex sex sex sex tf is she eating

Attached: 1529316002912.jpg (1280x1364, 98K)

>why does it look like she has a moustache?
because she does have a moustache, user
some girls (not that many, like one in 10 000 or something) think it's not visible and the face paint thingy hides it...
boy they are wrong...