Anyone else on The Carnivore Diet?

Why become a Carnivore?
>One study by the World Journal of Gastroenterology looked into the effects of decreasing fiber intake in people who were experiencing constipation. Les fibre was correlated with better bowel movements.

>Our brain is made up of nearly 60 percent fat so by following a diet composed of mostly fats and protein, it’s common to begin experiencing longer bouts of focus and an improved mood.

>Your body isn’t insulin sensitive. This means anytime you eat carbohydrate, it’s converted into fat rather than used for energy. Completely restricting carbohydrate will improve your insulin sensitivity.

How I structure my food:
Breakfast: eggs, cheese. and preprepared red meat.
Lunch: Chicken.
Dinner: Red Meat: Steak, Beef or mutton
Dinner 2: Fish

Constantly take milk throughout the day. Buy cheap cuts like mutton and odd parts of animals.

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Other urls found in this thread:

If I wouldn't binge eat and actually keep on track with my diet I eat a carnivore diet.
Protein to Fat ratio is proteindairy including cheese, sometimes milk, Butter
>beef including steak, ground beef, liver
>Pork including belly, bacon, sausage, fatcuts, steak ect.
>chicken, including whole chicken, chicken legs, heart, stomach and livers

Dont fancy getting diabetes and lower test levels than women

facking sheep

ps: google AGE

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t. low test vegan

Yeah, you're gonna die quickly.

How long you been carnivore?
I haven’t had anything other than meat/eggs/organ meat since January.

t. low-test fagman

Only became full carnivore in November. Was on keto diet beforehand.

>Your body isn’t insulin sensitive.

Found the fatass that doesn't lift or sprint

>Multiple societies ate nothing but meat
>Eskimos still do
>Humans always relied on meat in ancient times

I did a CKD for about three years before switching to carnivore.

I go on runs every 2 days. I also box.... Chances are I am more lean than you... If you want proof just ask


eskimo's get KFC and mcdonalds flown in on the governments dime

Nice argument

see ya at the cemetery in a few years bud

>Trusting what aligns with government agencies’ recommendations when it comes to diet
Enjoy your grains, peasant

unironically am starting tomorrow. have bought 20% ground beef and am starting with 2.2lb a day.
i don't see it as a permanent solution but i need a change desu. obviously i want the fat loss and muscle retention/gain but i want to see if the anti inflammation claims are true.

Don’t be afraid to branch out to other stuff. Doesn’t have to be just beef
Eggs are great as well as fish

>cooked food

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Will do, I plan to add eggs and probably mackerel

Do you need to add any supps?

Depends on what you mean by supps. Multivitamin? Protein powder? Fish oil? Be more specific

Multivitamin or specific ones you need more of
Fish oil if you're buying the cheaper meats with supposedly less omega than the grass fed stuff

You don’t need multivitamins as long as you vary what you eat. I have no signs of vitamin deficiency but I also eat a lot of fish, organs, eggs, etc.
If I’m going to go for a while without having fish I’ll pop some fish oil pills for the omega 3’s but that’s it

ok thanks m8

One key is eating beef liver like once a week and staying in ketosis.

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

I personally do beef liverwurst. Has kidney, heart, and liver. Tastes fuckin’ delicious too

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I eat shortly fried fresh beef liver (thinking about steaming it).
Also chicken liver and heart (fucking cheap and full of proteins).

I like chicken heart, but haven’t been able to find chicken heart without the gizzards. Gizzards are fucking gross

I started the carnivore diet this week. Did you get diarrhea when you first started? If so how long did it last before things normalized? I want to stick to it for at least 30 days but I can't afford to have water coming out my ass for a month.

What are you eating specifically? Probably eating too much fat, that always gives me mad mud-butt

I've been having eggs and bacon in the morning, sometimes with a burger patty, chicken thighs or sardines for lunch, and either steak or ground beef for dinner. I've only been at it for about 4 days and I've heard some people say it can take up to 30 days for the stomach to adjust but I'm hoping that's not the case.

Fucking retarded
>Anyone else on X diet where we cut out entire food groups?

This is how you die you fucking idiot. Humans evolved to be able to eat everything that ever lived and became dependent on that and we don’t do too well when we try to undo hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. How are you going to get vitamin C? Or magnesium? Or calcium? Or every fucking antioxidant and other plant-exclusive nutrient in the world?
>I-I’ll just supplement it
Then what’s the fucking point? If you’re taking pills with plant or chemical extracts you aren’t a carnivore anymore you’re a guy eating meat and pills.

Literally worse than vegetarians and paleo fags

does sugar-free gum like trident fuck up ketosis?

ive been eating 8oz of king salmon, 8oz of ny strip with some eggs and turkey bacon for dinner and still can't lose weight. it's becoming pretty annoying. I've been fasting through the morning. I'm coming off shoulder surgery back in feb and have been lifting again for a little over a month

>Or magnesium? Or calcium?
Bones, egg shells,fish, fish scales, milk
>vitamin C
literally not necessary
>plant-exclusive nutrients
Not a single one that is actually needed as they all exist as precursors for animal nutrients.

I would never do this diet without eating some kind of liver which is hard to get in my progressive bougie town

Correct, this is completely unfeasible if muscle meats are the only thing consumed. It's the primary reason why a lot of people that "try" it end up with terrible health problems.

That and I could never give up delicious Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach.

>>Vitamin C
>literally not necessary
What the fuck? Am I talking to sv3rige?

This is the level of delusion in people doing the carnivore diet. Hopefully when your gums start bleeding and you have bruises all over you realize scurvy isn’t a meme. Or alternatively, if you’re eating enough liver to not be deficient in it, hopefully the constant puking from vitamin A toxicity is enough to turn you off.

>not understanding that you can easily get adequate micronutrients from organ meats and fish, and that this diet isn’t just “LOL EAT A MILLION BURGERS EX DEE”

Fucking retard, get off my board

>>vitamin C
>literally not necessary
the absolute fucking state of this retarded fucking board

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Try actually doing some independent research for once.

Vitamin C is found in fish, imagine not being able to do a single google search

>>vitamin C
>literally not necessary

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>vitamin C not necessary
>vitamin C is in fish

I guess all those sailors that died of scurvy in the 17th and 18th centuries were just faking it after all, huh?

Yes, that is what happens on a glucogenic diet with insufficient vitamin C.

When the fuck did I say anything about a burger? Burgers are barely even meat you retard. The fact that you think I must be that stupid because I think your diet is unhealthy shows your level of absurd disconnection. As I said in my post before, if you rely on organ meats for micronutrients you will develop Vitamin A toxicity in the longterm. Unlike the vitamin A precursors in plants, the vitamin A in liver is premade retinol. The toxic dose for this is 25,000 IU every day for 6 years or 100,000 IU every day for 6 months. For reference, 6oz of beef liver has 30,000 IU.

You need to eat 3kg (6 and a half pounds) of atlantic salmon every day to meet your vitamin C needs.
Hmm, looks like it’s necessary to make collagen...what’s that? Oh yeah, the protein that makes up your skin, joints, gums, tendons, hair, and nails. Yeah, we probably don’t need that.

>everyone, regardless of any factor, especially diet, requires the same amount of micronutrients

>the ”daily value” of micronutrients you need provided by the same FDA that recommends 56 grams of protein a day for the average male are true and accurate, again regardless of diet

Is this the power of a glucose-powered brain?

>what is dietary collagen
>what is glycine and other so-called "non-essential" amino acids

The effects of vitamin C are by all accounts synergistic with glucose, there is absolutely no proof that vitamin C deficiency in itself causes scurvy, only that supplementation cures it (so does fresh meat by the way). If you are not eating a glucogenic diet there is absolutely no indication that specific vitamin C intake is necessary.

Nice argument you’ve got there bud. Too bad I was citing 90mg of Vitamin C, the amount needed for a small sedentary man. If you’re larger that’s going to be more. If you’re a small woman then maybe you only need 60mg or so and can get away with eating only 2kg of atlantic salmon. Too bad that’s 4000 calories and you’re a small woman with a maintenance of 1800.

And the RDAs are all minimums. 56g of protein is what’s necessary to avoid a deficiency, just like 90mg of vitamin C.

I have good news, you only need 60 mg of Vitamin C a day with your shitty carbohydrate-rich diet.

CLICK HERE to FIND OUT how these insecure men are ruining their HEALTH, the PLANET and hurting as many ANIMALS as they possibly can with just ONE WEIRD TRICK based on a STUDY on POOP, "BRAIN FAT, EAT FAT MAKE BRAIN GOODER" and a COMPLETE MISUNDERSTANDING of CARB METABOLISM!!!!!!!!

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>cares about hurting animals
Stopped reading right there, go eat more leaves vegan faggot

Dietary collagen is a protein, and like any protein, it’s going to break down in the stomach to amino acids. In this case glycine and proline. Citing a bunch of studies about how glycine and dietary collagen improve your skin means nothing. Taking collagen precursors increases collagen synthesis, so collagen precursors are all you need to make collagen? Is that your actual fucking argument? Well fuck me then, who needs vitamin C I’m just going to go inject HGH in my ass because that increases collagen production too. Except not, because Vitamin C is still an essential cofactor in making collagen from amino acids:
>Ascorbate is required for hydroxylation of proline residues in procollagen and hydroxyproline stabilizes the collagen triple helical structure. Consequently, ascorbate stimulates procollagen secretion.
>The inhibitor appears to consist of two IGF-binding proteins induced during vitamin C deficiency and starving and may be responsible for in vivo inhibition of collagen and proteoglycan synthesis.

K, there’s still 3mg of vitamin C in half a salmon filet.

Imagine caring about the lives of that which is meant to be eaten

You didn’t get my joke. I’m calling you a small, sedentary woman.

I had a similar diet during my first year of college. I didn't have time to cook creative shit, so I basically ate a big 500g beef steak each day and lots of eggs/milk. I was on a high protein/fat diet. almost keto. I filled the remaining calories with whatever the fuck I could find, which wasn't too healthy.

unwillingly lost a bunch of weight. I was probably eating close to 1kg of meat daily. I skipped breakfast so it was nearly impossible for me to hit my daily calorie count. lost like 10kg in half a year.


;) goteem

Like clockwork.

It wasn’t your magical carnivore diet that made you lose the weight, you dunce. You were eating below your maintenance calorie requirement. You could have accomplished the same feat on Twinkies.


>Larps that he doesn't care, but is in fact riddled with cognitive dissonance

>Says that it animals are to be eaten, provides 0 evidence, and has none

no need to be rude, I'm not claiming high meat diets are magic. just sharing my experience.

>cognitive dissonance

No shit, fucking nigger.

First reply reeks of insecurity. He literally won't care because he is so scared of having feelings, which he associates with the feminine. Hence someone eating plants and caring about animals is a "faggot".

Second reply is just a perfect example of the simplistic reasoning of people doing this diet. The intentions of the industry breeding the animals was for them to die, somehow that means to the second brainlet that caring about them is absurd. If I breed children to sell as sex slaves I guess he would say(I might give him too much credit in assuming he can stay consistent in his reasoning) something like :

>Imagine caring about the lives of that which is meant to be fucked

>Psychoanalyzing someone on an internet message board

It's just too obvious.

You might be the dumbest person I’ve interacted with on here today

vitamin c is broken down by cooking, if you eat raw meat you'll have plenty of vitamin c

there's really no reason to cut out all plant-based foods, just cut out the ones that are too full of anti-nutrients or cannot be processed to be healthier.